“How is it? It should be so cool!” Yue Hua smiled happily, holding Hyōrinmaru in her hand to suppress the bloody March sickle, the shining lightning kept jumping on Hidan, each and everyone’s dazzling lightning arc was like dancing.

“But … evil, confusing … do not underestimate me! How much pain do you think I endured, how can this kind of thing be my opponent?” Hidan’s body trembled violently, purple red eyes There was an angry Flame jumping inside, resisting the numbness brought by Lightning, and waving the scarlet scythe with full power.

“锃 ~~~”

Bloody March sickle and Hyōrinmaru rubbed against each other, a sharp sound splashed with a little spark, Yuehua’s eyes flashed a little surprise, Hidan actually could be moved after being paralyzed by Lightning, and felt the increasing force on the scarlet scythe, not Hesitate again.


The light blue Flame eruption went out and hit Hidan’s chest with precision. The strong impact directly hit Hidan and knocked him out. He constantly crashed on the ground and broke the broken wood and rocks on the road. Set off huge smoke and dust.

Yuehua shook her slightly hot left hand, and her palm was flushed. Sōkatsui this move is still a bit reluctant to use. The temperature of blue Flame is much higher than that of ordinary orange red Flame. Although the formidable power exceeds Shakkahō, it is more effective for the palm. The burden is also greater.

“It seems that we need to study Doton Kōka, otherwise this thing would be funny if I burned myself.” Yue Hua shook her head, made her mind, and then cast her eyes toward the billowing smoke, not knowing if Solve Hidan.

At the same time, Kakuzu and Orochimaru also played a piece in a frenzy, and the fire and lightning raged on that land, where huge pythons hissed.

“Smelly little demon, it hurts you to hit me! Hiss …” Hidan stepped out of the smoke, his black windbreaker became Shatter, and a big hole appeared on his chest. He could see the beating Heart inside, Heart There is also a light blue Flame burning.

“His …” Yuehua was surprised this time. Although he knew that this guy had an Immortal Body, he couldn’t die when he saw it. It was a surprise to everyone.

However, the following changes made Yuehua even more surprised. The extremely high temperature Blue Flame slowly disappeared, and then Hidan’s wound began to heal. First, the burnt scorched heart became intact, then the other viscera, and then the chest. The flesh was quickly restored as before.

“This is simply regeneration, and even internal organs can be repaired.” Yuehua murmured to herself, was really shocked, this Immortal Body is really not bragging, so Powerful regeneration Ability, no wonder Hidan can become a member of Akatsuki, It seems that the memory of previous life can only be used as a reference, not too much to believe.

“Miscellaneous things, damned little demon, I’m going to tear you up.” Hidan completely rampage, the anger in his eyes is almost biting, and the bloody March sickle speed rushed up.


Hyōrinmaru entangled with the strong wind and scarlet scythe collided together. With the explosive power brought by the instant coup, it made up for the deficiency of Yuehua Strength, and could even have a little upper hand.

“clang! clang! clang! ”

Hyōrinmaru and the bloody March sickle staggered. Yuehua relied on Shunpo’s Speed ​​and the instant courageous Strength to gradually suppress the furious Hidan. The Blade of Wind formed by the gust of wind extended the Attack range of Hyōrinmaru.

With Hidan and Yuehua’s hand to hand combat time and time again, the wind blade can always leave a deep or shallow wound on Hidan’s body. Although it does not cause any serious injuries, the angry Hidan fly into a rage, But helpless.

Yuehua suppressed Hidan with Taijutsu hand to hand combat. Hidan knew nothing about other Ninjutsu except his Secret Jutsu, so he could only get the blood of Yuehua by Sullen’s and Yuehua.

The more and more fierce the flames, Hidan felt that he was about to spit out the smoke, and it was not cheap to fight, but instead he left a wound on his body, although it soon healed, but was it painful?

“Katon, Grand Fireball Technique.”

The huge, scorching Fireball suddenly rushed towards Yuehua and instantly swallowed Yuehua. The ruthless Flame left round pits on the ground, as well as the rising smoke and dust.

Hidan dragged the bloody March sickle to avoid the burning Flame, turned his head and looked, and it turned out that a black monster with a round body and a tall body had a mask with red lips on his face, not far away.

“Che, Kakuzu, this scoundrel, this is obviously my prey.” Hidan twisted his head and muttered a curse, “Never mind, this little demon is dead.”

Looks at the empty pothole on the ground, Hidan is going to leave with the bloody March sickle, go to Kakuzu, and pack the guy of Orochimaru.

“Who said you were dead? You Idiot.” Yuehua walked out from behind a broken wall. The Katon operation came too suddenly just now. If he hadn’t escaped with Shunpo at the last moment, I’m afraid he would be the one. Already.

Rao ’s clothes on Yuehua were also torn and burnt out. It was because of the fire and the wind, Secret Jutsu of Strength was relying on the wind. Fortunately, there was the change of Suiton, so I just burned the clothes and did n’t suffer anything. hurt.

“Is Katon? It’s really tricky.” Yuehua clenched Hyōrinmaru tightly, and she has lifted the instant coax. The opposite side has Katon’s mask Monster. The instant coax can’t be played. It’s too dangerous. The wind assists fire power and it is easy to ignite. Upper body.

“Yi! Jerk little demon, your life is really tough! But you must die here today.” Hidan waved the bloody March sickle, staring at Yuehua.

“Hmph! Idiot! It’s just you!” Yuehua chi chi smiled, full of disdainful, disregarding jumping feet Hidan, clenched Hyōrinmaru, “Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyōrinmaru.”

Sensen’s white cold spread out, leaving Yuehua’s underfoot bricks covered with Level 1’s thin frost. Just breathe gently and you can see the white water spitting out.

“Oh? Is this your Kekkei Genkai? I didn’t expect it to be a simple little demon, but I’m useless to your uncle, no one can kill me.” Hidan laughed wildly.


Hidan is still smirking like Idiot, but the red-mouthed monster Monster is not idle. He opens his mouth and spit out a giant big fire ball, hitting the place where Yuehua just stood. The high-temperature Flame melts Frost and blasts the ground into a huge In the potholes, the residual high temperature braved the fat trace heat.

The red-mouthed mask Monster sprayed Fireball nonstop, and moved quickly, chasing Yuehua, who stepped away from Shunpo.

Violent explosions continued to sound, Hidden Villages, which had been turned into ruins, strikes again. Hidan, who was standing in a daze, also responded, dragging the bloody March sickle after him.

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