Under the leadership of the male prefects, a vigorous snake-catching campaign began in the boys' dormitory that night.

"Over there! There's a little one there... hurry up, it's going to run away!" This was the cry of a coward.

"There are eggs here, they have laid eggs!" a boy said excitedly, holding several snake eggs.

"Don't come here! No! It bit me!" Well, Madam Pomfrey needed to save one more person.

"No, don't grab it with your hands, use magic! The silver lin snake is flying! Oh, no..." This was the voice of a senior student. He chanted a flying spell to a silver lin snake, but the silver lin snake was flying. The shelf wrapped around the snake summoned him, and he was pressed under the shelf, catching the snake's head the moment it attacked him.

"All petrified!" Brian used a full-body binding spell to make a snake stiffen, and then reached out to lift it.

Under the light, this little silver snake is like a perfect work of art. Its silver scales are shining, its streamlined body is full of beauty, and its two small red eyes are shining like rubies.

"It looks a little cute like this." Brian touched his chin and said, "She looks very well-behaved."

He threw it into the glass jar on the side and locked it.

Soon, the accident in the boys' dormitory alerted the dean, Professor Snape, who floated over silently wearing a black dressing gown with a gloomy face.

"Shabini paid the price for his actions, but he still had to deduct fifty points." Snape was obviously very angry and almost killed himself. Brian had never seen Snape look so gloomy before. He seemed to be ready to pull out his wand and recite the Avada Kedavra at any moment.

"Of course, Brian made timely remedial action tonight, saving that idiot's life." Snape turned to say, his expression a little better, "Twenty points for Brian Freelance."

"But why didn't I receive a report from someone? Report that an idiot brought dangerous creatures to school." Snape glanced at the little wizards around him sinisterly, making them all lower their heads in fear.

"I hope what happened tonight can serve as a warning to you." He said in a smooth voice, "Smart people should not stumble twice on one thing."

Snape took all the silver snakes with him when he left, and also helped them catch the largest snake that had never been found.

It slipped out of the dormitory after biting Malfoy, then slipped back in during the confusion, and ran into Crabbe's bed.

Of course, Snape captured it easily with magic.

He left with a cage containing a large clump of snakes, Brian sincerely hoping they wouldn't turn into potion ingredients.

The next day between classes, Brian went to visit Malfoy, who was still in hospital.

His body was fine, but his face was still swollen and his eyes were narrowed to a slit, so he refused to be discharged from the hospital.

Malfoy was very dissatisfied with Snape's actions last night, and he believed that he also had a lot of credit. If he hadn't shouted, Shabini and the others would have died silently in their beds.

"That night I was entangled by the big snake. It bit me and stared at me, trying to swallow me." Malfoy always said this after he recovered, "I know Shabini's The situation was definitely worse, so I shouted loudly to scare away the snake, attract everyone's attention, wake up Brian and let him go to rescue people..."

I don’t know if others believe it, but Shabini does.

Shabini was very grateful to Brian and Malfoy for their life-saving help, and has maintained a good relationship with them ever since.

He has never had many friends because of his self-centered personality and his mother's not-so-good reputation. His mother is a well-known beauty snake. She has been widowed six times, and each husband who died left her a large inheritance. People have been speculating how long her current husband will be able to hold out.

The day after Shabini was bitten by a snake, the charming and charming snake came to visit him. At that time, she held Shabini and cried bitterly. To express her gratitude, she gave Brian a big hug and kissed him on the cheek.

Brian blushed a little.

Mrs. Chabini is indeed beautiful. She has wavy blond hair, a plump and graceful figure, a charming smile and every move is full of charming charm. Brian thought he saw a Veela, but her temperament was obviously more noble and elegant than that of a Veela.

She was also part of Brian's mother's little circle of ladies.

Brian's father also lamented that she was the most beautiful, fascinating, and dangerous woman he had ever seen. Although this made Mrs. Foley very unhappy, she didn't give him a good look for a long time.

"She is indeed a capable woman, and also very dangerous." Brian sighed and consciously stayed away from her.

Later, in front of Brian and Malfoy, Shabini also restrained his self-esteem and got along well with them.

However, Shabini obviously had a psychological shadow on snakes, and would gasp and tremble a few times when he saw the snake on the Slytherin badge.

It was obvious that he would never think of playing with a snake again.

Malfoy laughed at him for being a coward, but he was obviously still frightened.

He didn't tell his father about this. Apparently he thought it would be too embarrassing to be scared and screamed by a snake, and it would also disappoint his father.

This incident became a topic of conversation among the Slytherins for a while.

"I heard that someone saw Professor Snape releasing those snakes in the Forbidden Forest." When talking about this matter, Daphne said the rumors.

"Some people say that Professor Snape made them into specimens." Brian shook his head and smiled.

There are different opinions about the fate of those snakes, but perhaps only Snape knows what happened to them.

However, Brian did find a missing silver lin snake egg in a cool and damp corner of the dormitory. He hesitated, planning to hatch it and then use magic to tame it.

Anyway, this snake is quite rare and its venom is very useful. Popular and beautiful.

He built a breathable glass box in a corner of the dormitory, simulating an environment suitable for snakes to survive, placed snake eggs inside to hatch, and cast many reinforcement spells on the box. As long as someone doesn't let it go intentionally, it will never come out.

Malfoy was intrigued and swore that snakes were his favorite and that what happened that night was just an accident.

Daphne obviously didn't like snakes, even though they were Slytherin's representative animals, but she felt they would work better as sculptures. She prefers cats, furry, cute and coquettish pets.

She has a snow-white long-haired cat. She has light blue round eyes, like a fluffy snowball. Her name is Daisy.

Daisy is very picky, she only likes to eat fresh fish and medium rare beef. Daphne called her a squeamish little princess, and she took care of the cat like a treasure because it was a birthday present from her sister.

Daisy likes to huddle up in an armchair in front of the fireplace and warm herself up, and her screams are very soft. She was very close to Brian. Sometimes she would jump on his lap when he was studying. She would also knock over his ink bottle when he was not paying attention, dye herself into a black cat with ink, and then paint on his homework. Leaves a lot of paw prints.

Brian believed that the cat needed treatment, such as starving her for a few days to change her picky eating habits, which was strongly opposed by Daisy. But Brian quite liked stroking her soft hair, which made her feel calm and relaxed.

These days, Brian is thinking about how to make some more powerful potions.

The level of magic power increased slowly, so he had to use a testimony point he obtained not long ago on it to raise it from entry level to mastery level.

Originally, magic power will gradually grow with age, increased knowledge and continuous practice. Currently, it is not a loss to use witness points to enhance it.

But he found that even so, he couldn't use some powerful magic.

The magic power cannot be significantly improved for the time being, after all, he is still young. He could only consider other methods. After all, his current situation was not that safe and he needed to be just in case.

He had no choice but to focus on potions, which was currently more likely to produce results.

Brian found a book from the restricted book section called "Powerful Potions", which contained recipes for many powerful potions, including Polyjuice Potion. He copied the book.

Brian found a deflagration agent, which acted like a Molotov cocktail, exploding and releasing a continuous burning flame.

He thought for a while and realized that he knew how to make a Molotov cocktail, and it seemed that he didn't need to brew a potion.

But obviously potions are more convenient to carry, safer and more stable.

He used his spare time to brew ten bottles of deflagration potion in the Room of Requirement, and he had completed the task for the time being.

That is really dangerous. Once the dosage or cooking time of a certain material is not controlled well, it can easily cause an explosion.

Even under the protection of the Room of Requirement, Brian was still in disgrace, even using the Iron Armor Charm inspired by the alchemical item his mother had given him several times.

"It's truly a book in the restricted area. It's too dangerous." Brian sighed as he wiped the black ash from his face.

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