"Oh, look what happened? Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban!"

One morning in late July, Mr. Foley opened the latest Daily Prophet and looked at today's front page headlines with an exaggerated expression.

"Sirius Black?" Mrs. Foley leaned over and looked at the newspaper in astonishment. The man in the photo had gloomy eyes and a haggard and pale face, staring indifferently ahead.

"Yes, the Daily Prophet finally published a really big news, instead of making a big deal about a poor family winning a meager Golden Galleons like it did a few days ago." Mr. Foley sarcastically said said.

"Albert, this is no joke!" Mrs. Foley frowned worriedly, "That is a very vicious fugitive! I really don't know how he escaped from Azkaban..."

"Obviously, I have never been very fond of the jailers in Azkaban," Mr. Foley said, lowering his hat. "Maybe they let them go on purpose, so that they could have some free time and eventually absorb a soul pad." Pad your belly, tsk tsk..."

"When he was caught, he used a spell to blow up a street and killed thirteen people..." Mrs. Foley said worriedly, "That's a madman!"

"To be honest, I think almost everyone who came out of Azkaban is crazy..." Mr. Foley spread his hands.

"Albert, you have to promise me not to try to contact him!" Mrs. Foley stared at him closely and said in a gentle but serious tone, "Even if he was with you before..."

"Oh, how could it be! I don't want to get stuck in that quagmire again." Mr. Foley patted her hand and comforted softly.

"But did Black escape from prison to kill Harry Potter?" Mrs. Foley looked uneasy, "Will he go to Hogwarts?"

"Don't worry about that. It's too late for Blake to escape, so why would he throw himself into a trap?" Mr. Foley said gently, "And Brian is very powerful now. Didn't I tell you?"

"Yeah, you don't have to worry, Mom." Brian said in a soft tone, "After all, Black can't blow up Hogwarts, can he?"

"Brian, you have to stay away from this person, he will do anything for the Dark Lord." Mrs. Foley warned, "He was the one who betrayed Harry Potter's parents and allowed the Dark Lord to find them. Which ultimately led to everything happening..." Speaking of this, a look of disgust and complexity appeared on her face.

Brian had a soft curve on his lips, nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

"I'm afraid that short fat guy Fudge is going to be in trouble." Mr. Foley curled his lips and said gloatingly.

Mr. Foley was usually a good friend of the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, but in private he always called him "Stupid Humpty Dumpty".

"Today I have to go to the Ministry of Magic for a walk, find out specific information, and appreciate the faces of those guys." Mr. Foley said with a smile as he turned the teacup on the table.

"Dad, I want to study alchemy recently, but the books in the study are not suitable for self-study," Brian took the opportunity to say, "I think I need an alchemy teacher. Are you good at alchemy?"

Mr. Foley rubbed his forehead and said: "I'm not good at that. To be honest, our family has not studied alchemy very much since ancient times... You can buy any alchemy items you need."

"Then do you know anyone who is good at alchemy or has a better alchemy book?"

"The most powerful alchemist in the world today is Nicol Flamel, but his whereabouts are uncertain and he has lost the Philosopher's Stone. It is difficult to say whether he is dead now." Mr. Foley touched his chin and said, "And I am with He has no friendship.”

"The forging skills of the goblins are very strong, but they are taking a different path and will not pass on their technology at all."

"The Nott family is good at alchemy..." Mr. Foley paused and said, "But the father and son went on a trip to Africa, which will last until the start of school in September."

Brian nodded. He remembered the alchemy book Theodore Nott gave him last semester. It was indeed a book suitable for beginners. Unfortunately, there was only one book, which was not comprehensive and systematic at all.

"...the Bork family also started out in alchemy, but they always like to delve into dark magic items." Mr. Foley continued to take inventory, "And that old guy Borgin is not a good guy. He hides everything. Although I I have some friendship with him..."

"I have a few friends who are good at alchemy and can help you ask." Mr. Foley added, "I have to say that alchemy is really declining now, and those magic tricks shops use the most advanced ones. Basic alchemy, but those poor products are more popular..."

"Okay." Brian nodded and took a sip of black tea.

Mr. Foley put on his hat and went out, while Mrs. Foley was arranging flowers. For the rare occasion, Brian didn't shut himself up in the study, sitting aside and watching quietly.

"Brian, do you want to try it?" Mrs. Foley handed over a bouquet of white roses.

Brian took it, smiled, and placed the flower somewhere pleasing to the eye.

"Yes, your aesthetic level has not followed that of your father." Mrs. Foley said with a genuine smile. She sat quietly and elegantly, picked up another bouquet of cornflowers and trimmed the branches.

When Mrs. Foley finished arranging the flowers, she said in a soft and gentle tone: "Would you like to go to the lake?"

"Okay." Brian nodded.

They passed through a large rose garden and came to the lake on the side of the manor. The sun is just right today, the clear lake water is sparkling, and a few white swans are playing leisurely. The lakeside is surrounded by flowers and green trees, and the gentle fragrance of flowers is carried in the wind.

Mrs. Foley waved her wand at the kiosk on the shore and pulled out an exquisite boat. They walked up and the boat slowly carried them towards the center of the lake.

The two people sat on the edge of the boat, feeling the breeze blowing. The lake was so clear that they could see fish swimming underwater.

Finally, they stopped on the small island in the center of the lake. There was an exquisite hut on the island with a beautiful garden and balcony. Half of the hut was submerged in the lake, where you could swim and play in the water.

Brian found a fishing pole and sat fishing, while Mrs. Foley sat aside and stroked the white swan perched on the shore.

The two chatted without a word, and soon the day passed.

Brian put the fish he caught back into the lake, and the two of them took the boat back together.

Mr. Foley had come back. He was leaning on an armchair and flipping through a book. When he saw the two people coming back, he said with some dissatisfaction: "The quality of these books is getting worse and worse. I'm starting to miss Gilderoy." ."

Ever since Lockhart absconded, the Ministry of Magic has been looking for him, seemingly trying to designate him as the heir of Slytherin. Mr. Foley happily devoured Lockhart's share and continued to make money.

"How are things going?" Mrs. Foley asked.

Mr. Foley put down the book and said seriously: "I'm afraid Black is really going to Hogwarts. He kept mumbling the words 'He is in Hogwarts' before escaping from Azkaban."

Mrs. Foley let out a long breath.

"Remember, Brian, don't become arrogant just because you have learned something. Black is a madman, and normal people will always suffer when facing a madman." Mr. Foley said to Brian solemnly, "When you encounter him hiding, Stay away, his target is not you."

"I know, Dad." Brian nodded seriously.

"Then there's the matter of alchemy..." Mr. Foley frowned.

"How is it?" Brian looked at him with black eyes.

"I have a friend who is willing to teach you, as long as I provide him with some alchemy materials. But to be honest, I think his level is not very good," Mr. Foley said, "Of course, it is much better than those who sell magic tricks. "

Brian frowned slightly and nodded helplessly. Something is better than nothing.

"But..." Mr. Foley said again, "Do you know Bo Jin? He is the manager of Bo Jin Bok's store in Knockturn Alley?"

"I don't know, what's wrong?" Brian blinked.

"I met him by chance today. When I mentioned that you wanted to learn alchemy, he expressed his willingness to accept an apprentice..." Mr. Foley said slowly, "This is very wrong."

"Why is something wrong?" Brian frowned. Of course he knows this famous store.

"Haha, this old guy Bo Jin has always been an old profiteer. He values ​​his family's alchemy skills more than his life." Mr. Foley said.

"But he was actually willing to accept an apprentice, and he didn't put forward any requirements... According to his temperament of not being able to do anything early, I'm afraid he has other motives."

Brian nodded in agreement: "As we all know, free is the most expensive."

"Yes, if you go there, I'm afraid you will be eaten to pieces." Mr. Foley said with a smile, "Knockturn Alley is not a good place."

Brian nodded, he wouldn't consider going there.

"Oh, by the way, he gave me this..." Mr. Foley took out a crumpled piece of paper with an illustration on it, with a capital "D" in the middle, surrounded by dense symbols of different sizes. arts.

"Wait!" Brian took the note and looked at the runes carefully, frowning more and more.

"I think I can go talk to him first, Dad." Brian said calmly.

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