Headed by the three Jōnin of Takahashi, Taguchi, and Moriyama, a group of twelve of them speed running wildly along the water surface, and the goal is straight to Karin and Natsume.

Unsure of the positions of the other two, Takahashi, Taguchi, and Moriyama three people formed an offensive formation, and Takahashi took the lead, while Moriyama and Taguchi were slightly behind Gaoqiao, holding on to the sides, and holding the nine Cloud Ninjas. Divided into three columns, followed by three Captain behind.

“Yes, it’s a group of well-trained guys who live up to Cloud Ninja’s name.” Natsume hid in the tree, looking through the layers of leaves, watching the movements of Cloud Ninja, sighed in his heart, at the same time With both hands firmly stamped.

“Raiton, thunder and thunder light beam.” Taguchi suddenly stopped, both hands have been hand sealed, and the rest of Cloud Ninja closed his eyes instantly. Taguchi’s body shone brightly and dazzlingly, shining all around. A piece of white.

“Hell, what the hell is this? Is it Ninjutsu that interferes with vision?” Natsume was too late to get his shot, but he couldn’t see anything in front of her eyes that were dazzled by excessively bright rays of light. She only felt a white and blank piece, and her subconscious seal was loose. opened.

The other side’s Keita also had a similar reaction. Before the time to charge ahead, she was temporarily blinded by the rays of light. Her tears couldn’t help but stayed and rubbed her eyes involuntarily.

“Is your vision obstructed? … No, this feeling … is Genjutsu!” Sensitive Karin was instantly surprised, within the body Chakra was a stagnation, then flowed quickly, breaking the current Genjutsu.

“Suiton, Water Body Clone.”

Karin responded very quickly. She was not panic in the face of the Cloud Ninja that had rushed up. She calmed down the hand seal and released Ninjutsu. Suddenly a huge amount of water. Body Clone immediately drilled out of the water. , Densely packed crowded around Karin.

“Raiton, Sanda Muliu.” Takahashi’s whole body was twined with shining lightning, pierced out like lightning, and the body body clones of Karin’s water were cleaned along the way, while Takahashi still sprinted forward in an imposing manner, trying to follow Only the memory found Karin’s main body.

“Raiton, lightning snake tide.” Moriyama stopped and pinpointed where the most water body clone was, bursting a large area of ​​Attack Ninjutsu, thousands of blue Razers emerged, and the speed was extremely fast. Catapult forward, pierce through all the body Clone in front of the water, and fight back into a ball of water.

Thousands of thunder snakes flew out, really like the tide of the snake, twisted and tangled with each other, hooked end to end, without as easy as pie cleaning a large area in front, Karin more than half of the Water Body Clone is this move.

Nine Cloud Ninjas are struggling to kill, but Karin’s Water Body Clone is not so easy to solve. Jōnin are naturally very easy, but these Chunin are a bit hard. The three people are a team, supporting each other, barely. Qiang can destroy Water Body Clone, but Speed ​​is a bit slow.

Karin dragged herself into Genjutsu’s fast retreat. With the densely packed water Body Clones along the way, he blocked Takahashi’s sight. At the same time, he secretly worked hard and forcedly injected Chakra, which made Hitomi’s Chakra fluctuations change, and finally woke up. .

“Karin elder sister, what’s going on? I’m not fighting that Cloud Ninja …” Hitomi reacted without saying anything, “Is it Genjutsu? It’s an invincible style.”

At this time, in the ambush site of Natsume and Keita, Karin’s Water Body Clone walked in quietly, concocting and awakening them from Genjutsu.

“Karin … what is going on? Haven’t you already been killed?” Natsume yelled, excitedly clinging to Karin’s water Body Clone.

“Don’t make trouble first. I just have a water body clone. The opposite side used Genjutsu to disrupt our plan. Now there is no time to discuss countermeasures. Immediately full power attack and quickly resolve this wave of Cloud Ninja.” Karin’s water Body Clone said hurriedly, and the same was true of Keita’s side.

The whole body of Takahashi was entangled by lightning. It flew like a sharp arrow, pierced through all obstacles in front of it, and the water surface was drawn by a wind pressure formed by high speed movement.

“Hitomi, let’s take a shot together and kill this Damned Cloud Ninja.” Karin lowered Hitomi, foul-mouthed in her mouth, and kept cursing at these Cloud Ninjas, at the same time both hands hurriedly hand seal.

“Suiton, the technique of Water Dragon Bullet.” Karin also studied Nidaime’s Suiton technique, which is simplified to the extreme Indian style, which greatly saves the hand seal time and improves the practicality of the battle.

The roaring water dragon with a heavy impact quickly crashed into Takahashi from Mercedes. In the incredible eyes of Takahashi, the water dragon struck down and hit it.

“Raiton, Angry Lightning Tiger.” Taguchi’s voice suddenly sounded, and then a blue rays of light rushed out, just like the arrow off the string, looming the mighty appearance of the thunder tiger, from the top of the Takahashi Leaping over head, hit the water dragon in front.


In midair, a violent explosion occurred. Thunder Tiger and the water dragon faced together. Thunder Tiger burst open. The huge Lightning force broke the water dragon. In the sky was full of splashes of water, and it was shining in the sunlight, but Nidaime ’s Suiton is not so easy to break.

Thunder Tiger killed most of the water dragon’s body, but still had a small half of the dragon’s body smashing down, and the impact formed by its own weight could not be dare despise.

“Cracking a joke, Laozi, but Cloud Ninja, is this kind of thing like killing me? Raiton, thunder stabbing.” Takahashi growled angrily, his eyes were full of madness, and the whole body’s lightning flashed to the extreme, facing The half of the water dragon did not hide or dodge, but instead shot into the sky like a shell, facing the water dragon’s body in front.

Thunder Sword is a Ninjutsu copy of Sandaime Raikage’s Hell Assault. The hell assault requires too much strength on the body. Thunder Assassin is a popular version developed by the younger generation Cloud Ninja. Spikes and divide the burden on the whole body.

Although formidable power is not as good as Hell Assault, it is more practical. Many Cloud Ninja majoring in Taijutsu will learn the thunder stab. Takahashi is one of them. I saw a blue rays of light flashing in the midair water dragon ’s body. It runs through from bottom to top.

“Junks, grandfather, but I am Cloud Ninja, give me go to hell.” Takahashi flew in midair, shouted with color, pinned Hitomi and Karin underneath, and underfoot stepped on the flowing water that had not yet landed , Rushed down like lightning.

“Fūton, Vacuum Wave Barrage.”

Hitomi stood at the selfie side, and raised his head and opened his mouth to spit out a series of high-speed rotating wind blades. The original Fūton technique was that there were fewer hand seals. Coupled with Karin’s time, Hitomi successfully completed the hand seal and released this high position Ninjutsu.

A series of high-speed rotating wind blades encircled Takahashi. Even though the thunder spur was cast, Wind Kray, and he was in midair, had no leverage. Because of the thunder stab, even the Body Flicker Technique did not. With time, you can only look at the wind blade and cut your body, just as easy as cutting a piece of tofu.

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