Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 93 A big scene

In the end, Lean either rescued or caused more than 30 people to disappear.

On the opposite side, three wizards were also waiting for rescue.

Now, Rean was surrounded by four wizards.

They all wore the same style of aqua robes, but they were different in height and appearance.

"Everyone, be careful, he will disapparate, don't let him escape." The wizard from before shouted loudly to remind his companions.

The three people who came for support nodded, indicating that they understood. Then two of them took out a purple disk, placed it on the ground, and then placed two magic crystals on it.

An invisible light curtain instantly enveloped the entire town in Li En's perception. Li En sensed it a little and found that it was indeed an anti-disapparation spell.

Are anti-Apparition spells so common these days?

Lean couldn't help but complain that the previous house elf attacks had also started with anti-Apparition spells, and now they did it again.

"Phantom Light Body"

A shadow of himself suddenly appeared next to Lean, while Lean's real body was hidden aside.

Lien pointed at the exposed steel bars of the collapsed house in the distance. The exposed steel bars instantly broke in half, and the cut began to become sharp.

Then Lean waved his hand, and the steel bar instantly changed direction and flew towards the four wizards in blue.

"Be careful!" The wizard in the middle heard the movement first, loudly reminded his comrades, and quickly cast an iron armor spell on himself.

The wizards didn't react as quickly as the wizard, and they didn't have time to put the iron armor spell on themselves, so they had to dodge in a panic.

Lien took advantage of this moment and threw a small ball made of magic power into the air. After the small ball flew into the air, it hovered there, and then continued to emit rays in all directions.

These rays come in various colors. The red ones are burns, the blue ones are freezing, the green ones are corrosion, the gray ones are viruses, which can poison people; the black ones are silence, which can interfere with the operation of magic power in the body.

For a while, several wizards in blue had to hide behind the bunker.

Rean, on the other hand, sneaked up behind a blue-clothed wizard and planned to make a sneak attack.

Rean had no intention of using violence if there was an easier way.

But this time Lean failed. When Lean was about ten meters away from the wizard, a bell on the wizard suddenly rang.

Although the magic ball continued to emit light and hit the bunker, making a "pop" sound, the crisp ringing was still easy to hear.

An extra layer of film appeared on the wizard's body in an instant, which was only produced by activating the protective alchemy talisman.

"Fire Blast"

A column of flames directly hit the wizard, sending him flying and knocking him down into the ruins beside him. The thin film on his body also disappeared. It seemed that the alchemy item was directly damaged.

"Rhett!" The wizard hiding aside saw the situation here and couldn't help shouting.

Rhett didn't care about his injuries at all. He took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and drank it without feeling sick.

Lien's expression changed the moment he saw the potion bottle. He recognized that kind of potion bottle because he also had many in his pocket.

That was Snape's exclusive potion bottle, which meant that what Rhett drank was actually a high-grade potion refined by Snape.

"It's so rich." Li En couldn't help but sigh. The entire country's resources were concentrated on a few people, and even a pig could take off.

But at this time, the other wizards also reacted and kept throwing potion bottles towards Lien.

Explosive potion will produce a violent explosion after being thrown out. It is the wizard's version of a grenade, but this one is much more portable than a grenade.

Lean had no choice but to give up his actions against Rhett temporarily and turned around to avoid.

"Photon Shock"

While dodging, Lien did not forget to throw a spell at Rhett. Lien couldn't understand the truth that it would be better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them.

A beam of light fell from the void, hit the place designated by Lien, exploded into particles of light, and finally disappeared.

Rhett was even more injured and could only continue to take out the potion from his pocket and take it.

Several other wizards also began to fire magic at Lean to cover Rhett.


Lien was about to cast a lightning spell directly, but after looking at the exposed steel bars around him, he gave up the idea instantly.

It won't be fun to involve yourself then.

"Explosive Impact"

A huge fireball exploded in the center of the hiding place of several wizards, and countless small fireballs exploded in all directions. These small fireballs exploded again until they finally turned into a ball of flames that stained the ground and burned continuously.

This is a town established by high-level officials specifically to monitor the relatives of agents. There are many equipment and infrastructure here. Even though Lean destroyed all the houses, the foundation was still intact, so a wizard was busy putting out the fire.

The other two were suppressing Lean, while Rhett was recovering from his injuries.

"Photon Shock"

Two more beams of light fell from the sky, one hit Rhett who was recovering from his injuries, and the other was dodged by the wizard who was putting out the fire.

Rean sensed the location of the anti-Apparition device and found that it was carried by two wizards.

This is quite unusual. Generally, the devices used to arrange the array cannot be moved because the connection between the two devices has been fixed.

But unusual things have a high probability of being good things.

Lien threw seven or eight traps around the perceived location, followed by two more magic bombs. The two wizards carrying anti-Apparition devices were forced to move due to the power of the bomb.

This transfer happened to step on Lien's trap, and he was restrained in place on the spot.

Rhett has completely lost his fighting ability. The light pollution caused by the impact of two photons caused him temporary blindness.

The wizard who was fighting the fire on the other side was constantly hesitating between putting out the fire and saving his comrades, and finally decided to save his comrades.

"Thunderbolt Blast"

Since you have already planned to abandon this place to rescue your comrades, there is no need to be afraid of damage.

Several blasting spells blasted Lien's hiding place into danger.

"Earth Wall" "Explosive Wind Blade"

The earthen wall was raised to withstand attacks from the opposite side. Then strong winds blew up, mixed with cyan wind blades. As long as they touched objects, they would explode.

The entire ruins were under Lien's bombardment, with rubble flying everywhere and dust rising upwards.

At this point, three of the four wizards had completely lost their ability to move, and only the wizard who was putting out the fire was able to hide quickly when he saw that the situation was not going well.

"To stab"

Three sharp thorns suddenly rose from the ground, hanging the wizard.

Rean controlled the power of his spell very well, and none of these four people died.

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