Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 309 Grindelwald

This is a narrow cave located on the seaside. The sea breeze blows through the cracks in the rocks with a moist and salty smell, making a whining sound like a siren crying.

A gray-black shadow huddled in the corner of the cave. It seemed that it was frightened by the sound of the wind. It kicked its feet in its sleep and turned over, revealing a pale and thin face.

There were rustling footsteps outside the cave, and soon, a young man in black robes walked in. His black eyes were shining faintly, and he looked at the figure in front of him mercilessly.

This young man was Brian. He played with the wand in his hand and frowned at the sleeping figure.

"Hey, I had a hard time finding his traces before." A deep voice came from behind Brian, with a hollow echo in the cave, "He was hidden really deep, I spent a lot of energy That’s when I caught him.”

Brian didn't look back. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said helplessly: "I know how difficult it is for you, father."

Mr. Foley walked over with his hands in his hands and joked with a sad expression: "You used to call me daddy, Brian."

Brian frowned, ignored him, and said instead: "Next, father, you need to downplay your presence here. My two identities need to be separated."

"Okay, it's really a waste of time." Mr. Foley touched his chin, "By the way, what do you want to call your power? Since you named yourself Black Crow before, how about calling it Crow Society?" To be honest, this name is really frustrating..."

"You are really talking more and more, father." The corners of Brian's mouth twitched, "I think I shouldn't use the name Black Crow anymore..." He thought of the inexplicable dreams of several people, and he was in the dream. It seems to have transformed into a black crow.

"Why don't we call it the Film Club." Brian said casually.

"Okay, although the name is not very good." Mr. Foley raised his lips in a funny way, "Then, we members will be called Shadow Disciples? It doesn't sound classy..."

"Whatever they want, they can call themselves 'Little Shadows'..." Brian said expressionlessly.

"Little Shadow? What a cute name, hahaha..." Mr. Foley didn't know what he thought of, and kept laughing. He finally waved his hand and said: "Then I'll go out first... Phew, little shadow, haha..."

Brian resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and looked at the figure on the ground with his eyelids slightly raised, and the expression on his face returned to indifference.

"Now that you're awake, get up." He said calmly.

The figure's hands and feet moved, and the iron chains wrapped around them rattled. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up. His silver eyes were sinister, staring at Brian coldly.

"Arnold Heinrich comes from a pure-blood wizard family and is currently the only one left in the family." Brian said leisurely, "He graduated from Durmstrang Academy of Magic twenty years ago and was obsessed with Glinde. Waugh's deeds, and in order to improve his black magic abilities, he traveled around the world and feverishly collected ancient black magic."

Heinrich's cold eyes moved, and his expression became even colder, like a sharp silver blade.

"Your obsession with dark magic has made you more and more isolated and unpredictable, and you have committed many major crimes in various places. For example, twenty-three Muggles died in your dark magic experiments five years ago, and the White family the year before last The murder of a family of four..."

"Currently, more than ten countries have issued wanted orders for you, and the International Federation of Wizards has included you in the list of the most vicious black wizards in the world..."

Brian narrated in a calm tone, without any fluctuation in his expression.

"So what? Your purpose in catching me is not to explain to me what I have accomplished, right?" Heinrich grinned and said in a low and hoarse voice.

"Of course not, it's just that, just like what you did, those who were harmed by you may just be unlucky to meet you... Now it's just the other way around, you unluckily fell into my hands Here, it just so happens that I have some use for you." Brian said with a smile.

Heinrich's eyes looked as if he wanted to eat someone. He suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Brian at a speed that was too fast to be human.

He hit the invisible wall in front of Brian with a "bang" and fell weakly to the ground, like a wounded beast, with a grunting hiss in his throat.

Brian shook his head and said with raised corners of his mouth: "Actually, in a sense, I am giving you a big gift."

He looked up at the rock above his head and said slowly: "You will make an indelible contribution to today's world, and your name will be forever engraved in history, as dazzling as Grindelwald's name."

"Humph." Heinrich climbed up with difficulty and bared his teeth at Brian.

"It seems that the research on black magic has indeed permanently affected your mind. It's a pity." Brian said lightly. He stopped talking to Heinrich, pointed his wand at him and said: "Forget everything!"

The expression on Heinrich's face suddenly became confused. Then, he blinked in confusion, and the eyes he looked at Brian actually had a bit of childlike innocence.

"The soul left the body." Brian continued to recite the magic spell. Heinrich stood aside obediently, looking at him with his head tilted.

He dug out a large box from his bag, which he transformed using the infinite extension spell and alchemy, turning it into a spacious room that could meet a person's needs for survival.

Brian cut off a lock of Heinrich's blond hair and ordered him into the box. Then he closed the box, put a lock on the outside, and put it back in the bag.

The setting sun gradually sank below the horizon, and the earth appeared heavy black. The moon has appeared from the other side, with a bright star hanging next to it.

Brian was walking on the dark wasteland. The black tower in front of him looked like a giant beast perched on the hillside. The tall spire pointed coldly at the sky. The many dark windows on the tower were like rotten wounds, which made this person feel uncomfortable. The tower looked even more gloomy and decadent.

The surroundings were getting darker and darker, and Brian stood in front of the high wall, looking up at the line of words engraved above the entrance to the tower, "For the greater good." He continued to raise his head and looked at the tallest tower. Only the narrow window on the topmost floor showed a little light.

Brian took out the badge left by Dumbledore and fumbled with it with his right thumb. Finally, he transformed into a starry sky and blended into the night, going up and up the tower, and got in through the narrow window that gave out a faint light.

The cell was empty, with only a table, a chair, and a bed with a thin blanket thrown randomly on top. Sitting next to the table was a shadow as skinny as a skeleton, supporting his head with his skinny arms, and a dim oil lamp lit beside him.

"Mr. Grindelwald?" Brian said softly.

Grindelwald suddenly opened his eyes, and his skull-like face turned to Brian. He was so old and weak that he seemed to die at any time, but his deep-set eyes were deep and bright.

Brian hesitated, showed the badge in his hand, and looked at him quietly.

"I didn't expect anyone to visit here." Grindelwald smiled, almost all the teeth in his mouth fell out, "Now that you have obtained this badge, then Albus is finally dead?"

"Yes, Mr. Dumbledore has passed away." Brian said, "It has been more than ten days."

"I just said he would die in front of me. This time I won." Grindelwald grinned, "How did he die?"

"You didn't know?" Brian asked.

"I only know that he was enchanted by an unbreakable curse. After being smart all his life, he finally fell into a trap that no one with a normal IQ would fall into." Grindelwald said sarcastically, but his tone contained a deep sigh. .

"Dumbledore's death can be said to have been planned by him, and he got his wish," Brian said.

"It's his style." Grindelwald replied briefly, "Albus told me about you. I have been waiting for you to come over, but I didn't expect you to come so late."

As he said that, he glanced at the badge in Brian's hand and continued: "I didn't expect him to give this to you."

"There are always a lot of things to deal with." Brian said slowly.

"So, what is the purpose of your coming here?" Grindelwald grinned with almost all his teeth, and his skeleton-like skinny cheeks looked hideous and terrifying in the candlelight.

"Sir, do you want to leave here?" Brian said softly.

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