Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 346 The Screaming Shack

Snape pulled the end of the rope with his wand and led Harry out of the castle like a balloon.

The sky outside had become cloudy without knowing when, and a strong and humid wind was blowing, bringing with it the moisture of an approaching rainstorm. Lightning was brewing in the dark rain clouds, like dazzling lights that appeared and disappeared.

Snape's long black messy hair was blown by the wind and danced around his head. With his usual blank and indifferent expression on his face, he walked slowly across the field and walked towards the familiar destination.

Harry, who was tied up, was speechless, but he struggled desperately without giving up, and there were blood marks on his wrists.

Harry, who was racking his brains to think of how to break free, was also paying attention to Snape's path. He recognized this familiar place and saw the tall whomping willow standing in front of him.

Harry knew where Snape was taking him, so he gave up the useless struggle, looked at Snape hatefully, and closed his eyes in despair.

Snape ignored Harry's situation. He stood in front of the Whomping Willow and waited for a while. He waved his wand to make a stone fly up and hit the knot on the tree trunk that he was waving randomly. The branches of the Whomping Willow looked like He paused as if the pause button had been pressed.

He dragged Harry into the hidden hole in the tree. This secret passage, which had been sealed as Hogwarts tightened its security, was secretly opened by him in the past two days.

He walked along the low tunnel, with only the dull sound of footsteps echoing around him. A faint green light appeared in front of him. He walked in and came to the screaming shack that had been burned to blackness three years ago.

By this time, the house had changed. The doors and windows that were boarded up were covered with thick curtains, the burned debris had been cleared away, and the whole house seemed empty. Candlesticks were hung on the walls, and green flames danced in the air, bringing a glimmer of light to the place.

It's so quiet here that you can seem to hear the sound of the flames beating. Under the dim firelight, the black marks still remained on the walls and floors, like ugly scabs.

Snape expressionlessly canceled the Disillusionment Curse on his body, and there was a dragging sound on the floor. The big snake Nagini swam out from the dark corner, its snake eyes staring at them coldly.

A tall, thin man stood at the end of the room, his back turned to them. His pale, hairless head was particularly conspicuous in the dim environment.

Harry's scar hurt sharply. He looked at the person in front of him and felt that the blood in his body had gone cold.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, knowing he wouldn't survive tonight.

"Master, I brought Harry Potter here." The deep voice that made Harry feel hatred and disgust broke the silence here.

Snape dropped Harry to the ground and stood silently.

Voldemort turned around, his red eyes glowing red in the darkness. He looked at Harry on the ground, a smile appearing on his lipless mouth. He said in a voice as soft as a snake's, "You did well, Severus."

Snape bowed deeply and stood aside, his black eyes shining in the darkness.

"We meet again, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived." Voldemort walked slowly around Harry and said softly.

Harry looked at him with eyes burning with anger, struggled hard, but fell down weakly.

Voldemort waved his wand, allowing Harry to finally open his mouth and speak.

"You can't win, Tom Riddle." Harry tried his best to appear unafraid and tried to hide the tremor in his voice, "Even if you kill me, it won't change your outcome."

"Really?" Voldemort tilted his head and looked at him, like a curious child looking at a novel and interesting toy. He stretched out a long and thin hand as pale as a bone and gently pressed it on Harry's forehead.

Harry's scar seemed to explode, and intense pain invaded him, as if he was back in the cemetery that night, alone and helpless. But now his situation is obviously more desperate, being tied up in this closed dark room.

He gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out in pain. His lips were bitten and blood flowed down his cheeks to the ground.

Nagini hissed and came closer, opening his smelly mouth as if he saw delicious food.

Voldemort retracted his hand thoughtfully, looked at Harry lying on the ground, and then at Snape, who was standing silently aside, playing with the Elder Wand in his hands.

Harry gasped violently and forced himself to look directly into those red eyes bravely, a little surprised that he seemed to read some kind of doubt and surprise in those eyes.

Voldemort is confused and suspicious of what?

"Severus, you did well," Voldemort repeated.

Snape said in a low voice: "This is what I should do, Master."

"I was thinking, Severus..." Voldemort said softly, as if talking to himself, "You seemed to have asked me to spare his mother's life..."

Snape's expression changed, and then became expressionless again. He said slowly: "That has passed. I admit that I was obsessed at the time. I have already woken up."

"I am glad that you now have no hesitation in letting her son die," Voldemort said softly.

"He has nothing to do with me, he is just the son of the person I hate the most." Snape lowered his head and said.

Voldemort raised the wand in his right hand, then slowly lowered it, and said with a smile: "Then, I will give you a chance...I allow you to kill him yourself."

Absolute silence fell into the dim cabin.

Snape raised his head with an indifferent expression, and his black eyes were empty, like two dark dry wells. He slowly raised his wand and pointed it at Harry on the ground.

Harry gritted his teeth and looked at him coldly with emerald green eyes.

Snape looked into Harry's eyes and said without pause: "Avada..."

A white light flashed through the darkness, interrupting the spell. Snape stumbled back several steps and bumped into the dark wall.

"No, I'll deal with him myself." Voldemort said, his red eyes narrowed into thin slits.

"Okay, Master." Snape lowered his head deeply and tried his best to operate Occlumency, suppressing the sudden feeling of relief in his heart.

He deeply remembered what Dumbledore and Brian had said, that Harry must be killed by Voldemort himself.

If Voldemort hadn't stopped him just now, he would have pointed his wand at the snake before finishing the spell... but at that point, everything would be over.

Snape silently stepped aside, Occlumency functioning flawlessly.

"Okay, our matter should be settled, Harry Potter." Voldemort's cold voice sounded, "I really want to know if you will die if no one comes to act as a shield for you this time..."

He raised the wand in his hand, a look of cruelty and amusement on his face.

A high-pitched spell sounded, and a dazzling green lightning lit up the entire room. A rumble of thunder exploded outside the house, as if in response.

Harry's body slumped down softly, his head hung limply to the side, and his glasses were tilted to the side.

Something seemed to explode in the room. Voldemort was ejected, hit the wall hard, and then fell to the ground crookedly, as if dead.

Nagini rushed over like an arrow from a string, swimming around Voldemort anxiously, spitting out snakes and hissing.

Snape's eyes flashed and he rushed over, but was blocked by the vigilant Nagini.

"Master?" Snape called. He was mentally calculating the possibility of his success now, but in the end he didn't take action because Nagini was not easy to deal with, and Voldemort didn't know when he would wake up.

Sure enough, soon, Voldemort opened his eyes, and a flash of fierceness and fear flashed in his red eyes.

"Go and confirm, that boy... is he dead?" Voldemort said sharply, standing up from the ground.

Snape carefully tested Harry's breathing and heartbeat, and then said in a slightly excited tone: "He is dead."

"Get out of the way!" Voldemort shouted. He walked over, his two slit-like nostrils shrank, and the skin around his eyes turned pale. He waved Snape away and personally confirmed that Harry Potter's heart was no longer beating.

He waved the wand again and again, causing Harry's body to be thrown up and down again and again, and finally fell to the side softly.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort's voice was cold and high-pitched, but there was some kind of relaxation hidden in it, "He died in my hands!"

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