Go for a walk.

The run was crisp and clear, without a bit of drag, and they returned to see the lively Anko. They were a little dumbfounded. This is too embarrassing. Run without a trick, of course, if you count the Edo Tensei technique, another cup of tea .

Yuehua was able to sense her position in the ground, but Sandaime Kazekage entangled him so hard that he could not ignore these destructive power and the amazing iron sand, and went after him.

“It’s cheaper for you this time, it’s your luck.” Yuehua hesitated, gave up the hunting bag, and began to deal with the Sandaime Kazekage in front of her.


Anko was suddenly relaxed, and the suppressed tiredness and pain surged like tide water. In order to protect Sakura and Hinata, she was consumed too much, and the stretched taut’s nerves could not hold it as soon as it was loosened, and she fell on her head. On the ground.

“Sister Anko! I’ll treat you now, Mystical Palm Aura Technique.”

Sakura swallowed a special ultra-bitter military pill. Both hands Hollow floated on Anko’s waist and abdomen. The wound was the worst here. A deep wound was cut by the iron sand spear, and the wound was still mixed. iron sand grains, which will make the wound worsen.

“Hinata, can you please pay attention to the surrounding situation, and I will concentrate on helping Sister Anko.” Sakura controlled Chakra and peeled the iron sand grains from the flesh a little bit, then stopped the bleeding and let the wound slowly to heal, during this period Focus reached its extreme, and everything around her was ignored by her.

Hinata was silent on the side, Byakugan was watching all the trees and all around, and the sky and the ground were within the surveillance range.

“Jiton, iron sand spear.”

When Sandaime Kazekage beckoned, it was another black iron sand lance, which shot like a storm.

“Should it be said to be lineage? Gold Dust, iron sand, and Gaara’s sand … or Yondaime Kazekage’s Gold Dust, is even more valuable.” Yuehua couldn’t help but tsukkomi got up, only Solved Yondaime Kazekage, but also had a hard time with Sandaime Kazekage, although the strength of this Sandaime Kazekage does not seem to be very strong.

The wind wall blocked the front and easily flew over the iron sand lance. Dankū Although the defensive power is outstanding, Sandaime Kazekage’s Attack is a bit soft, and the force on the iron sand lance is unexpectedly weak.

“What’s the situation? Is the quality of the offering a little worse?” Yuehua frowned slightly, looking at Sandaime Kazekage surrounded by black iron sand, and she rushed over like this.

“Jiton, iron sand.”

Sandaime Kazekage took the trick, the black iron sand divided into a torrent, instantly forming each and everyone rings, trapped Yuehua in the middle, and the black rings gradually became smaller from top to bottom, looking like A funnel, except that this funnel is very dangerous. The inside of the ring is distributed with sharp thorns. If it hits it, it will definitely pass through.

“Jiton, iron sand.”

A large swath of iron sand rolled and gathered in the sky, forming an upside-down hill, with the peak pointed downward and down, and fell with a harsh air boom.

Two consecutive moves, the iron sand ring and the iron sand hill attracted each other, so that the speed of the iron sand mountain fell to an extreme. In a blink of an eye, like the garlic, the iron sand peaks were dug into the funnel-shaped circle array. in.


It was Kakashi who exclaimed, and fled. He thought about it without chasing, but moved to Anko to protect their safety, watching the two battles at the same time.

Then I saw Yuehua hit by Great Move by Sandaime Kazekage …

“Awesome trick, it was almost killed. Although your Strength is a lot weaker than Yondaime Kazekage, but the fighting level is very high, and Jiton is better than him.” Longsword slipped in from Sandaime Kazekage’s vest The cold cold air eruption came out, and the ice quickly spread from the wound.

“It was a weird avatar just now.” The Sharingan of three tomoe spins quickly, and Kakashi sees the changes before Yuehua. At the moment when the iron sand peak and the iron sand ring meet, Yuehua ’s body Suddenly it turned into a piece of ice, and it was crushed into the finest particles by the heavy blow of the iron sand peak.

And Yuehua ’s main body appeared in the sky without any damage. When Sandaime Kazekage was consumed too much and the body was stiff, she gave Sandaime Kazekage sword. Although Edo Tensei had almost endless Chakra, it broke out in one shot. It also takes time to recover, otherwise you can start great move all the way and you don’t need to hit it at all.

Sandaime Kazekage trembled slightly on his limbs, pale ice quickly annihilated his body, Yuehua pulled Hyōrinmaru and flew out, leaving only a huge ice cube in front of him, round and smooth, looking like an amber, Inside is Sandaime Kazekage, which is surrounded by black iron sand.

The smooth ice cube slammed into the earth below, losing Jiton’s Flying power, Yuehua also pulled Hyōrinmaru, the ice cube naturally fell, and the earth was smashed out of a huge deep pit, but the ice cube did not With a little sign of cracking, Sandaime Kazekage was sealed inside.

Yuehua ignored the Sandaime Kazekage who had lost her battle strength, her eyes fell down, she took a look at Bai, who was fighting the lost position, and then she turned her eyes on Ghost Pill.

The ice wings fanned and quietly landed next to the ghost pill, Yuehua carefully looked at this already fainting youngster.

The ghost pill is completely comatose, and his eyes are turned up dumbly. He can’t see the eyeballs. There is only bloody white of the eye. The saliva slips from the corner of the mouth. He can still stand here now, completely medical power He is still squeezing his body strength. If he continues, the ghost pill has only one dead end, and he will be squeezed to work.

“It’s still so vicious and merciless for this bastard, so small children can go down.” Yuehua was sighed, Hyōrinmaru put it on the neck of Ghost Pill, but hesitated, pulled back Longsword, and his left hand fell on Ghost pill on shoulder.

“Numb finger.”

A faint lightning current flowed from between the fingers, hitting the body of the ghost pill, and a gurgling ghost pill opened his mouth and spit out the blood, and then the whole person was going to fall down, held by Yuehua, and slowly placed on the ground.

The ghost pill’s body was over-pressed by the medicine. Yuehua originally wanted to knock him down with Lightning, but the pondered feared that the Lightning Strength was too strong, and directly killed Hollow’s weak ghost pill, so she changed her numb fingers.

Lightning paralyzes the neuromuscle of Ghost Pill, cuts off the influence of medicine, and solves the interference manipulation of Sanbi without killing Ghost Pill.

“It’s up to you, Karin!”

Yuehua glanced indifferently towards the center of the lake and cut off the interference with Sanbi. According to Karin, this battle should be considered to have come to an end, and the battle over the white side has finally come to an end.

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