“Shikaku, how do you like Ao’s proposal?” Tsunade waited until Kakashi and Guy left before leaning on the chair and rubbing the forehead.

With a slight glance in his eyes, Nara Shikaku didn’t answer directly. He repeatedly thought about Yuehua’s proposal. Yuehua’s proposal is very simple. He wants to use Orochimaru’s Strength to target Akatsuki. For this, he needs village to provide information and borrow Konoha’s information. Strength.

After all, on the surface of Five Great Countries, Five Great Ninja Village is the ruler of this World, and Konoha, the head of Five Great Ninja Village, has an extremely large information system. If combined with Orochimaru’s information, it is obviously easier to detect Akatsuki. Information.

“It’s a very exciting proposal, Orochimaru’s Strength is very strong, and the influence of the business is also huge. If Akatsuki and Orochimaru can be consumed, it is good news for Konoha in any respect.” Answered, and made a fair judgment.

“It’s really exciting …” Tsunade sighed softly, his face tangled. “But Orochimaru is not so easy to use, and Danzō’s old fellow is not reassuring.”

Shikaku is silent. He is well aware of the conflict between Tsunade and Danzō, and even unhappy with Elder’s Group, but he cannot talk about it. He is after all is a clan, but he is not just a consultant for Hokage.

What’s more important is that different positions have different views. Tsunade is the Fifth-Kage Hokage. She wants to take back Hokage’s rights, but neither Danzō nor Elder’s Group. Tsunade is different from Sandaime. Having been in charge of Konoha for decades, a command could dissolve Gen, and now she does not have that kind of authority.

This is a fight between Hokage and Elder’s Group. As a representative character chosen by Konoha’s many clan, Shikaku can support Fifth-Kage and even help her plan, but he can’t go too far. He is just a staff member.

“Forget it, I will communicate with Danzō personally, Shikaku, go and tell the news of Akatsuki to Jōnin, Akatsuki’s Strength is really abnormal.” Tsunade waved his hand, Shikaku quickly left, Shizune then pushed in, and behind followed Junior Sister Haruno Sakura.

“Sakura, how is training?” Seeing Sakura, Tsunade put away the troubles in her heart, but this is the second talented girl she found after Shizune.

“Training at this stage has been completed.” Sakura replied vigorously, making Tsunade smile with satisfaction, but quickly converged.

“Then start the next phase of practice now.” Tsunade said, just do it, pat the table, leave the unfinished work, and swayed and took Sakura out of the office.

“Huh? Huh! Tsunade Lord, you can’t get off work like this!” Shizune responded with a helpless wailing, but Tsunade already took the disappear without a trace with Sakura.

The strong bloody smell spread in the forest, attracting the tiger, leopard, and wolf.

“What do you want to do? Attack us on Cloud Ninja, you Missing-nin of Hidden Waterfall Village, do you want to die?” Cloud Ninja, who was still stingy, was shouted even with his throat pinched, with deep eyes in his eyes Anger.

His three subordinates, everything was broken and in disorder at this time, turned into a pile of minced meat. Only his leader was left, but he did not succeed in revenge. Even he himself became a captive. This name Despair floated through the brown-skinned Cloud Ninja.

“Just want to borrow your Heart and use that’s all.” A cold, low voice sounded, it was Kakuzu.

“Heart? You Monster …” Cloud Ninja saw the dark tentacle growing on Kakuzu’s arm. Suddenly made a scream, but quickly cut off the sound and lowered his head.

Deep into Cloud Ninja’s chest, densely packed darkened tentacles like blood vessels slowly retracted. Kakuzu easily dug out the lively beating Heart of this Cloud Ninja and took a closer look in his hands. Satisfied nodded.

This Hidden Cloud Jōnin does not own the Raidon Chakra, the most common Hidden Cloud Village, but the Physique of Katon Chakra, which is exactly what Kakuzu needs.

split second The dark tentacle swarmed up, wrapped the beating Hearts, and slowly swallowed the inside of the body. Kakuzu then retracted all the tentacles, returned to normal appearance, picked up the red cloud black windbreaker and put it on his body.

“Hmm … did you come in contact?” Kakuzu was preparing to leave this bloody slaughterhouse, his eyes suddenly shook, and then he quickly left here, looking for a quiet place, sitting on the big rock slowly Release Chakra.

The dark and dim cave was illuminated by a candle that was about to burn out.

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes for a while, and all eight of him came together, but there wasn’t a hidan normally.

“Kakuzu, what’s going on? Why did Hidan lose contact? You missed it?” Leader Pain solemnly asked, a pair of Rinnegan staring at Kakuzu.

“Hey hey, isn’t it? Hidan’s idiot was killed? Thanks to that guy who praised the sea mouth? Isn’t he known as Immortal Body? · Hmm!” Deidara combing the golden ponytail exclaimed exaggeratedly.

“What noisy you are, you will have to hang up sooner or later.” Sasori next said very don’t give face.

“Ha, Sasori big brother, are you standing there? We are teammates? Hmm!” Deidara flustered and exasperated, staring at Sasori next to him.

“Don’t make a noise, let Kakuzu say.” Pain retorted helplessly, these guys Strength are very strong, but also very temperamental, one more than a quirk.

Deidara calmed down, and despite the unpleasant look, Sasori next to him looked gloomy.

“Hidan is too loser, and was killed by the youngster using ice under Orochimaru’s hands. I was injured a bit, and now I am busy supplementing the losses!” Kakuzu has no past feelings about Hidan’s death Nothing moved.

“Ice? Kekkei Genkai? I remember it was the Ability of Country of Water Snow Clan, right?” Yin-Yang’s face hidden in two pitchers was absolutely start to talk.

“It’s different from Snow Clan’s Hyonton. It’s much more Powerful than the Hyonton I’ve seen.” Kakuzu denies that he lived nearly a hundred years old and has experienced it from World War I to the Third Shinobi World War. Basically, he hasn’t seen him. I have seen Kekkei Genkai, and Snow Clan’s Yoyton had also seen it on battlefield.

“Orochimaru doesn’t care about it first. After this battle, Orochimaru’s guy will definitely leave, and the next time he has news to solve him, than this, continue to raise funds to prepare for our plan.” Pain finalized , Don’t give Sasori a start to talk.

The unhappy Sasori just disappeared, and Deidara hurried away when he saw this. It is estimated that he will continue to stand with Sasori Theory.

“Kakuzu, you act alone for the time being, and I will help you find your teammates as soon as possible.” Pain looked towards Kakuzu.

“I see.” A deep reply, Kakuzu disappeared, and the others left, the burned out candles extinguished, and the cave fell into endless darkness.

Thank you Qingfeng duunk for your monthly pass! (∩_∩)

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