Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 300 The Ended Battle

"The Dark Lord escaped?"

The scene was silent for a moment, with this unbelievable thought echoing in everyone's mind.

"The Dark Lord has escaped!"

Soon, someone was shouting one after another, which was high in morale and undermined the Death Eaters' morale.

The Death Eaters who witnessed this scene began to panic. They couldn't believe that the mysterious, powerful and terrifying Dark Lord had been defeated? Leaving his servants behind, he ran away alone!

The horrific injuries on the Dark Lord's body cannot be faked!

The Death Eaters also felt the same wavering feeling of faith as when Dumbledore died. Those Death Eaters who knew the situation also had endless fear of Brian who could defeat Voldemort, and even more people began to waver. .

However, they soon ran out of time to think about anything else, and now they needed to figure out how to get out.

In the blink of an eye, the Death Eaters, who had lost all their fighting spirit, dispersed and began to run for their lives with all their might. Some people rushed to the small room where the disappearing cabinet was, and some people ran quickly on the field, planning to rush out of the school gate and then disapparate.

"Follow the victory!" Kingsley Shacklebolt shouted, raising his wand, "We still have hope!"

The Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors energetically attacked the Death Eaters who had exposed their backs to them, occasionally looking towards the top of the tower with awe.

On the top of the tower, Brian rested for a while, then stood up and extinguished the Li Fire that was still greedily devouring everything.

After a great battle, the top of the Astronomy Tower has become devastated. The flat stone floor became pitted, blackened, and cracked. There were many cracks on the wall, and there were traces of scorch and melting everywhere.

Brian approached the severed arms and flesh left by Voldemort, and saw with some helplessness that they had melted, evaporated into black smoke, and disappeared.

"Sure enough, for the wizards who stand at the top, they have special methods to deal with the flesh, blood, hair, etc. that contain their own information, so as to prevent them from being obtained and used by the enemy." Brian thought. In fact, he himself took similar measures.

He was not too upset, and slowly walked around the wall, cleaning up some inappropriate traces, and found that the alchemy runes he had carved were almost completely destroyed.

"This stage can be regarded as a successful retirement." Brian clapped his hands and quietly watched the battle under the tower.

The battle has come to an end. Aurors are chasing the fleeing Death Eaters on the field. The battle in the tower has gradually cooled down. The professors are mourning the death of Dumbledore.

The elegy of the Phoenix sounded again, so sad that it made people want to cry. The sad tune seemed to emerge from the depths of people's hearts, resonating on the campus at night.

Soon, the battle was completely over, and people remained as quiet as death, treating their injured companions, collecting the bodies of the dead, and restraining the captured Death Eaters. Under the song of the phoenix, they placed the bodies of their companions next to Dumbledore, stood in a circle around them, and mourned silently with tears.

Next, people began to clean up the battlefield, sending the injured and fainted people to the school hospital, escorting the captured Death Eaters back, and sending back the bodies of their companions. The corpses of the Death Eaters were moved aside, awaiting final disposal.

Hagrid picked up Dumbledore's body and walked towards the castle. Harry arranged his remains while the phoenix flew around them, its singing never stopping.

Slughorn, who came from the castle to support him, wiped his face again and again, as if he didn't dare to look at Dumbledore's body. Professor McGonagall blew her nose, her lips trembling. Professor Flitwick was knocked unconscious and was being taken to the school hospital. Snape did not leave. He stood aside silently, his eyes as empty and indifferent as usual.

"It's over." Brian sighed softly, and then walked down the stairs.

Where he passed, everyone made way for him and stared at him silently, with a hint of awe and hope.

No one dared to completely watch the fierce battle that took place on the top of the tower, but the intense flash of light that erupted on the tower at that time and the blazing brilliance of a torch still seemed to remain in everyone's retinas.

Voldemort's miserable look told them that it was this young man who fought against Voldemort alone and defeated him. He is still so young and a rising star full of promise.

Even if some people doubt it and some people can't believe it, at this time they all long for a new spiritual pillar and are willing to believe that there is hope in the world.

As Brian walked along the road, some people bowed to him, some took off their hats to salute him, and some nodded to thank him. At this moment, they had no prejudice, no consideration of interest entanglements, only a sense of awe for the strong and worthy of respect.

"Fuli, you..." Professor McGonagall rubbed the corners of her eyes in surprise.

Brian walked up to Dumbledore's body and bowed deeply. He looked around and saw Harry avoiding his gaze, Hermione covering her face tightly with her hands, and Brian shaking his head slightly and saying softly to the professor on the side: "Please have your condolences, Professor."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the castle, and a group of people watched his back silently until he walked into the gate of the castle.

He doesn't really like facing such a scene, even if this result is driven by him.

Brian walked along the deep corridor and came to the principal's office door again. The ugly stone monster still faithfully guards the door, facing the changes of the world as always.

"Can I go in?" Brian asked the stone monster.

"Of course, you can." The stone monster jumped to the side.

Brian went up the spiral escalator, opened the door, and walked into the circular office. Everything inside is exactly the same as before, the silver instruments are whirring and spinning on the table, exhaling smoke, the sorting hat is on the shelf behind the table, and the portraits of the old principals are still sleeping with their eyes closed. But Fox's perch is empty, and the phoenix is ​​still singing its dirge outside.

Dumbledore's portrait has not yet been hung on the wall, and the surroundings are quiet and quiet, with only the slight rustling of the silver instruments.

However, there were a few things shining brightly on Dumbledore's desk.

Brian came closer and slowly narrowed his eyes.

He picked up the cracked ring and looked at the note underneath. The thin font said: "Resurrection Stone Ring, I think you know it... I hope you can use it properly."

"I hope you understand that what it reveals is never reality, but the sweet fantasy that leads to death - Albus Dumbledore."

Brian played with the Resurrection Stone ring in his hand to make sure it didn't look fake, and then put it in his pocket.

There is a small badge in the middle with a black tower painted on it. The note below read: "Nurmengard's token, I hope you won't disturb him too much."

On the other side of the desk was a long sword inlaid with huge gems, housed in a glass box, shining in the moonlight. The note next to it read: "Gryffindor's sword can destroy Horcruxes. I hope it can be left here and given to someone with courage at the appropriate time."

Brian put away the badge and the note on the table without touching the sword. After taking a deep look at the Sorting Hat on the shelf, he turned and walked out of the principal's office.

It's not the time to get that hat yet. There are still more than ten days before the relic can be opened. It won't take long to leave it here for the time being.

Brian paused and looked at the new prompts that appeared on the system. Tonight's events had brought him four witness points, and now there were more than seven in total.

It was completely enough for him to upgrade the remaining Occlumency and Legilimency to the highest level.

"Don't worry yet..." Brian pursed his lips, feeling insecure that he was about to get close to the truth.

"No matter what, it will be peaceful for a while." Brian murmured.

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