“clang! clang! clang! ”

A series of Kunai collision sounds echoed in this vast underground space.

Natsume and black clothed Ninja are still entangled. The opposite side’s skills are quite fierce, with a touch of very ruthless, no jealous shots, and even at the expense of injury, so that Natsume looks quite unarmed, a bit on the losing end.

Yuehua sat on the sand, picked up the files on the table, and read them leisurely. She was not nervous about Xia’s battle.

Raiton’s ultra-high-reflection nerves brought by living body reinforcement, so that Natsume quickly adapted to the black clothed Ninja’s fighting style, slowly pulled back the situation, and the Kunai in his hand danced like a wind, gradually suppressing the opposite side.

Natsume didn’t have any pride in this. Sitting on the side of Yuehua Lord was a kind of deterrence, which made her opponent have scruples, and the opposite side seemed to have a plan to delay time. It looked like Attack aggressive, but it was very Having a sense of proportion and intentional dealings with her only gave her the opportunity to recover her disadvantage.

“Stuffed Lightning.”

When kunai collided again, the sudden Lightning hit the past through kunai, black clothed Ninja caught off guard, although the weak Lightning could not reach the level of lethality, but the short-term paralysis could not be restrained.

Black clothed Ninja was shocked in his eyes. How could he never have been defeated in this way, why can he perform Ninjutsu without a hand seal? With incomprehensible confusion, he was pricked in the chest with a finger of Natsume, numb fingers hit Heart directly, his body twitched, and black clothed Ninja passed out.

“Natsume, to drag down the people upstairs, all tied up, all are good experimental materials, can not be wasted.” Yue Hua commanded without looking up, holding the documents on the table and fascinated. .

Those scattered on the table are part of the books, which records the financial status of Akatsuki’s branch. It may be too rushed and not taken away when it escaped. Although it is only a small part, it can be considered a bit useful.

Just then the wall suddenly opened like a portal, and Zi dragged in three middle-aged men, all of whom fell into a faint and were thrown to the ground like dead pigs.

“Yuehua Lord, these three guys wanted to run away and I was all caught back. This is a file searched from them. I think it should be of some use.” Zi gave Yuehua a rather thick file.

“Oh! Good, useful, Azusa, doing a good job.” Yuehua flipped through these files and found that there was a lot of useful information in it. Although it is not enough to grasp all the secrets of Akatsuki, she can also detect the operating style of Akatsuki. , And some of the distribution points of Base are quite useful, Yuehua could not help but praise two sentences.

“Zi, you go upstairs to help Natsume, take everyone from this Base down, and then we will leave directly from the secret road.” Yuehua looks at Zi, pondered and said, “Yes, what good things to bring together Go, don’t come here for nothing. “

“I’m understood, Yuehua Lord.” Zi turned upstairs. This kind of thing is very professional. Compared with Natsume, Zi has received a long professional training.

I tapped on the table, Yuehua looks at a page in the document, and fell into imagination. It recorded very interesting things. He was in charge of Akatsuki’s finances. He would regularly go to the bases and check the branches. Financial status.

From the perspective, the money-loving guy has five hearts, is one of Akatsuki’s core members, and is a top expert with an undead monster.

“If you can get rid of the angle …” Yuehua shook her head, and this matter can’t be rushed. He just kept the information in the file in the bottom of the heart. Now he has a little lack of strength, and Akatsuki is two of them. Acting together, it’s hard to deal with one alone, let alone two.

“Speak later, talk later.” Suppressing the excited desire for battle of the heart of the heart, Yuehua put away the papers in her hands and tied the three middle-aged men lying on the ground. As for the black clothed Ninja, long ago Locked by Natsume with shackles, the rope cannot bind Ninja, and the technique of removing the rope is one of the foundation Ninjutsu.

The three people were all strapped to the ceiling, and Yuehua waved with one hand, inviting a ball of water to splash on the first person’s face.

“Ah … it hurts … who are you? What do you want?” The hair was unusually thin and the middle-aged man looked very ordinary, not at all lose one’s head out of fear, and soon I understood With his own situation, he looked very calm at Yuehua.

“Aren’t you begging for mercy?” Yuehua looked at this ordinary man, unexpectedly with courage!

“Is begging for mercy useful? Seeing that you have been discovered even under the hood, not even the black fire is your opponent, obviously for us.” The half bald man calmly analyzed, quite calm.

“Very smart, I like smart people, because I have a friend who is also very smart. It doesn’t take too much effort to talk to smart people. I have a few questions to ask you, I hope you can answer honestly, so I will give you a delighted How about it? “Yuehua smiled at this middle-aged person.

Silent for a while, the half-bald man stared at Yuehua. “Are you subordinate of Orochimaru? I promise, just ask what you want to ask.”

Although I was a little curious how the opposite side knew that they were sent by Orochimaru, but this is not the point. Yuehua wrinkled frowned, “First say the name of your organization?”

“Akatsuki.” This Idiot question was answered without any hesitation.

“Who are you under?”

“Angle Lord, we are helping Angle Lord take charge of the account. There are many more like us.”

“Do you know where Akatsuki’s Base is?”

“I only know the other two Base distributions of Land-of-Rice Fields, and the rest is unclear.”

“Tell me the location …”

It took a while to interrogate three people one by one, and after confirming that the information they said is true or false, Yuehua directly gave them a denotation of Lightning. These untrained ordinary people had little experimental value. After all, Chakra didn’t refine it.

“Yuehua Lord, everyone has been brought down.” Zi and Natsume are holding a line of captives. There are eleven people, either Samurai or Ninja, plus the black fire on the ground, a total of twelve people.

“All the funds have also been packed, almost 800,000.” Zi reported the results and surprised Yuehua a bit. Such a remote place can get so much money. It should be said that Akatsuki can make money, worthy. -of is a famous mercenary organization in Ninja World.

“Bring this guy on the ground, and then we leave here.” Yuehua pointed at the black fire. This guy has a good Strength, which is best for experiments.

Along the secret road, Yuehua and they quickly left and came directly to the outside of the town. They kept driving the group of captives and returned to the base of Orochimaru.

Thank you azreal520 for the reward! (∩_∩) When I was coding today, I suddenly remembered the kiss of Naruto and Sasuke in original work, what the fuck felt like a kiss! Since then, I started on the road of mutual love and hate ╮ ( ╯ ▽ ╰) ╭

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