Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 325 Garcia’s Mission

Two months passed by and the weather turned cold. The cold wind was blowing all-pervasively, and it seemed that even the light mist that always filled the sky had been blown away.

Pedestrians on the road hurried past with their hats lowered, not caring about anything around them.

Brian slowly walked into a retro and elegant high-end restaurant, holding a light green letter in his hand, which exuded a faint smell of perfume.

"Mr. Brian Foley?" A short man came over and asked very politely.

"Yes." Brian had an intriguing smile on his face.

"Please come here, Miss Garcia is waiting for you." The man whispered, taking the lead and pushing open the door of a box.

The elegant box was warm as spring, and the sweet music lingered in my ears. Under the soft light, there was a beautiful woman sitting. She was wearing a simple white dress, her hands were crossed on her legs, her long crimson hair was spread over her chest, and her eyes were slightly closed.

"Miss Garcia, long time no see." Brian smiled.

The woman opened her eyes, her light blue eyes sparkling brightly. She stood up with a smile and said in a pure and clear voice: "You can call me Andrea. I take the liberty of visiting. I am honored to have you. Brian.”

"How many people dream of meeting a world-famous singer alone," Brian said in a brisk tone, making the atmosphere much more relaxed.

The woman in front of her was none other than the original singer Andrea Garcia, the one who came to this country to give a concert in order to make people bravely resist Voldemort. She was also the ideal person who hoped to eliminate blood prejudice and create an equal wizarding world. Activists.

The two people chatted face to face, like friends they hadn't seen for a long time. The atmosphere was relaxed and peaceful. Garcia's voice was more pleasant than the music, making people feel very comfortable.

After chatting for a while, they got to the point. Brian said: "I don't know, Andrea, what do you want from me?"

Garcia hesitated for a while and then said: "What you said at that time, is it really possible to create a world where wizards and Muggles live in harmony?"

Brian smiled and said lightly: "Of course it is possible, but it requires unity and hard work..."

"Actually, I have thought about many possibilities, and I find more and more that the world you describe is what we aspire to." Garcia trimmed her long dark red hair, "I also hope that my singing can make the world Everyone hears it, wizards and No-Majs alike."

"Compared with your ideas, everything I have done seems so narrow. I even considered Heinrich's ideas, but I think it is wrong. War will only bring pain..."

"But war is the most straightforward way to solve problems." Brian said casually.

"Maybe." Garcia forced a smile, "We argued for a long time, and we increasingly believe that with Heinrich's activities, the opening of the wizarding world will inevitably happen, but this ending may be the worst... … We have to be ready.”

"You are very sober." Brian raised his eyebrows slightly, "You are much more sober than those so-called people in power."

"They are just fans of the authorities." Garcia shook his head and said, "We stand on the outside and see more clearly."

She took a deep breath and said: "The chaos caused by Heinrich will destroy your plan, right? I want to know what your countermeasures are. If possible... we will provide you with support."

Brian looked into her eyes without changing his expression.

"I'm sorry that I came to you just now. I shoulder the responsibility of many people. It is impossible for everyone's fate to be pinned on unknown people and a cause with little hope." Garcia said apologetically, "But the current situation has been tolerated. We have no choice but to hesitate. Before the situation gets worse, if you still need us, we will do our best and sacrifice everything."

Speaking of this, Garcia's light blue eyes were determined and bright.

Brian shook his head. It turned out that people like Garcia were still idealists, and they had a naive recklessness when facing their ideals. Otherwise, they would not have come forward at this time.

You know, Garcia and the others are not directly interested in whether the situation gets worse. They could have stayed out of it, but after confirming that it would affect their ideal harmony and peace, they decided to stand up without hesitation.

"You don't have to apologize. I understand your previous choices." Brian said softly, "I was still an unknown little boy back then. It's normal for you to have difficulty making a choice. In other words, any rational person would do this. choose."

Garcia chuckled and raised his right hand to cover his lips.

"Of course, I still need you." Brian took a sip of the red wine on the table, "This is a matter of course."

"Then am I lucky enough to hear your plan?" Garcia sat up straight.

"Of course, in fact, the chaos caused by Heinrich is also an opportunity for us." Brian said, "We can take the opportunity to disclose the existence of wizards... But we must be prepared to take the initiative in our hands. , rather than handing it over to someone else.”

"We should not be forced by Heinrich to seek help from Muggles like a lost dog, but should appear in front of Muggles like a savior. No matter what happens, we should appear as equals and cooperate. This is a completely different treatment. ."

"However, if the situation is allowed to develop like this, the wizarding world will inevitably take the first path. In this way, there will be no harmonious coexistence. It will be a problem for the wizards to protect themselves."

"Wizards must be prepared to open up in advance. At this point, I will naturally go to the Wizards Federation to operate. However, the wizarding world has been closed for so long, and making a hasty decision will inevitably lead to uneasiness and opposition from many people." Brian paused. After a pause, he said, "Then, your role will be reflected..."

"We..." Garcia, who was listening carefully, had eyes as bright as the clear sky.

"Yes, or you are an indispensable publicity candidate." The smile on Brian's face became much stronger, "The appeal and appeal of a world-famous singer will be of great help, and even more Not to mention a superstar who has received strong support from those in power."

Garcia's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his white teeth bit his lip unconsciously.

"So, your role is to stabilize the mood of the wizards, publicize the need for openness, mobilize their power, and unify the voices within the wizarding world." Brian said in a calm tone, "In this way, the policy can be implemented more smoothly. , to avoid further chaos, and even to stir up the power of people to make compromises among those in power who are trying to stem the tide.”

"This is a vital job. Of course, it is obvious and dangerous." Brian said slowly. "You may be attacked or assassinated by many people."

"I am willing to do it." Garcia said decisively, "When I decided to fight for our ideals and beliefs, I was already ready to sacrifice for it!"

"Very good." Brian nodded as if pleased.

In the following time, the two people discussed the future situation and enjoyed a delicious dinner.

After dinner, the two of them smiled and said goodbye. At this time, there was a lot of noise outside, with many people making loud noises and messy footsteps.

The commotion lasted for a long time, then gradually faded away, and a series of crackling gunshots came from further away.

Garcia frowned and said: "Is it a parade? Or is there a fight? This country is also in chaos."

"Yes, this is something that neither wizards nor Muggles can avoid." The expression on Brian's face did not change at all.

"That's true. Many countries are in turmoil, whether it's the wizarding world or the No-Majs." Garcia sighed, but the expression on his face became more determined.

"Work hard, this is just the darkness before dawn." Brian said softly, "After the labor pain, there is new life."

Thank you, hehehe, for the 1,500 starting coins given by the children, show your heart (ω)

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