Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 81 Christmas

Thick and silent snow quietly enveloped the entire castle.

Hogwarts was quiet, in every way. Most of the little wizards have gone home for Christmas, and there are only a few scattered people in the venue.

Apart from Brian, there were only a few senior students left in the Slytherin common room whispering. It was obvious that the young wizards preferred to go home for Christmas.

Draco took Crabbe and Goyle out to play in the snow. Brian, wearing a black cloak with silver fur trim, was sitting alone in a soft armchair in front of the fireplace, warming himself by the fire and communicating with Tom.

"I don't think war with Muggles is a feasible solution, Tom. It's harder than purging the mudbloods from the wizarding world. Except for those unscrupulous and lawless lunatics, few people like war, not even most pure-blood families. agree……"

"So, the wizarding world must have a real ruler. People are short-sighted, and those stupid people need strong and wise people to lead..." Tom responded.

"Indeed, this is short-sighted. The current wizarding world's impression of Muggles is still hundreds of years ago. Maybe in a few years, the wizarding world will be discovered by Muggles first... But war is not a solution to the problem. , the number of wizards is too small, and it is not worth mentioning compared to Muggles..."

"We need to avoid future troubles forever, Brian." Tom said forcefully, "Muggles can't resist the Oblivion Curse and the Imperius Curse. As long as we strike first, they won't be able to stand up. By then, we will be able to Isn't it good for Muggles to become servants like house elves?"

"I'm afraid this is difficult, Tom." Brian was silent for a moment and wrote, "Let's put ourselves in their shoes. Even if we take control of the Muggle leaders first, you know that the resisters in the wizarding world will definitely seek help from the Muggles. the power of……"

"They will help Muggles, seek development secretly, and plot to resist. They will even train wizards for Muggles and increase their power..."

"And enslaving Muggles cannot be accomplished overnight. It must take several generations of hard work. But we obviously cannot control everyone. They are not as few as house elves."

"The rebels will always be like weeds that never stop growing, inciting more and more people to stand up and resist. They will also have more wizards and develop more weapons. In the end, perhaps it will evolve into a war that sweeps the world. war."

"We just need to win, as long as we have stronger power." Tom responded.

"But then, even if we win in the end, how many of us will be left?" Brian's eyes were deep, "The wizarding world is almost going to perish."

"Besides, Muggles will not just watch themselves being enslaved forever. The most likely possibility is to decide to die together when things are impossible. They have this ability."

"You always think things in a bad direction, Brian. At that time, we can completely promise to give them a part of the survival area, and then let some Muggles deal with them. Facts have proved that when our own people turn around to deal with our own people, That’s the most ruthless one.”

"You always think of things too ideally, Tom. Is that really what we want? A world always at war?"

"But there is no doubt that we will exist at the top of Muggles." Tom said ruthlessly.

"Okay," said Brian, "you're crazy, Tom."

"There's a fine line between genius and madness, Brian." Tom's handwriting seemed casual.

Brian closed the diary, looked at the crackling fire in the fireplace, and sighed softly.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have had any expectations for Tom in the first place." He said softly, "What he wants to do is not to put wizards above Muggles, but to put himself above everyone else... "

He gently tossed the diary in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Christmas dawn came quietly, and under the influence of his biological clock, Brian opened his eyes on time.

He climbed out of bed, put on a dark green plush dressing gown, and looked at the pile of gifts at the foot of the bed.

Draco also woke up, said "Morning" drowsily, and then got up as if sleepwalking. Crabbe and Goyle were still sleeping in.

"Morning, Merry Christmas." Brian said. He picked up his gifts and opened them one by one.

Mrs. Foley gave him a pair of warm gloves, and Mr. Foley gave him a gorgeous self-defense dagger.

Draco gave him a thick diary that could hide the diary written in it. Daphne's gift was a silver-framed mirror, and when Brian looked into it, the mirror screamed in a shrill female voice: "Cut your hair!"

Theodore gave him a thick book on alchemy, and he knew that Brian was studying alchemy. Blaise's gift was a music box in the shape of a fire dragon. Brian thought about it and did not risk opening it. He could guess what it would be like.

Crabbe and Goyle's gift was still a large bag of sweets.

It is worth mentioning that Luna gave him an extremely gorgeous Christmas hat, which was dark green in color. The top was a Christmas tree covered with colored ribbons, and the gadgets hanging on it sprayed out wisps of color from time to time. The smoke makes a slight "pop" sound. There is a shining star suspended at the top, emitting bright golden light.

Brian thinks it takes a certain amount of courage to go out wearing the hat.

The Christmas party was still relaxed and pleasant. Everyone seemed to have forgotten the shadow of the secret room, laughing and enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Draco was wearing a silver pointed hat, looking critically at the decoration of the Great Hall, and slowly commented on the food on the table.

Crabbe and Goyle were eating and drinking by themselves, not hearing Draco's words at all.

Brian smiled and echoed Draco's words, but Draco quickly lost interest and started making fun of Harry's new sweater. But Harry acted unconcerned, which was obviously not normal.

Dumbledore led everyone in singing several Christmas carols, and Hagrid's voice was particularly loud. Snape's face was expressionless, and he didn't even move the corners of his mouth.

Halfway through the party, Brian saw Harry and Ron sneaking out. He looked at the guest of honor seat, where Dumbledore was talking to Professor McGonagall with a smile, Hagrid was sipping eggnog, and Snape was eating a roast turkey.

Brian shook his head, not wondering what the two little wizards who escaped were going to do, and left with Draco after eating a Christmas pudding.

Apparently Crabbe and Goyle were still eating with gusto and had no intention of leaving.

The two people walked out of the auditorium and saw Peeves pulling mistletoe while passing through a corridor. He planned to drop them on the ground to try to trip others.

Seeing the two people walking over, Peeves grinned and entangled them. While making faces, he laughed loudly and sang his newly composed song: "Oh, look at you, one is hiding his head and tail, and the other is hiding his head and tail." Sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks..."

"Peeves, are you itchy again?" Brian took out his wand and said lazily.

Peeves' voice stopped suddenly, and he stuck out his tongue in a sinister manner, slapped his butt, and began to throw mistletoe on them.

When Brian was about to cast a spell to drive him away, Peeves flew away with a shrill laugh. The two of them looked back and saw Professor Snape walking over. He was still wearing a black robe and a pointed hat of the same color on his head.

"Professor Snape." The two people greeted politely at the same time.

Snape nodded slightly and said in a low tone: "The situation in school is complicated recently, so don't hang out at night."

"Professor Snape, is it about the Chamber of Secrets?" Draco said with interest, "Do you know about the heir?"

"You don't need to know this, Draco." Snape said smoothly, "But it is undoubtedly a crazy thing. Don't be curious about it. If you bump into him at night, I think he doesn't mind killing people. Silenced."

Draco snorted twice and said in a long tone: "So it's definitely not Harry Potter, that clown who is trying to impress everyone..."

They walked underground and bumped into Harry leaning against the wall at a corner. When he saw the three of them, he seemed a little panicked. The tip of the wand in his hand emitted red sparks and made a harsh whistling sound.

After the sound passed, Snape said coldly: "Potter, what are you doing?"

"Oh, the famous Harry Potter, why are you here?" Draco put down his hands covering his ears and stared at him with malicious eyes, "I think you must be doing something. bad thing?"

"Don't tell me that you are waiting for the secret room to open. The child in your secret room is not at home today?" At this point, Draco sneered.

Not to be outdone, Harry glared at them and said dryly: "Aren't others allowed to leave here?"

"You contradicted the professor for the second time, Potter. Twenty points from Gryffindor." Snape said lazily, "Go back to your place. If I find you making any noise in the corridor again..."

Harry nodded casually and ran away looking a little absent-minded.

Draco looked at Harry's back with some pride, raised his eyebrows and said, "I think he is doing something bad, Professor."

Snape moved his head slightly and said, "It's time for you to go back."

Brian and Draco nodded goodbye to Snape.

"Wait." Snape stopped Brian, handed him a thin old notebook, and walked away without looking back.

"What is this?" Draco poked his head over.

"Maybe... it's a Christmas gift?" Brian flipped through the book, which contained some potion formulas and some small spells.

"Oh, another point of knowledge..." Draco glanced at it and turned away with a look of disgust.

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