Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 101 Conversation between family members

"By the way, I think all three of you have won awards for special contributions to the school." As they were about to go out, Dumbledore said with a smile, "Harry, Ron, each of you has won awards for Gryffindor." Two hundred points. Brian, I think you deserve three hundred."

Ron's cheeks instantly turned bright pink, and Harry laughed. Brian nodded slightly.

The group of people left Professor McGonagall's office and looked at each other in silence in the corridor.

Mr. Foley folded his shoulders angrily, waiting for Brian's explanation.

Mrs. Weasley on the side hesitated for a moment, then came over, ignoring Mrs. Foley's glare at her, and hugged Brian.

"No matter what, thank you, Brian, for allowing me to call you that..." Mrs. Weasley choked, "It was you who saved Fred, Ron and Harry...if you hadn't discovered the truth. …I don’t know how to thank you, thank you…”

"This is what I should do, Mrs. Weasley." Brian said softly, hugging her back.

Mrs. Weasley nodded and looked at Mrs. Foley hesitantly, but she didn't say a word and left with her family.

Mrs. Foley cocked her head to one side and pursed her lips tightly. Mr. Foley watched them move away indifferently.

They walked slowly along the corridor.

"So, why is Dumbledore back?" Brian said softly.

"It's not because you guys are missing." Mr. Foley said angrily. "Such a serious accident happened just after Dumbledore left. Those fools on the board of directors hurriedly invited Dumbledore back... It was really a big joke to invite him back less than two hours after being driven away..."

"Albert, you didn't say that you took the lead in bringing Dumbledore back," Mrs. Foley said.

Mr. Foley said coquettishly: "Anyway, it will be a matter of time. At least through my operation, half of the people do not agree to kick Lucius off the board of directors, and his position is considered stable..."

"Okay, tell me, Brian, what on earth did you think that you would do such a reckless and stupid thing?" Mr. Foley changed the subject, looked at Brian maliciously, and said eagerly.

"I didn't take any chances, Dad." Brian blinked, "Before entering the secret room, I made sure that Dumbledore was watching us. The Phoenix was following us at that time, which means that Dumbledore could be there at any time. Everyone can join the battle..."

"After confirming that there is no danger, I really want to find out the truth and participate in an interesting adventure."

"But I don't know why. Maybe Dumbledore thought we did a pretty good job, so he never showed up." Brian continued, "Maybe he wanted to train us. After all, we did solve the problem in the end."

"Dumbledore, this old bee, is really evil-minded." Mr. Foley said with a relaxed expression and dissatisfaction, "Throw the things you left behind to the Dark Lord, but he can think of it..."

"After all, Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. People say he is the Dark Lord's nemesis. It is understandable that Dumbledore wants to train him." Brian said softly.

"So, how much do you know about that diary?" Mr. Foley looked directly at him.

"I saw it by chance, and the name on it." Brian said softly, "Remember that time we went to Malfoy's house during the holidays? That's the diary I want to touch."

"In other words, Lucius did it?" Mr. Foley looked straight at Brian and asked. Mrs. Foley covered her mouth with her hands, looking a little shocked.

"Obviously, he might want to use that diary to cause trouble in school." Brian said.

"Merlin's beard! He must be crazy to take the Dark Lord's things..." Mr. Foley put a fist to his lips and muttered to himself, "That's a basilisk. How could he... I have to ask ask him."

Obviously, both Mr. Foley and Mr. Malfoy thought that the diary was just a dark magic item made by the Dark Lord specifically to open the secret room, and did not think it was very important.

Brian narrowed his eyes and did not tell them that the diary was a Horcrux. This does nothing but make them worry.

"No matter what, dad, the Dark Lord is not dead, he will come back after all... Are you ready for the Dark Lord to come back?" Brian said quietly.

Mr. Foley's face dropped, his brows furrowed tightly, looking a little anxious. Mrs. Foley held his hand, her lips trembling slightly.

"Yes, people say that the Dark Lord is not dead..." Mr. Foley said weakly, "But, you know, he may not come back..." He murmured to comfort himself.

"And you don't have to worry too much, Brian." Mr. Foley's cheeks looked a little pale, but his expression was calm, "Even if he comes back, he won't do anything to us... He doesn't have many followers left. ”

"In other words, you still decided to continue supporting him, right?"

Mrs. Foley pursed her lips and clasped her hands together until her knuckles turned white.

"I'm afraid we can only choose to support him, Brian." Mr. Foley said slowly, "Some things can't be turned back. We have no other choice."

Brian nodded, he could always give them a new choice in the near future.

He added: "But are you still supporting his ideas?"

"You don't have to worry about this, Brian. Just focus on your studies." Mr. Foley patted Brian on the shoulder, "Just leave it to me."

Brian stopped talking about this matter. He knew that he was not strong enough now and it would be difficult for Mr. Foley to take his theory seriously.

"Dad, can you find Professor Lockhart?" Brian changed the subject.

"Unfortunately, I can't find it either." Mr. Foley slapped his forehead and his expression became relaxed. "As a qualified liar, he has more hiding places than you can imagine. In other words, the secret room is really true. Did he do it?”

"Who knows?" Brian said casually. Whether Lockhart would eventually be caught or not, it would not affect him.

"Come home with us, Brian." Mrs. Foley rubbed Brian's head gently.

"It's settled, Mom. I want to stay in school." Brian shook his head.

"But the diary has not been found yet, and there is still the matter of soul separation..." Mrs. Foley bit her lip and frowned slightly.

"I'm sure I'll find the diary, and I'll hand it over to Dumbledore when the time comes." Brian smiled mysteriously.

"As for leaving the soul... Dumbledore's amulet is still very effective, mother." Brian said, "Daphne took off the amulet and drank the sleeping potion. It was a very coincidence."

Mr. Foley nodded and said, "Okay, if you insist, you will be responsible for the decision you make."

"However, you have to be careful about Dumbledore, Brian. I heard that he is a master of Legilimency. You have to practice Occlumency."

"I've been practicing for a long time." Brian smiled.

Mr. Foley raised his eyebrows in surprise and nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, are you also good at Occlumency?" Brian asked curiously.

"Your mother doesn't know how to do it. I know a little bit, but I'm not very proficient." Mr. Foley said with a smile, "That thing is too difficult."

"That shouldn't be of any use, right?" Brian frowned, "It can't stop the Legilimency Master."

"I don't need to expect to be able to stop it. I just need to be able to detect that someone is invading my brain, and let that person know that I have noticed it. That's enough." Mr. Foley said proudly, "Most people will be polite. Stop. As for those who continue to invade, I will use the wand in my hand to teach them how to behave!"

Brian blinked and said, "This is very effective."

"Of course." Mr. Foley smiled.

"Okay, we have to go back, be careful in school." Mr. Foley warned.

"I know, don't worry." Brian said.

Mrs. Foley held Brian and talked for a long time before reluctantly leaving.

Brian snapped his fingers, and with a pop, the house elf Ika appeared beside him.

"Ika, do you remember the place I took you to last time? Take me there and go directly to the stone altar." Brian said softly.

"Yes, Master!" Ika blinked his tennis ball-sized eyes, took Brian's finger, and came to the secret room again amid a rich change of light and shadow.

At this time, it was quiet here, with green ripples still lingering all around. The basilisk that always wandered around was gone, and the portrait of Slytherin was gone, just like it was when he first came here.

Brian saw the diary placed on a stone platform. He frowned and took a step forward. The wall in front of him rippled like water, and the portrait of Slytherin reappeared there.

"Is it possible to pretend here, Mr. Slytherin?" Brian said in surprise.

"Of course, I will not appear in front of him if he is not the heir recognized by me." Slytherin's portrait said hoarsely.

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