“Doton, Sludge.”

“Katon, Yanwang.”

Two shadows quickly shuttled through the mountain forest, one shuriken passed by, nailed to the ground and the tree, and the two quickly turned to release the prepared Ninjutsu.

A muddy marsh stopped on the road, and the big trees next to it were all lit by Flame. The blazing fire was burning fiercely. A big tree was like a stump. The fire on the branches and leaves connected to each other to form a side. The big big fire net stopped the pursuit.

Without any hesitation, Ninja wearing a weird pattern mask continued to run away, avoiding the shuriken and kunai that kept coming, and ignored the chaser who was stopped on the other side of the Flame net.

“Mixed accounts, who can do Doton, or Suiton! Break for me! Open this Damned Flame network.” Leader’s Cloud Ninja flustered and exasperated looks at the fire network in front of him, he is a simple Thunder Attribute, proficient Taijutsu and Blade Technique, Ninjutsu is not deep in retainings.

A group of Cloud Ninja look at each other in dismay, it is embarrassing that they are not good at Suiton or Doton, they are all specializing in Raiton, and they are biased towards Taijutsu stream, and Raiton Ninjutsu who does not have a large formidable power.

“This group of Konoha bastards, I want to kill them.” Dark-skinned Cloud Ninja grabbed her hair violently, but had no choice but to vent her anger through cursed.

“Suiton, Wild Water Wave.”

A torrent of water surged out, hitting a burning gigantic tree, causing Flame to extinguish, and soon broke the Flame net, opening a path out of it.

“Oh, Mayumi Captain, you’re finally here.” Cloud Ninja, who was cursed at the jump, immediately laughed when he saw someone.

Cloud Ninja with short golden hair, Ao years, Fong Gong frowning, said in a stunned voice, “Why are you stunning? Hurry up and catch up with me. If these guys from Konoha run away, we will be ashamed and left home.”


All Cloud Ninjas were shocked, reacted to it, and the lightning flashed instantly, following the path opened by True Bow, quickly catching up.


A series of shuriken nailed to the tree trunk near the feet, Ninja at the root of the purple pattern mask looked back, and blue lightning shuttled through the mountain forest, and these Cloud Ninjas caught up again.

“Have you caught up? Haijiu, you go first. After I come to the temple, this is information.” Ninja, the root of the purple mask, lost Scroll in her arms, and took over the root of the scarlet mask of Scroll, Haijiu to not say a word, just go away.

“I didn’t expect that Shen Shiqi would die here today.” Shen Shichi reached out and touched the mask. The purple pattern was very beautiful. Both hands quickly sealed the hands, which gave him the strongest Ninjutsu he could grasp. “Doton, Earth Dragon Bullet. “

The dirt dragon stood up, opened his mouth and spit out a lot of mud bullets. The aimlessly blasted out in the mountain forest, and the broken leaves and leaves fell everywhere, but the pace of Cloud Ninja’s pursuit was also stopped.

one after another mud bullet Although many branches were interrupted, Cloud Ninjas responded quickly, all hiding behind the thick tree trunk, without receiving any damage.

“Sou sou sou.” A series of shuriken flew out, and densely packed one piece, forcing Shen Shi to have to jump in the air, avoiding the shuriken rain, he was afraid to stun, Cloud Ninja’s Raiton restrained too much.

“Suiton, Flowing Water Whip.”

A water whip suddenly stretched suddenly and tied Shen Shi in midair directly. The speed of the water whip was extremely fast.

“Raiton, Thunderbolt.”

Each shining 1,000 pierced Shen Shi’s body, and Lightning paralyzed Shen Shi’s body, leaving him too late to commit suicide and directly losing his mobility.

He fell heavily on the ground, Shen Shi stared at big eyes and looked at the Cloud Ninjas who came over. The first one was Zhen Gong. It was Raiton and Suiton who just did it. He successfully captured Root secret agent Elite Shen XVII.

“Mayumi Captain, another guy escaped, continue to chase?” Behind’s Cloud Ninja asked, Shen Shi, who looked at the ground, didn’t approach it rashly.

“Continue … Be careful.” Mayumi shout out loudly, the underfoot lightning flashed, and the whole person rushed up, then two Ao-colored windmills flew out, and easily cut off the big tree held by the three people and cut the melon. Everything is broken and in disorder like Cloud Ninja.

Except for the real bow, only two of the remaining eight Cloud Ninjas reacted. After the real bow reminded them, they jumped high and temporarily avoided the blood light disaster.

“Shen Seventeen, why did you make such a difficult situation? You are still Elite! You have enough shame today, and they have been caught alive.” Yuehua was masked, wearing a white trench coat, squatting on a tree, gaze at lying Shen XVII who couldn’t move on the ground.

“sou sou sou.”

The two Cloud Ninjas exhausted all the shuriken in their pockets. A dense shuriken rain covered Xiangyuehua, with several kunai hidden inside, and Explosive Tag wrapped around it.

“Round gate fan.”

Supporting a water shield with one hand, Yuehua did not see the shuriken rain, all the shuriken hit the water shield, but it had no effect except splashing a little ripple. As for the Explosive Tag, although it exploded, it failed. Break the defense of the round gate fan.

“Raiton, thunder.”

A lightning flew from in the sky, and then the gravity dropped. The body of Mayumi was like an arrow. A fist pointed directly at the top of the head of Yuehua, and hit him on the top of Yuehua instantly. .


The destructive force of the thunder stab directly broke the tree branch, fiercely hit the earth, and a deep cave appeared on the ground. The true bow covered in dirt drilled out, his face was somber and watery, and he looked around vigilantly. Shadow Clone Jutsu.

“Fūton, the big bird blinks.”

An Ao-colored giant bird suddenly dived down from in the sky, and the two Cloud Ninjas did not dodge at all. They were swept directly in the waist by the Ao-colored birds. Then the two Cloud Ninjas turned into four, and the blood was like Like a fountain, it couldn’t stop gushing and stained the red-brown tree trunk.

“Fūton, vacuum Odama.”

Yuehua rushed out, still dressed by Anbu, and across the blue pattern mask, Yuehua vomited out the refined Chakra, forming one after another huge wind bomb that shot out.

One after another wind bullets closely followed, weaving a large net invisibly, sealing the bow of the true bow from above, and this net with the sharpest blade, once captured, it was equivalent to entering the arms of Shinigami.

“Suiton, the water curtain.”

Mayumi’s response was really good. There was no lose one’s head out of fear, and Raiton’s strengthened body made him hand seal speed extremely fast. He raised his head and opened his mouth to spit out a water curtain in an attempt to block the falling bombs.


Mayumi ’s head is like a watermelon. It was smashed, and even his chest was blown apart by wind bombs. The whole person turned into a pool of ground meat. He still underestimated the vacuum’s formidable power, or he did not have The stronger method resistance can only fight desperately, but unfortunately he lost.

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