Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 14 A Happy Christmas

During the Christmas holidays, the whole school is filled with a festive atmosphere.

Professors McGonagall and Flitwick decorated the Great Hall beautifully.

Brian is somewhat out of tune with the lively and cheerful atmosphere around him. He tries to find the Mirror of Erised every night.

He didn't remember where the magic mirror was. He only remembered that in the original book, Harry ran out of the library and finally found the classroom where the magic mirror was placed.

He could only search for a few days focusing on the library, but could not find the magic mirror.

He supposed that maybe Dumbledore hadn't put out the magic mirror yet, since Harry hadn't yet received the Invisibility Cloak and was walking around in it.

Obviously, this is part of Dumbledore's plan to raise a savior.

Brian liked to sit in front of the warm fireplace in the Slytherin lounge, reading books borrowed from the library, and enjoying the peaceful and lonely atmosphere.

Just like that, Christmas has arrived.

Brian woke up from bed on Christmas morning. He was the only one left in the dormitory, which seemed very deserted. The three Malfoys went home.

There was a pile of packages on the floor at the foot of the bed. They were all his Christmas gifts.

Brian looked at the package on the ground and smiled slightly. This was the first time he had received a holiday gift, and it felt good. He first put on his clothes and then unpacked his packages one by one.

Malfoy gave him a very gorgeous set of wizard chess, with the chess pieces running and shouting, and the tips of the wands in the hands of the chess pieces emitting colorful sparks.

Crabbe and Goyle thought of going together, and each gave him a large bag of sweets of all kinds.

In fact, what Brian gave them were also candies.

Daphne gave him a very handsome brooch with the Slytherin symbol on it, which would change color and shape.

There was also a gift from Hermione inside. She sent him a large package containing a complete set of Muggle junior high school textbooks. The little witch has been trying to reverse the bad impression his pure-blood wizarding family has on Muggles.

His mother, Mrs. Foley, gave him a very warm green pajamas. The style was simple yet stylish. Her aesthetics were always impeccable.

The most speechless person was his father, Mr. Foley, who gave Brian two books: "How to Seize Wealth and Power" and "Pure Blood Glory".

"But is this a book that children of this age should read?" Brian said speechlessly. Maybe Mr. Foley is just supporting a book published by one of his friends.

As for Brian, he also prepared different gifts for his friends.

He gave Malfoy a model of his favorite Quidditch team, with puppets of all the players wearing team uniforms and flying around on broomsticks.

He gave Daphne a beautiful bow, and he hoped his aesthetic wouldn't be too bad.

At the same time, he gave Hermione a carefully compiled book, which recorded some improvement methods for potions as well as some little knowledge about magic that was always easily misunderstood and went against common sense.

The Christmas party at Hogwarts was held in a particularly festive atmosphere.

There are gorgeous Christmas decorations everywhere, and there are no longer four long tables, but one wide and long table, and the teachers' guest seats.

Everyone gathered around a long table, which was filled with food. At least judging from the appearance, it was extremely rich.

There were also piles of colorful firecrackers placed beside the dining table. Brian pulled out a firecracker, and a gorgeous top hat popped out of it, with a snow-white rabbit popping out of it from time to time.

Brian put the hat on his head, although he felt a little foolish.

Very few Slytherin students stayed at Hogwarts; most of them went home. Young wizards from various colleges were sitting around, but in this cheerful holiday atmosphere, everyone put aside their usual prejudices and competitiveness and enjoyed the Christmas atmosphere together.

Brian was sitting upright at the table, his back straight and not touching the back of the chair. He was out of tune with the cheerful and noisy little wizards around him. He held a fork in his hand, carefully tasting various foods to prevent himself from eating strange dark dishes.

After coming here for so long, what he is most dissatisfied with is the food.

Think about it, the food here is either grilled or boiled, and there are even many strange combinations that you can't even imagine, which Brian wouldn't dare to eat.

"Why can't they learn to cook?" Brian slowly ate the roast turkey, feeling a strong urge to teach the house elves at Hogwarts how to cook.

The Weasley twins set off a firework that knocked off Brian's hat. They seemed to be displeased with Brian's meticulousness.

Brian glanced at them. They were wearing tall, long hats with a fake owl and an eagle flapping their wings. They had to free one hand to grab the brim to prevent the hats from flying away.

Harry and Ron were also there. They were happily lighting firecrackers with colored packets, exploding clouds of blue smoke. Several white mice scurried over from them, forcing Brian to pick up the plate in front of him.

At the guest of honor table, the professors were also very happy. Dumbledore looked comical wearing a top hat decorated with flowers. Brian even saw Professor McGonagall giggling, her cheeks red. Professor Snape ate the food meticulously, completely unaware that the decoration of the hat on his head had been turned into large and colorful flowers.

In the afternoon, Brian sat by the playground and watched a group of little wizards having a snowball fight. Christmas here really makes people feel happy and relaxed, which makes Brian's mood brighten.

Several snowballs emerged from behind, interrupting Brian's thinking. They hit Brian's face one after another, making him frown and look over. The Weasley twins were pointing at him and laughing.

Brian felt like the two brothers had been targeting him.

He cast a spell and rolled up two big snowballs. The snowballs grew bigger and bigger, and finally buried the brothers inside.

They emerged from the snowdrift, looked at each other and laughed, then they formed more and bigger snowballs and threw them all at Brian.

Brian dodged a few and knocked back some snowballs, but in the end he didn't dodge them completely, and each snowball blindfolded him. Harry and Ron joined in, and Brian was eventually buried in a snowdrift.

Brian pushed the snow away from his eyes and looked at the group of laughing people in the distance. Somehow, he felt a little funny and started laughing. The smile started small and then grew bigger.


Another pile of snowballs fell from above his head, burying him in the snowdrift again.

Brian never dreamed that one day he would waste an entire afternoon on a boring snowball fight and still have a lot of fun.

The Weasley twins always seem to make everything unexpectedly interesting.

After dinner, the little wizards were all tired of playing and returned to the lounge in twos and threes.

Peeves laughed shrilly in the corridor, throwing snowballs at the passing little wizards.

When Brian passed by, Peeves seemed to recognize the little devil who had let Bloody Balor teach him a lesson. He gave up on the other little wizards and concentrated on chasing after Brian, laughing loudly and throwing snowballs at his head.

The little wizards around were watching the fun happily, wondering how he provoked Peeves.

In the end, Brian had to use a spell "Wadi Wasi" and stuffed a piece of chalk into Peeves' nostrils to drive him away.

Of course he remembered the spell, and it wasn't difficult either.

Harry and the others also laughed when they saw Brian's unprecedented embarrassment.

"By the way, George, why do you have to provoke him?" Harry asked the Weasley brothers with a smile.

"You have the wrong person, I am Fred."

"No, this doesn't work anymore, your initials are written on both of your sweaters," Harry said.

"How do you know we haven't changed our sweaters?"

"Maybe we were wearing each other's sweaters from the beginning."

The two brothers looked at each other and chuckled.

"Okay, whether it's Fred or George, why do you have to provoke Foley?" Harry rolled his eyes at them.

"Don't you think it's an eyesore for him to be there alone?" George said.

"It smells of loneliness and desolation, which is not suitable for Christmas at all." Fred said.

"Lonely like a little pitiful child."

"I have to act like a grown-up."

"Prudery like Percy."

"No, he's more of a prude than Percy."

"So it should be fun to mess with him."

"No, I should say it's really fun."

The two brothers sang and harmonized, as if they were talking about a two-person talk show.

Then the two jumped up and down and danced a nondescript and exaggerated jig, making everyone laugh.

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