“Spirit-cutting cone.”

Two Chakra knives formed a long wind blade, flying like staggered fangs. The red blood blew in the air, and Asuma’s eyes were indifferent. The wind blade cut through the mask of Anbu Captain, cut his bones, and cut him off. Blood vessels, like a hungry wolf, biting it into a pile of minced meat.

This is Fūton’s method of killing people. The corpse fragmentation is extremely appropriate. Asuma cuts killed opponents without stopping, moves quickly and rushes towards them, towards the enemy with Chōji they hand to hand combat.

Although these Anbu are also elite, even Anbu Captain is here, but it is not enough to face Asuma, Elite Jōnin, especially with helpers from the side.

Soon in less than a minute, Asuma successfully bowed another Stone Ninja Anbu Captain, leaving only the last Sensor Type Ninja. Instead of running away, he rushed up without fear.

“Many youngsters, you Stone Ninjas are still so deadheaded.” Asuma sighed, Chakra clenched his sword, rushed forward, and when he met Third Shinobi World War, he saw Stone Ninja in order to complete the Quest. Shock, each and everyone is the same as Suicide Squad members. I didn’t expect to meet again today.

The masked head whirled in the sky, and then rolled down on the ground, Asuma took a breath, and the wind blade extended from Chakra’s blade dissipated. This series of fierce battles, highly stretched taut nerves, It’s really tiring.

“Asuma sensei, be careful, the enemy has already come, and Speed ​​is fast.” Ino shouted suddenly.

Just before Ino’s voice fell, a female voice sounded, “Katon, Hao Yanhua.”

In the sky, a silhouette rushed up, and then three giant Big Fire balls like small meteorites fell, and the Fireball falling in the shape of a letter included Shikamaru and the others within the scope of Attack.

“Oops, Shikamaru, Ino, Chōji.” Asuma face changed, and he was sure to avoid this Attack himself, but Shikamaru was in danger.

“Doton, the operation of Earth Dragon Bullet.” Keith Ishigaki both hands hand seal, underfoot changed into a dragon head, Tulong opened his mouth and fired a series of mud bullets, hitting the falling Fireball in a scattering direction, and one or two mud bullets did not help. But dozens of mud bullets hit the giant Big Fire ball, and a violent explosion immediately occurred. Three large fireworks appeared in the sky immediately.

The mid bullet Ninja was also hit by a mud bullet forced back, which landed on a large tree trunk, wearing a black pattern mask and an Anbu costume.

“Kurotsuchi, I didn’t expect your Tsusuchikage granddaughter to be here too.” Ishigaki Takata said with a grudge, staring at Anbu in the distance, but Ishigaki Keita was silent and his expression seemed very lost.

“The Kitayama family and the Yugang family are anxious to kill us. Why Kurotsuchi, do you want to kill our brother like this?” Ishigaki Takata’s expression was very angry, especially when she saw her big brother stubbornly, even more furious 30 feet.

Just then, another seven Stone Ninja Anbu rushed over, gathered around the black patterned mask Anbu, wanted to act, but was stopped by reaching out.

Anbu reached out and took off the mask, revealing a rather beautiful face, short black hair, dark gray pupils, a calmly grasping look, full of confidence.

“Kyuta, Takata, long time no see.” Kurotsuchi started to talk, eyes glanced over Asuma and the others, and then stared at Keita with a smile, “Kyutai, your skills have improved again, and you can stop my pride. Hua, you used to be busy every time! “

“Is the granddaughter of Tsuchikage?” Asuma and Shikamaru stood together, guarded with caution, at the same time, very surprised, the woman on the opposite side was actually the granddaughter of Suchsuchage. Today is really interesting. Son of Third Hokage, Sandaime Tsuchikage Granddaughter gathered here.

“Shikamaru, what do you do now? Do you want to fight again? I feel the guy who came this time is very tricky.” Ino whispered, as a female instinct, I felt that Kurotsuchi was a difficult character.

“Watch the changes and restore Stamina.” Shikamaru’s face was a little pale before he had taken Junliang Pills. Now that the medicine has taken effect, he started backlash, but he must be strong and must not show weakness.

“Kurotsuchi, there is no need to hit haha. Anything to be honest, my big brother is fool, I am not so gullible.” Ishigaki Takata icily said, ignoring Kurotsuchi’s smile.

“It’s really awkward, Mrs. Takahashi, you’ve been too clever before. I said it directly, surrender, come back to the village, and I will guarantee that the two of you will survive. How about it?” Kurotsuchi said surprisingly, even around him There was a commotion in Anbu, but nobody dared to question Kurotsuchi’s words and soon calmed down.

“Return to the village? Is that still our village? Father, mother, Uncle, and all clansman have all been killed by you, how can we go back? How can we go back?” Ishigaki growled too madly, clever. He’s never been so roaring.

His chest was sharply undulating, Takata Ishigaki suddenly calmed down, showed a playful smile, and stretched out his hand, pointing forward, “And we have already killed so many” compatriots, “Kurotsuchi, the most taboo of our Hidden Stone Village is to kill each other, you Do you think you can hold our two brothers? “

Very light tone, when we say “we Hidden Stone Village”, it is full of ridicule, that kind of strong evil intent can be heard by anyone.

The smile on Kurotsuchi’s face slowly disappeared, and ice-cold rays of light shot from dark gray pumps. “You’re right, since you said so, I’m welcome.”

Immediately, Kurotsuchi waved his arm, and seven of Anbu’s behind came out, including three Anbu Captain-level Experts, plus Kurotsuchi’s own, a very strong lineup.

“Doton, Rock Pillar Spears.”

“Doton, iron cannonball.”

“Doton, Earth Dragon Bullet.”


Did not choose to fight in close quarters, and performed Ninjutsu Attack with no effort, and did not regret Chakra’s mad release of Ninjutsu, Kurotsuchi, and the three Anbu Captains did not do anything, but only looked at subordinate Anbu Attack.

“Doton, mural walls.”

Keisha Ishigaki quickly sealed the hand, a huge rocky earth wall stood up, and Yokohama stood in front of everyone, defending the waves of Attack, but Keita’s complexion also turned pale and he took out a ration grain pill and swallowed it. Up to now, using Explosion-Style and Doton again and again, he is about to reach the limit.

Asuma is also a facial expression sank. He is good at melee, but now the enemy does not give him the opportunity to approach it. If it were not for Ishigaki Keita’s Doton defense, they would now have suffered casualties.

“Trouble is dead, is this really going to be finished this time?” Shikamaru smiled and looked up at the clouds in the sky in the sky. The backlash of Junliang Wan made him feel pain in the whole body, even if he ran away, completely. Just a burden.

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