“Lord Son, it smells bloody, although it’s already pale.”

“The dirt is very humid, and there should be Suiton Ninja on the opposite side.”

“One, two, three, four …, son Son Lord, I sense four strange Chakra aura, Takahashi and Moriyama their aura has completely disappeared.”

A series of information came together, and Naoya Takezawa’s beautiful face did not show any expression. After listening to the subordinate report silently, he issued a command with a wave of his arm. Allow any mess in the rear, which was ordered by Mokujin Lord. “

“Yes, son, Lord.”

Neat and uniform answer sounds, the remaining Chakra fluctuations of Sensor Type Ninja immediately tracking in the sky, clearly captured Karin’s direction of their departure, Naoko Takezawa took the lead, and the entire group Speed ​​quickly chased up.

Konoha village.

Shikamaru’s expression was helpless, and when he was packing away, he never expected that such a thing would dropping from the sky, and let him act as a messenger to negotiate at Hidden Stone Village.

Tsunade told Shikamaru that at the time of the appointment, Shikamaru really had a feeling of thunder, and he was still Genin! Such an errand is too damned, but father also expressed support, Shikamaru understands that there is no room for refusal, only brace oneself promised.

“Shikamaru, pack up quickly, Asuma is already waiting for you.” Gina yelled in the living room, and warmly welcomed Asuma at the same time.

“I’ll be all right soon.” Shikamaru sighed, cheering up a bit of Spiritual. Fortunately, this time I went to the Hidden Stone to negotiate with Asuma sensei and Guy Sensei, and it wasn’t all strangers.

Out of the room, looks at Asuma sitting on the sofa drinking tea, Shikamaru waved, “Asuma sensei, go now?”

“Well, you’re ready to go. Ah Guy is waiting for us at the gate.” Asuma put down the tea cup with a smile, Shikamaru could be selected as the messenger of the negotiation.

“Let’s go.” Shikamaru touched his pocket, and Tsunade Lord’s handwritten letter was inside, which was an important chip.

“Shikamaru, be careful. The Quest arranged by Hokage-sama must not be lax. Do you still listen to Asuma’s opinion, understood?” Gina kept asking. Details about Quest Gina were unclear and would not ask. Just knowing that Quest is important.

Shikamaru bitter expression kept promised without complaining. He could feel that the old damn it 啰 嗦 was different from the usual one, which contained a great deal of anxiety, but it was suppressed and could not be released.

Gino finally stopped and watched Shikamaru and Asuma leave, and they hurried towards the gate together.

“Oh, Shikamaru, right? This time Quest keep it up 喽, let’s feel the blood of Power of Youth together.” A Guy stood at the gate, but the pedestrians used to look at rare beasts, where the enthusiasm was like fire. Posing

Shikamaru corner of the mouth was drawn. According to his past experience, this kind of bloody idiot is the hardest to do. It seems that there is a headache on the road. When I look around, I see two familiar silhouettes.

“Neji, Sakura, why are you here?” Shikamaru was surprised to see Hyūga Neji and Haruno Sakura hiding behind.

“This time in addition to Guy and me, Tsunade Lord sent Neji and Sakura to support. Neji’s Byakugan investigation is very convenient, and Sakura followed Tsunade Lord to learn the medical ninja technique, and it is now very convenient.” Asuma lit the cigarette, Meimei I took a sip before explaining.

“Oh, Shikamaru, long time no see, I didn’t expect to be able to run Quest together again this time.” Neji is now a lot less arrogant than before. As his experience increases, he will understand what the so-called genius is all about. Every year, new genius is born and old genius dies.

“Shikamaru, Quest keep it up this time.” Sakura also walked over with a smile, looking more confident than before.

“I see. Now that people are all together, let’s go, Asuma sensei, Guy sensei.” Shikamaru sighed, still a little happy in his heart, two more acquaintances really feel much better.

“Let’s go, Power of Youth is about to run towards the rising sun.” Ah Guy rushed out with a thumbs up.

“It’s noon now.” Sakura corner of the mouth twitched. How did this enlarged version of Lee feel offline?

Neji raised his sleeves helplessly, Guy sensei’s behavior is really too shameful, but fortunately this time Quest does not have Lee, otherwise the scene of two people crying head to head is really shameful.

A group of five people went out of the village like this and started hurriedly to the Country of Earth.

Hokage building.

“Shikaku, have they left?” Tsunade looks at Shikaku who pushed in the door and asked casually.

“It’s off, and Spiritual looks pretty good,” Shikaku replied, with a Lazy smile on his face.

“That doesn’t matter for the time being. The question now is the Commander-in-Chief candidate. Regardless of the success of the Country of Earth negotiations, a Commander-in-Chief must be selected to host the Land-of-Waterfall and Country of Earth. This chaotic battle. “Tsunade beckoned to Shikaku to come over and pass a stack of documents in his hand, all of them are ready for the coach.

Shikaku took the document, and after reading it, I probably understood why Tsunade was upset. The first candidate was Kakashi, so Kakashi was not allowed to go to the Country of Earth with Shikamaru, but stayed in the village.

However, even with Kakashi’s qualifications, it is not difficult to want to be the coach of the army that went to the Land-of-Waterfall. Can’t be called perfect, Elder’s Group estimates that there will be no small objections, such as Kakashi is too much Young, with no experience in hosting large-scale battles or the like, Shikaku himself can find dozens of problems, and each of them is difficult to argue.

“Kakashi ··· I’m afraid it’s not easy to be a coach. Even I can’t affect too many members of Elder’s Group, not to mention Danzō ···” Shikaku will make it difficult to point out that Lazy’s smile has been narrowed and is very serious. .

“Although Kakashi is genius, what happened to Sakumo Senior was not clear to the younger generation in the village, but the members of Elder’s Group are perfectly clear, I’m afraid …”

Tsunade rubbed his forehead with a headache, and was very upset. “If Kakashi doesn’t work, let alone the others, don’t I have a Hokage who can pick out a person who can use it?”


Tsunade took a slap on the table, and his heart was depressed, but he managed to pull the energy and did not smash the table.

Shikaku also smiled bitterly, but after a quick turn of his mind, a name came to mind, “Tsunade Lord, I and a better candidate, if it was him, Elder’s Group, or Danzō, no one could say. . “

“who is it?”

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