Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 356 Three Years

Time always slips away inadvertently, and in the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Inside the Department of Magical Science Research, it was a busy scene at this time. The floor is filled with display screens, which display news from various places, chaotic surveillance, or a series of garbled numbers. All kinds of mechanical creations are running tirelessly, and the ticking sounds of various instruments are endless.

Wizards in uniforms and robes came and went in a hurry, and the sound of chatting made the surroundings seem chaotic.

Two wizards strode through the crowd, arguing about something.

"Brooke, can you please stop causing more trouble? I'm already very worried! Next time something like this happens, don't expect me to go to the Muggle police station to fish you out!"

"I just went to test whether my spell could hide from Muggle security measures... In fact, I have successfully passed the surveillance camera, thermal imaging and infrared detection! But I didn't expect that there were two dogs inside... …In fact my improved lockpicking charm can handle most types of Muggle lockboxes…”

"I don't want any wizard to become a thief one day by relying on your improved spells, Brooke! What will people call you then? Father of thieves? Friend of thieves?"

A witch was giving orders to three wizards: "Hurry up and help! Grant's fire spell is out of control again!"

"Has he never given up on testing various Muggle methods to defend against the Fire Curse?"

"In fact, constructed vacuum can control the Fire Spell very well, don't you try it? The vacuum spell created by Felit is very effective, but it is too difficult to learn."

"Actually, I would rather learn Schmidt's Ice and Snow Goddess Curse. It has a good effect on many spells such as Li Huo. His team is still moving towards absolute zero..."

"That's enough! It's time for you to go help. I don't want to see this place burned to rubble next moment! Watch out for your wages!"

A group of wizards walked by in conversation, talking about their research as if no one else was around.

"... Let's draw a magic circle, oh, or an alchemy circle, to achieve remote communication. This is magic. Using mobile phones to communicate is technology. In fact, magic is just arranging the magic power in a certain way to exert various effects. , and technology creates various possibilities by arranging electricity and other energy sources through circuits. The essence is the difference in energy... Magic can completely replace electricity..."

"Indeed, alchemical items can be a good substitute for certain technological structures, and even part of the energy function can be replaced with magic... But where does the magic come from? It does not seem to consume our energy, which is inconsistent with energy. Conservation law!”

"It's magic, there's no need to think about science, Riley. But the possibility raised by Mr. Brian Foley does open new doors for us, and the future is incredibly bright! We have the potential to rid the world of energy. restrictions!"

A large group of Aurors and even wizards ran over with their wands raised. They all had magically modified firearms and other weapons on their belts, and their faces were serious as if they were going to fight. There were a few goblins following behind, also trotting with a straight face.

"What happened? What did Heinrich do?"

"Forget it, it's Jonathan Taylor!"

"What happened to him? Don't tell me he blew up the laboratory again..."

"He's dead! He left us a big mess...Merlin's pants! Can't we save some time every day?"

"Who knows what happened?"

"Jonathan was killed by a nuclear bomb, that's it. He wanted to see if the Vanishing Curse could solve it at the critical point of the thing exploding, so he secretly got one from a Muggle and put it in the desert... It would be an incredible scene. It’s a serious diplomatic matter, we still have to clean up the pollution, my damn vacation is over!”

"I think it's good to make this an unsolved mystery in the world, right? We don't have to rush to admit it..."

The daily life in the Ministry of Magic is always so calm and peaceful, um, no problem.

In the past three years, the magical world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and various Muggle technological products have been fully integrated into the lives of wizards. Wizards have used their ingenuity to transform various Muggle supplies, bringing endless convenience to their lives and improving their living standards.

The lives of wizards are completely integrated with the Muggle world. Now all they have to do is make the existence of wizards public to all Muggles.

For this goal, for the peaceful coexistence of wizards and Muggles, in addition to common enemies, a community of interests must be reached. Therefore, more than two years ago, after preliminary study and deliberation, the International Federation of Wizards promoted the opening of the wizarding world.

Companies from the Ministry of Magic and wizards in various countries have opened all over the world, selling daily necessities, technological products and simple alchemy items transformed by magic all over the world. The magical effects of magic have unparalleled competitiveness in the Muggle world and soon became popular all over the world.

At the same time, various magic potions are enthusiastically sought after by Muggles, and the magic hospitals established in various countries have overwhelmed countless people. There are miraculous methods that cannot be achieved by Muggle medical standards, including cosmetic plastic surgery, regeneration of amputated limbs, cure of serious diseases, etc., and can even extend life!

If it weren't for the fact that the magic hospital was unable to expand due to the limitation of wizard manpower and could only maintain a very small scale, ordinary Muggle hospitals would have been squeezed out of existence.

Similarly, there are many sharp-sighted wizards all over the world who have taken advantage of the rapid development of the times and made a lot of money.

The Foley family is one of the best, and is now developing into a global consortium.

Mr. Foley has opened banks all over Europe, and banks spanning the wizarding world and the Muggle world have more development potential.

And Foley Company is about to expand all over the world. Its products include basic magic supplies, high-quality magic supplies, magic cars, and magic supplies modification business. It has formed a series of industrial chains in the Muggle and wizarding circles. In just a short period of time, In a short period of time, he accumulated huge wealth.

These strange products have gradually integrated into every Muggle's life, bringing unimaginable conveniences, such as remote controls for one-click cleaning of the house, flight modifications for cars, etc., which have been welcomed by everyone, and the products that can change their appearance at will Clothes, high-end handbags with infinite extension spells and other items have attracted countless rich people to spend huge sums of money on them.

Although Muggles question whether these products are the effects that technology can achieve, they have long been accustomed to their existence and can no longer live without them. Everyone is mentally prepared for the possibility of magic.

A group of wizarding stars headed by Andrea Garcia have become popular all over the world. They are more enthusiastically pursued in the Muggle world than in the wizarding world and have countless fans. Garcia has become the dream goddess of countless people, and her magical singing has intoxicated countless people.

Of course, the past three years have not been completely peaceful. The battle between the International Federation of Wizards and Heinrich's Film Club is going on all the time, and they are fighting in various fields. Attacks on the Shadow Club occur from time to time, and victims often appear in the wizarding world and Muggle high-level officials in various countries, but the Ministry of Magic can always capture some members of the Shadow Club to boost morale.

Under such a threat, the magical world united as never before, and even non-human magical races actively participated in this war. Even the goblin race, after experiencing the initial chaos and under the common threat from both parties, chose to fully accept and cooperate with the Ministry of Magic's actions, which was very understanding of current affairs.

The Ministry of Magic and Muggle governments of various countries have also launched in-depth cooperation to jointly deal with Heinrich's threat. Although there are always contradictions and ups and downs, and indispensable wrangling and delaying, cooperation has steadily deepened under the threat of the common enemy, and has gradually become a closer relationship that shares weal and woe.

The world is developing by leaps and bounds. Because of the combination of magic and technology, it has gained unprecedented vitality. This is an era of rapid change.

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