Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 335 The Shaky Secrecy Law

In the somewhat dark underground conference room, a figure sat silently and solemnly on a stone bench. The torches on the wall swayed, reflecting the uncertain expressions on these people's faces.

An hour has passed since the invasion of the Magic Congress building. The escaped representatives of the International Federation of Wizards gathered here, waiting for Phillips to deal with the follow-up and give a damage statistical report.

The atmosphere in the conference room was so gloomy that it seemed to be dripping with water. After the initial confusion and shirking of responsibilities due to the killing of several people, under the management of Ajinbad, everyone sat down in their seats and fell into In the rare silence.

Brian was invited to sit in the front seat. After personally experiencing this level of strength, everyone who recognized the gap knew how important it was to have a strong combat power that exceeded the specifications. It was difficult to make up for it with numbers.

Especially Heinrich's decapitation tactics, from which almost no one could escape. After experiencing this personally, this group of high-ranking wizards became panicked for the first time.

I don't know how long it took, but Phillips walked in with a few Aurors with a gloomy look on his face, holding a statistical report in his hand. He walked to the stage, cleared his throat, and then said in a low and hoarse voice: "This is an extremely sad day. We lost fifty-six wizards and even goblin employees. I don't know if they were injured or captured. , still dead...even my deputy died in the battle in the conference room."

"We lost the headquarters that we had maintained for more than a hundred years, but thankfully, most of the employees managed to escape. Although some people were injured, they are safe for the time being."

Phillips spoke with a tired expression for a while, and then sat back down in his seat. His always straight spine also became a little rickety.

Ministers from other countries, even those who had serious conflicts with Phillips, showed expressions of sadness, and the atmosphere fell into a downturn for a while.

"At the same time, we have lost the Minister of Magic from Australia, South Asia and even several European countries, as well as several senior officials of the Ministry of Magic..." Babajide Akinbad read each name with a sad expression, always cordial. The enthusiastic face was now clouded.

No one spoke. This attack completely woke them up from the situation where they felt good about themselves. It allowed them to see the power of Muggles and their own shortcomings, and to see clearly the serious situation they faced at present, which they could only advance but not retreat. situation.

Of course, it is unknown how many of them were thinking about taking refuge with Heinrich.

"However, fortunately, we woke up not too late and did not bow to the darkness. This is our belief!" Akinbad's voice cheered up. "I cannot accept the world ruled by Heinrich. I don't want the world to be in a situation like this." Under the control of one person, I don’t want to kowtow to others from now on! What about you?”

"Of course, never!" Phillips straightened his spine again and said full of hatred.

Everyone expressed their attitude in an uproar, and the atmosphere became slightly more lively, but it was not as tense as the previous few days.

They realize the importance of cooperation.

Brian nodded in relief and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The conference room once again fell into a buzzing discussion, and everyone was still frightened by this attack.

"You don't know how scary that manual wand that shoots out magic missiles is! The Bulgarian Minister of Magic was hit right next to me, with a big hole in his head!"

"That's a pistol. How many years have you not paid attention to what's happening on the Muggle side? Do you think Muggles use swords when fighting?"

"This is more powerful than most magic, and it's so easy to use that even Muggles can have one."

"Actually, you can block it with the Iron Armor Curse, but most people can't react..."

"What I care more about is that those Muggles are well-trained, disciplined, cooperative, and dare to rush forward despite the curse. But the wizards here only care about fighting on their own, and are scared out of their wits by those strange weapons. …”

"You try to fight with the smoke that makes people cry? They have to run, the smoke is so choking that people can't even pronounce the curse."

"Don't make excuses for their cowardice. There were only a few Shadow Disciples who originally attacked. Aren't they running very fast?"

"I remembered when you mentioned this. Those hateful goblins are always on strike, but this time they ran the fastest! Without anyone to help them, all those wages were wasted."

"You're being one-sided. At least I saw one or two goblins still there to help."

"That's because they were cornered, otherwise he wouldn't care about the wizard's life or death!"

"...I think it is necessary to absorb Muggle technology..."

"No, I don't want to have what I encountered today again. To be honest, those Shadow Apprentices combined magic with Muggle weapons and became too difficult to deal with... If they can use it, we can use it, right? "

"Indeed, it was only then that I realized my narrow-mindedness, alas."


The discussion lasted for a long time. Seeing that everyone's emotions had basically stabilized, Ajinbad clapped his hands and said, "Then, let's return to the issue of our relationship with Muggles..."

"The establishment of magical scientific research departments in various countries is an urgent matter. I think everyone has already fully understood it."

Everyone nodded, and no one came out to naysay this time.

"So, the issue of establishing the Muggle Communication Department and popularizing Muggle knowledge..." Akinbad slowly mentioned this issue that has been controversial and criticized in the past few days.

The expressions on the faces of the members in the audience changed, and Brian raised his hand at this time.

"Mr. Foley, please tell me your opinion." Akinbad said eagerly.

Under everyone's glaring gazes, Brian stood up and said calmly: "I think you should already know the importance of this kind of move."

"Heinrich has fully cooperated with Muggles and used Muggle power to deal with us, helping their Muggle helpers to deal with their political opponents... If we don't do the same thing, the power will only disappear. long."

"It is obvious that as Heinrich's behavior becomes more and more unscrupulous, it is no longer possible to hide the existence of the wizarding world. It is imperative to break the constraints of the Statute of Secrecy... If we don't want to wait for the Muggle guns to blast away Our doorstep."

"As for popularizing Muggle knowledge, I think you have suffered enough today." Brian said calmly, "That young wizard just put a shock bomb in the conference room, and most of us fell into the trap... …”

"If he hadn't been alone, and if he hadn't been bent on escaping, I think there would have been heavy casualties among us."

Upon hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the representatives in the conference room became gloomy and frightened.

"But in fact, as long as we understand this weapon in advance, this situation will not happen." Brian ignored everyone's expressions, "We will know that the iron armor curse cannot block the flash and loud noise at this time , the explosion curse and the crushing curse may cause it to detonate in advance. But a disappearing curse is enough to solve it, and the spells that protect or close the eyes and ears can completely restrain it..."

"No matter what happens, we should know to keep our distance, lie down, close our eyes and cover our ears."

"However, the truth is far more than that... If what it throws today is tear gas or sleep bombs, our response methods will have to change... Or even if it is a grenade, we need to use the Iron Armor Curse to deal with it."

When Brian said this, he paused for a moment, feeling that he had done a very merciful act by not letting the guy throw the grenade.

He continued: "In fact, there are still many weird weapons of Muggles. We must know how to deal with these weapons and find the best solution so that future wizards will not be in a hurry when facing them, like today It also collapsed at the first touch, and was beaten into the core area of ​​the headquarters by a dozen wizards."

"Whether everyone wants to believe it or not, we and Muggles are no longer two distinct worlds. Muggles will research ways to deal with magic, and we also need to know how to deal with Muggle weapons... Every wizard must You know, this is about everyone’s life and fortune.”

After Brian finished speaking, he sat down directly, and there was a burst of whispers around him.

"I agree with Mr. Foley's proposal!" A certain film club actor who had been on the opposing side before was the first to agree, with a righteous and awe-inspiring look on his face.

With the first person standing up, more people also stood up and expressed their agreement. The die-hards who were always finding faults overtly or covertly were eliminated, and the atmosphere became harmonious. For a time, the direction of public opinion completely changed, and the British Ministry of Magic's policy became a far-sighted and wise decision.

Fudge straightened his chest proudly, as if the previous embarrassment no longer existed.

"Then, this decision is passed!" Ajinbad announced with a final decision, "Friends, we must admit that the "International Law of Wizarding Secrecy" that has lasted for more than three hundred years is coming to an end!"

"This will be a historic moment, and it also means that we finally have to stand up and face all challenges!"

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