Orochimaru’s Base is still so dark and mysterious.

In a room, Ishigaki brother lay asleep on the bed, with black patterns appearing on the neck, and continued to grow slowly, spreading to the whole body.

“Karin, is there any problem?” Yue Hua pushed in the door.

“There is no problem for the time being, Chakra is very stable, the fusion of curse seal is smooth, there is no symptoms of maladjustment, and it will probably end by night, and you should be able to wake up by that time.” Karin hiccupped in a chair hurrying hurriedly said.

After returning to Base, Yuehua and everyone met and exchanged a circle. Two curse seals were applied to Ishigaki brother. After all, Yuehua did not have time to truly tame the two. They are different from Hualian siblings. After all is Stone Ninja. .

Fortunately, for the restraint of the curse seal, Ishigaki brother not at all expressed resistance, otherwise Yuehua will have a headache. He doesn’t want to use an overly tough method. Even if there is a restraint of the curse seal, there will still be hidden dangers in driving.

However, for the reason why Ishigaki brother did not resist, Yuehua also counted it. Unlike when she just fled the Country of Earth, now Ishigaki brother has calmed down and understands that if she wants revenge, she can only rely on one side who is not weaker than Stone Ninja. .

The strength and influence shown by Yuehua is undoubtedly a good choice, so it will be so smooth.

“When Ishigaki brother wakes up, Karin, you and Bai, take Ishigaki brother back to the Country of Fire, go to the Base at the address I gave you, and build our own laboratory there.” Yue Hua continued Said.

“Am I with Bai? What about Natsume?” Karin asked out loud.

“Natsume, Takuya, and Hitomi. The three of them participated in the battle with me this time. This is also a good training opportunity, especially for Takuya. As for Natsume, let him and Cloud Ninja have more contact. After all, Cloud Ninja is also good at Raiton, “Yuehua said.

“Yes, where is Bai?” Yuehua asked suddenly.

“In plain words … it should be in the training stadium, the training stadium near the prison, where he trains with people.” Karin hand seal sense.

“Then Karin, you’re staring here, I’ll see Bai.” Yue Hua raised her hand and left.

The training stadium near the underground prison.

This was originally transformed from a natural cave. The ceiling is not a flat ceiling, but an inverted stalactite. The densely packed stone stalactite is like a gun forest hanging from the top of the head. There is even a dark in the field. The river passes.

“Hyoton, the ice-breaking White Tiger.” Bai stepped on Shunpo quickly retreat, both hands hand seal, an ice tiger rushed out from the dark river next to him, imposing manner rushed up, leaving a clump on the ground The ice pile, biting coldly, opened his cold mouth.

“Dance of the Camellia.”

Kimimaro’s movements and its lightness and beauty. The bone blade in his hand slashed quickly, smashing the icy tiger that rushed up, but the Level 1 Frost was also attached to the bone blade, and spread quickly, extending upward along the arm.

“Don’t underestimate me!” Kimimaro expressionless, without a look of panic, just bounced the bone blade in his hand, and the blue green Flame on the split second bone blade ignited the ice.

“What is this Ability? Does Shikotsumyaku still have this usage?” Bai Gao big eyes, he and Kimimaro spar several times in the past two days, this is the first time he saw this trick.

“It’s very simple. The bones of the human body are mainly composed of calcium mixed with other substances, and that other substance is phosphorus. Phosphorus is combustible. Although the heat generated by the phosphorus fire is not enough, the melting of the ice is still possible.”

Kimimaro explained very knowledgeably, shook the bone blade in his hands, and the blue flame of Flame fluttered in the wind, melting the thin ice on Kimimaro’s arm.

“Get here today, someone is here.” Kimimaro did not launch Attack again, but extinguished the phosphorous fire on the bone blade, threw the bone blade into the dark river next to him, and turned his head towards the entrance of the cave.

“Kimimaro, long time no see, it looks like your Kekkei Genkai’s disease has been cured, right?” Yuehua looked at Kimimaro in amazement, but did not expect that he really cured Kimimaro’s Kekkei Genkai’s disease, and she really took the guy Talent is terrifying.

“Is that you? … Ao 幡 Yuehua, isn’t it?” Kimimaro stared at Yuehua with his eyes on, dressed, and neither slow nor hurried went out until he stopped in front of Yuehua.

Confronted nervously, Yuehua slightly looked up at Kimimaro. Even if she was sick in bed, Kimimaro’s body was growing. The height of one meter seven was much higher than Yuehua, but Kimimaro was ten 6 years old. Only fourteen years old.

“Kimimaro, your competition is over … Yuehua is here too!” It was Chonggo who was rushing out, and after Keikei Genkai of Kimimaro got sick, Chonggo also swayed out of prison, and followed Kimimaro’s behind one day He just went to the toilet just now.

“What are you two doing?” Chongwu asked curiously.

“It’s nothing.”

“Chongwu, go back.”

Kimimaro and Yuehua looked back, Kimimaro walked past Yuehua, took Kimimaro with a blank expression and walked out, and stopped at the entrance of the cave.

“Ao 幡 月华, no matter what purpose you are near Orochimaru-sama, if you dare to obstruct Orochimaru-sama, I will kill you by hand, remember it for me.”

After leaving the words, Kimimaro disappeared at the entrance with Chunggo.

“Takeri Kimimaro … This Murderous Aura is really amazing.” When Yuehua laughed, just before Kimimaro spoke, the kind of Murderous Aura was firmly locked to Yuehua, “If I was in the past, I might be really Scared, but I’m not scared now. “

“Yuehua Lord, is it okay?” Bai walked to Yuehua’s side with a look of worry in his eyes, and Kimimaro just said what he heard perfectly clear.

“It’s okay, what can happen? I don’t plan to turn my face with Orochimaru, at least for the moment, I don’t have that preparation.” Yue Hua’s smile remains unchanged. There are variables. “

“Compared to this, Bai, your Strength has improved, and you have realized the deeper shape transformation of Hyoton. That move was beautiful just now.” Yuehua emotionally said that Bai’s Talent did live up to his expectations, especially At Orochimaru, Bai is basically studying by himself, but occasionally he has tried with Yuehua, and Hyōrinmaru and Hyoton have verified it.

“You have won the prize, Yuehua Lord. My Strength is still far behind. I have no confidence in Kimimaro.” Bai was humbled and did not have any complacency.

“Uhh … your comparison object …” Yuehua shook her head, “And you don’t have the full confidence against Kimimaro, but you still have a winning percentage of six or seven points.”

This time Bai didn’t refute, just laughed and said nothing.

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