Hokage building, conference room.

Fifth-Kage Hokage Tsunade, Elder’s Group headed by Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, Commander Shikaku from Jōnin, plus Danzō, a former Hokage assistant, fourteen people sat at the table.

“Hokage-sama, is there anything important to call us so late?” Hyuga, a member of Elder’s Group, slightly wrinkle, and convened everyone in the middle of the night, there must have been a major event, I hope it is not bad Message.

“God Elder Ma, rest assured, this is not a bad thing, it should be said to be a good thing.” Utatane Koharu start to talk, and then explained the situation.

When Utatane Koharu finished, the rest of the Elders were in deep thought. They had understood the Country of Earth, but they did n’t know about Root. Now I know that Root and Cloud Ninja and Stone Ninja are in Country of Earth. And Land-of-Waterfall border.

“The details of what Koharu sensei has said, the topic of this emergency meeting is the issue of to send troops. If you do it, you need to plan carefully.” Tsunade sits in the upper position, looks seriously at the crowd Elders.

Elders in twos and threes talk in whispers, their voices are extremely low, just like Insect Cry flies, even Tsunade can hardly understand what these people are talking about.

“It must be played, such a good opportunity can never be wasted, and Stone Ninja’s bastard group also has today.” Hyuga Tianma took the first table, loudly said.

“Tianma is right, I also support hands-on.”

“me too···”

The Elders quickly made a decision. All support was hands-on, and each and everyone murderous aura was full of veterans.

“Shikaku, what’s your opinion?” Tsunade looked towards Shikaku, who was silent all the time, and the other elder called Elder also calmed down immediately, looked towards the Clan Leader of this generation of Nara’s family, I don’t know what’s the opinion, clansman of Nara’s family is Innate Tactician, this is already a consensus.

“My opinion is to fight.” Shikaku slowly said, his eyes were very dignified, “But … playing Stone Ninja is worse than playing Cloud Ninja.”

“Hit Cloud Ninja? Shikaku, you say more carefully, we old bastards are old, and their brains are a bit slow.” Start to talk is the elders of Yamanaka Clan, and Yamanaka Chong is very familiar with Shikaku, knowing that Shikaku will not Nothing targeted.

“The demise of the Ishigaki family is a big loss for Stone Ninja, and Cloud Ninja is profiting from somebody’s misfortune … It is indeed worse for Stone Ninja. If we take a shot with Sand Ninja, we can indeed heavy injury Stone Ninja. “Shikaku looks at Danzō, without saying anything about Root.

“Since it is possible to heavy injury Stone Ninja, why not do something to Stone Ninja? The brat of Nara’s house.” Hyuga Pegasus asked, staring at Shikaku.

“It’s very simple. Because heavy injury hurts Stone Ninja, it is really good for us and can get great benefits, but the same Cloud Ninja harvest will not be small. The stronger Cloud Ninja is more attackable than Stone Ninja. For Konoha The threat is even greater. “Shikaku exclaimed why.

After Shikaku finished speaking, the meeting room fell into silence for a while, and the Elders were all gliding, thinking about the key points. Shikaku’s words made sense.

“Worthy-of is the little demon of Nara’s house, you want to blackmail Stone Ninja, and then deal with Cloud Ninja together, right? If you pull Sand Ninja again, it is Konoha, hidden sand, Hidden Stone and three Great Ninja Village starters, The two take-all is really an expert segment. “Danzō’s first start to talk broke the silence. In the end, it was plot against people that were against for a lifetime, and the response was fast.

“Danzō Elder is right. We can secretly associate with Stone Ninja, fiercely knock from Stone Ninja, and then pit the Cloud Ninja together. After all, compared to Stone Ninja, Cloud Ninja has a relationship with us Konoha. Even worse. “Shikaku said with a smile. “This weakens both Stone Ninja and Cloud Ninja. It’s a win-win for us.

Elders look at each other in dismay. That’s right. The relationship between Konoha and Cloud Ninja has always been the worst. Whoever let Nidaime Hokage fall into the hands of Cloud Ninja is a shame and disgrace for Konoha, not to mention being here. Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, and Danzō are all Disciples of Nidaime Hokage. Their scene of being fleeing like a dog by Cloud Ninja is vivid.

And Tsunade as Hokage is the granddaughter of Nidaime’s nephew. In addition, Hyuga Clan also does not deal with Cloud Ninja. Hyūga Hizashi, the younger brother of contemporary Clan Leader Hiashi, was forced to death by Cloud Ninja, and Cloud Ninja has been 觊觎 Byakugan Hyuga Pegasus hated Cloud Ninja like this greedy guy.

“The worthy-of is a think tank, and the brat of the Nara family is very good. I agree with this idea.” The first decision was Hyuga Pegasus, without the slightest hesitation voted in favor.

“Agree! Cloud Ninja’s bastards are just out of order.”


After a second voice, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu also agreed, Danzō was also nodded, and Tsunade finally decided to take the decision, and the matter was settled.

“Since we want to unite with Stone Ninja, then we need to send someone secretly as soon as possible to Hidden Stone Village, Ōnoki’s Old Man is a stubborn guy.” Tsunade rubbed the forehead, even if it was a small-scale war It also requires very troublesome preparations.

“Hidden Stone Village? You need to pick a suitable candidate.” Yamanaka also frowned, thinking about who to send better.

The rest of Elder hearing this also began to think about it. To connect with Stone Ninja, and to blackmail Stone Ninja by the way, you can’t do it without a little ability.

“I already have a few candidates, let Nara Shikamaru go to negotiate, and then Guy and Asuma are in close protection. What about this arrangement?” Tsunade looked towards everyone.

“Nara Shikamaru? Is it Shikaku your son? I don’t have any opinion if this is the case.” Yamanaka also scratched his gray beard and smiled nodded.

“But will it be too young, leave such an important matter to a Genin …” An Elder raised an objection and happened to understand the situation of Nara’s family.

“Is it Genin? It’s a bit …” The Elders started buzzing.

“Okay and quiet, now that there is a dispute, let’s vote.” Tsunade patted the table impatiently, too lazy to listen to a group of Old Man old ladies quarrel.

“I agree.” Shan Zhongchang was also the first to start to talk, imposing manner staring at the old men who just quarreled with him, Ino–Shika–Chō, three same qi, connected branch, this kind of thing is naturally supported .

Then Nara Shikaku also voted in favor, but it was unexpected that Danzō also agreed. In the end, the vote favored one side obviously, and Nara Shikamaru successfully became a candidate to negotiate with Stone Ninja.

“Several Elders don’t need to worry. Shikamaru and Shikaku had previously been on the hidden sand. Shikamaru’s performance is very good, and young people need to exercise more. They can’t rely on the elderly to support them.” Tsunade looks at Several people are worried Elder, could not help but comfort the words.

“Hmm … let’s do that.” Opposing Elder sighed and let loose.

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