Watching Brian's figure disappear behind the door, Dumbledore sat at the desk with a deep gaze.

Fawkes, the phoenix, flew to the table and sang sweetly to him. Dumbledore stroked Fawkes' feathers gently.

The pictures on the walls woke up from their slumber, and they began to make a noise.

"Oh, this child is so similar to Tom Riddle at that time..." the thin old principal in the picture frame exclaimed, "He is also full of curiosity, ambition, humble and polite, and also very handsome... Although he He hasn’t shown Riddle’s amazing talent in front of everyone, but it’s definitely not bad, and the look in his eyes occasionally is exactly the same.”

"You are wrong, Armando, this child is not handsome at all, he is very beautiful." The witch Delise Devante with long silver curly hair retorted in another frame.

"Oh, he is an outstanding student of our Slytherin, don't try to trick him." The former principal of the Black family said in a mocking tone, "But, he actually hangs out with mud... ahem... What a shame to Slytherin, a great shame! Forget it, since he is a bad boy, why not bury him..."

"Shut up, Phineas." Delis reached out her hand from her picture frame and covered his mouth.

"Uh-huh, let me go..." Phineas opened Delise's hand, and she pressed her head down again.

"What did you think about it, Albus?" Delis asked softly, and the old principals in the portrait also stopped making noise and listened.

Dumbledore stroked Fox's feathers and said "Ah" when he heard the words: "You know, Delis, in the Mirror of Erised, I saw the darkness hidden in his heart."

"He is really a smart kid, and he is unexpectedly mature. He is consciously hiding himself at this age..." Dumbledore praised, "At that time, he reminded me of Tom Riddle, and also reminded me Reminds me of him and me when we were young."

"But the good news is that he is similar to Riddle, but also very different."

"There is definitely more than darkness in his heart. He is pursuing love and longing to be saved. He is just confused."

"As a professor, I think I have the responsibility to ensure that he does not go astray." Dumbledore sighed. "I watched Riddle's growth with a cold eye. This is not wrong, but it cannot solve any problems. It will only make things worse. Those who are resentful become more resentful, and those who are indifferent become even more indifferent. So for this child, I want to change the way to treat him."

"Perhaps, he just needs someone to reach out to him, light up his heart, let him see his choice clearly, and not let him do something that he will regret for the rest of his life."

Dumbledore crossed his hands and rested his chin, his light blue eyes wise and vicissitudes of life.

"He can be mean, but he can also be great."

"I think I can probably still play the role of a guide."

With only a week left before the exam, the sounds in the Slytherin common room fell silent.

All the little wizards are busy revising or suffering from more and more homework.

The library was also overcrowded, and all seats were occupied early.

Daphne had big dark circles on her face and listed a long review plan on the parchment. She has been very grumpy recently and has transformed from a little girl into a queen.

She would glare viciously at anyone who dared to interrupt her study until that person walked away knowingly. If someone dared to stalk her, she would throw that person out of her territory like an angry tigress with her hands on her hips.

Even Pansy Parkinson has been afraid to talk to her lately.

Fortunately, Daphne's attitude towards Brian was relatively good, probably because Brian could solve her study doubts.

"Besides, Brian, your mood was very wrong a few days ago. I'm so glad you adjusted it." Daphne said.

"I was so scared that you were getting farther and farther away from me. Fortunately, you are much more normal now." Daphne is always so sharp.

"Thank you, Daphne, I just figured something out." Brian stared at her with his gentle and melancholy eyes and said, "Thank you for always trusting and supporting me, Daphne."

"This is what it should be." Daphne's face turned red and her voice was as small as a mosquito.

"Well...can you tell me how to release this curse? I can't always do it well..." Immediately, she raised her rosy face and said sheepishly.

"Okay, release me first and let me see..."

The communication with Daphne is basically like this.

On the other hand, Malfoy always acted like he didn't care about the exam, and played wizard chess in the common room. But Brian clearly saw him secretly memorizing notes and practicing the spell.

Crabbe and Goyle were painfully carrying all kinds of knowledge. They usually fell behind too much. Although Brian lent them his notes, they still scrunched up their ugly faces all day long, making Brian think they had seen a troll again.

But there is no doubt that if they don't want to experience a mixed doubles match after returning home, they will have to study hard next.

As for Brian, he didn't really care about exams or anything. He didn't think it was worth showing off to get first place in a test of a group of twelve-year-olds.

His magic level is more than enough for various examinations, but he is a little behind in the history of magic and astronomy, but he is by no means incompetent.

So he will also play a few games of wizard chess with Malfoy.

Brian actually liked wizard chess, and his level improved by leaps and bounds while playing chess with Malfoy. Malfoy has been unwilling to play chess with him recently. He would rather play chess with Crabbe or Goyle, which can show the superiority of his IQ.

But Malfoy had another thing to worry about, and that was that his solitary confinement was tonight.

This morning, Malfoy received a note from Professor McGonagall:

Your confinement begins at eleven o'clock tonight. See Mr. Filch in the foyer. ——Professor McGonagall.

Malfoy grabbed hold of his pale blond hair with a look of reluctance on his face. He found this embarrassing.

"I am obviously a Slytherin student, why is this old Gryffindor woman punishing me?" Malfoy looked unhappy and lowered his voice when he mentioned "old woman".

He looked crazy and said that he didn't want to be locked up with Potter and the others. The school should send Potter and the others to clean toilets or something, and he whispered bad things about Professor McGonagall.

Brian laughed secretly. He knew that what Malfoy had always been most afraid of was Professor McGonagall.

These past few nights, Brian has been following Quirrell to the Forbidden Forest.

When the bottom line is broken, all that's left is greedy asking. The Dark Lord needs more unicorn blood, which will allow him to regain more strength.

However, they didn't find any sign of the unicorn in the past few days. However, they found another unicorn last night, but Quirrell didn't catch it.

He wounded the unicorn, but when he sensed Hagrid approaching, Quirrell, who had spent a lot of energy at that time, could only give up and continue hunting.

Apparently, the death of the unicorn last week had alerted Hagrid, who had been patrolling the Forbidden Forest recently.

But Hagrid's behavior is obviously dangerous, and Quirrell has had enough of him. He tried to kill Hagrid more than once, but was dissuaded by Brian.

Because this would obviously anger Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not expose Quirrell's thoughts at this time, but just let it go to a certain extent. I wonder if he knew Voldemort was in Quirrell.

But if he kills Hagrid, that's not necessarily the case. By then, even Brian may not be able to escape his investigation.

"This will anger Dumbledore, Professor Quirrell." Brian said to him at the time. "Your current state cannot be hidden from his careful inspection, unless you want to face Dumbledore head-on."

Quirrell followed Brian's advice, but his patience was clearly wearing thin.

The Dark Lord's possession had made him a lot more irritable lately.

"I must make dad complain to that woman severely. It's best to drive her out of Hogwarts." Malfoy was still gritting his teeth.

Brian spread his hands helplessly and said, "So don't think about sneaking out at night in the future. If you want to practice magic spells with me, you can tell me."

He had been going out to look for unicorns at night lately, and he could only use it as an excuse to go out and practice his spells.

"Who would go out to practice spells at night?" Malfoy looked at him like he was looking at a big colorful slug.

"Okay." Brian smiled.

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