Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 92 Suspension

The lights in the Slytherin common room always cast everything around them in a light green light. The flames in the fireplace danced, giving off a warm yellow glow.

Brian and Draco were the only ones left in the common room, along with a drowsy yawning upperclassman.

Draco jumped out of his chair, eyes wide.

"What's wrong with you, Draco?" Brian whispered.

"Ah?" Draco was stunned for a moment, rubbed his light blond hair, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with me?"

"You fell asleep in the common room." Brian said softly.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered." Draco sat down, "I must have had a nightmare... Why does my head hurt?"

"By the way, about Daphne! I haven't written to Dad yet!"

Draco played again, pulled out a piece of parchment, and wrote letters on it with flying colors.

Brian shook his head and looked at a book in his hand.

After Draco finished writing the letter, he leaned over and looked at Brian's book.

"The Unbreakable Vow?" Draco glanced at the cover and raised his eyebrows, "I'm familiar with this! If you break the oath, you will die. It is the most unbreakable oath!"

"You must not be familiar with it enough." Brian shook his head slightly and smiled, "As long as it is something made by people, there must be loopholes."

"Can an unbreakable oath be broken?" Draco sneered.

"No, it's strong enough. But human language always has loopholes." Brian smiled. "If there are loopholes, there are loopholes that can be exploited. People are always diligent about this."

"For example?"

"For example, two hundred years ago, Galt made more than a hundred unbreakable vows with others, convincing everyone that he was an upright, loyal, and responsible person." Brian smiled, "But in fact, He is a complete liar. He found dozens of loopholes in these oaths, used them to defraud countless people out of their money, and made himself Minister for Magic."

"For example, this one: I am willing to always uphold the justice in my heart and pursue it throughout my life." Brian said, "This is the art of language. Obviously, the justice in his heart is money and power."

Draco blinked, looking speechless.

"So, never believe in anything that is unbreakable, it is the most unreliable." Brian smiled.

"Okay, aren't you sleepy? I'm going to have a rest." Draco yawned.

"It's time to rest." Brian closed the book.

The next day, when they were having breakfast in the auditorium, countless owls flew in with fluttering wings, and it started to rain feathers from the sky.

Brian had to hold up his pumpkin porridge to prevent feathers from falling in it.

Each owl found its owner and threw a letter to them. Most of them were Slytherin wizards.

Obviously, Daphne's sudden accident made everyone nervous and fearful. Draco spread the news to everyone.

Draco complained softly to the side that he had not received a letter from his father.

Everyone finished the morning class as usual, and at noon, Brian received a letter from Mr. Foley.

At this time, Harry and Ron rushed directly to Hagrid's hut.

A few seconds after they knocked on the door, Hagrid flung it open. He touched his disheveled beard and hair, breathed a sigh of relief and muttered: "Why are you here?"

"Well, Hagrid...we, we have something to ask you..." Harry stammered.

"Okay... okay, I'll make tea..." Hagrid said vaguely.

He was obviously restless and looked out the window frequently. The water from the kettle spilled out, almost extinguishing the fire.

"Are you okay, Hagrid?" Harry said worriedly.

"Oh, no...it's okay." Hagrid said. He poured a large glass of boiling water for each of them and put a large piece of cake on a plate.

"Hagrid, you know...Fred is missing...and Hermione..." Ron fidgeted.

"Yes, I know." Hagrid's voice was choked.

"We got news. We heard that you..." Harry took a deep breath, "I heard that you knew something..."

At this moment, there was a rough knock on the door.

Hagrid knocked over the teapot, rushed over, and opened the door.

"Oh, Hagrid, that's terrible." Outside the door was a short, chubby man with messy gray hair and an anxious face. He is none other than Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge.

Next to him was a person that Harry never wanted to see. That person wore a long black cloak and had light blond hair. His gray eyes looked at them coldly, with a familiar evil smile on his face. It was Lu Xiu. Mr. Malfoy.

Hagrid's face turned pale, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He glared at them and said, "I'm not..."

"Anyway, Hagrid," Fudge said in a clear and fast tone, "there have been several more attacks. Just yesterday, the Weasley family lost a child, and the Greengrass girl is still lying in the hospital. Here…how many times has this been an attack?”

"I didn't!" Hagrid defended awkwardly, his face flushing with anxiety.

"Look, what a guilty excuse," Mr. Malfoy said sarcastically. "Your behavior is really terrible, Hagrid..."

"Hagrid said it wasn't him!" Harry stood up and said.

"Oh? Who is this? The famous Harry Potter." Mr. Malfoy said softly, looking around the house, "I think you are obviously deceived by him, Potter. He is always good at escaping. Guilty, relying on Dumbledore's favoritism to act recklessly..."

"Shut up, Malfoy!" shouted Hagrid. "Get out of my house, now!"

"Oh, dear friend, please believe me, I am not happy to enter your room...oh, you call this a house?" Mr. Malfoy sneered, with the same expression as Draco.

"No matter what, Hagrid, I have to take you away." Fudge said anxiously, stroking his messy hair.

"But..." Harry wanted to defend Hagrid, but Ron grabbed his sleeve tightly. Ron shook his head at Harry with a pale expression.

"No, you can't...it's not me..." Hagrid's face turned pale.

"This needs to be left to us to judge." Fudge said quickly.

"I think you should at least inform me before you try to capture my gamekeeper, Cornelius." Dumbledore walked over from a distance, his blue eyes fixed on Fudge.

"Oh, Albus, I'm just arresting the suspect." Fudge quickly turned the top hat in his hand, "I have already contacted the school board."

"No, you know, Connelly. There is more than just the Chamber of Secrets in school." Dumbledore said seriously, "What happened to Miss Greengrass and the others has nothing to do with the Chamber of Secrets. And I completely trust Hagrid."

"But we think that's the case, Albus," Fudge said unnaturally. "Hagrid's criminal record is not good for him. The Ministry of Magic has to take some measures..."

"But you know, Cornelius, that taking Hagrid away will not help at all." Dumbledore's blue eyes flashed with anger.

"You also have to think about it from my perspective, Albus. My pressure is much greater than yours." Fudge didn't look into his eyes. "If he is really innocent, I can guarantee that he will be safe and sound." He came back...but now I have to take him away..."

"Take me away?" Hagrid shivered and said hoarsely, "Take me to where? Not Azkaban, right?"

"Oh, maybe." Mr. Malfoy said coldly and sarcastically, "Dumbledore, it's not okay for you to always protect him blindly. It depends on where your heart is. I can't stand it anymore... …”

"It's too bad, Dumbledore." Mr. Malfoy said lazily, "We hoped that you could solve the problem, but you just blindly blocked the news and put the students like lambs under the tiger's paws... "

"So, what do you do, Lucius?" Dumbledore's words were polite, but the anger was still burning in his eyes.

"The board of directors has decided to let you go, Dumbledore." Mr. Malfoy said proudly. He took out a long roll of parchment from his pocket and said, "This is a temporary suspension order. All twelve directors have signed it."

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