Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 90 School Dinner

After arriving at the station, the little wizards walked into Hogwarts by themselves. The carriages pulled by Yeqi will only be available when school starts after the summer vacation.

However, the interest of the little wizards is obviously not here. Walking with their friends is more in their interest. Although they had spent a whole afternoon together on the train, it was obvious that the little wizards had not yet finished chatting.

Professor McGonagall is standing at the school gate waiting for the arrival of the little wizards. When each little wizard enters the gate, she will put a check mark behind the corresponding name on the parchment she carries with her to prevent any little wizard from missing the start of school.

Although this kind of thing rarely happened in the history of Hogwarts.

When the little wizards arrived at the restaurant, the students who stayed at school for Christmas were already sitting at the dining table.

They were also very happy to see their classmates return to school. After all, Hogwarts was indeed a little deserted during the holidays.

"Hey, Lean, nice to meet you, how was your Christmas?" Kes was very enthusiastic and pulled Lean to his side.

Bifur was talking to Juana on the side. Juana is the apple of the eye of the Foley family and must go back for Christmas.

The two did not see each other during the entire holiday. In order to prevent their families from knowing, they did not even exchange a letter.

As the saying goes, a long separation is better than a new marriage, and this is what it means.

"I met with Agent Mock during the holidays." Kes said to Lean, not worrying whether others could hear him.

At this moment, the restaurant was very noisy and everyone was talking, so in order to make their friends hear what they said, the little wizards had to raise their voices.

The consequence is that in order to ensure that their friends can hear their voices, other people can only increase their volume, so the restaurant becomes more and more noisy.

So a normal speaking voice can be considered a whisper in this environment.

"Children, please be quiet." An old but majestic voice passed through the noisy environment and accurately sounded in the ears of every little wizard.

Even the little wizard who wanted to share interesting stories with his friends shut up at this moment. This was the greatest white wizard of the twentieth century.

All the little wizards turned their heads and looked at Professor Dumbledore on the staff bench.

"Welcome everyone back to Hogwarts. I hope you have a happy holiday, and of course you will also have a happy semester." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Okay, children, let's start the new semester On your first day, eat to your heart’s content.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and many delicacies instantly appeared on the plates on the dining table.

The restaurant also returned to its previous bustle.

While everyone was eating delicious food, they continued to brag to their friends about what they had done during the holidays.

Kes also continued talking to Rean about the previous topic.

"On Christmas Day, I went to see Agent Mock. But to be honest, he lived a miserable life. He couldn't be reunited with his family even on Christmas. It was obvious that he loved his family very much." Kes took a sip of orange juice, then lightly punched Lean, "This kind of person is very easy to use. Your Christmas gift is not bad."

"So what are you going to do?" Rean just took a piece of barbecue and ate it slowly.

On the train this afternoon, he and Hermione had another full meal, and maybe Hermione would have a hard time having an appetite now.

Thinking of this, he looked towards the Gryffindor table.

Hermione was talking to a girl next to her, and there was only half a piece of roast on her plate.

"Lean?" Kes shouted from the side.

"Huh?" Reen came back to his senses.

"You may be needed later to help me rescue the agent's family. Of course, I will pay you. How about three bottles of youth potion?"

The youth potion is a potion that can maintain the user's youthful appearance. Each bottle taken can restore the user's appearance to the way it was a year ago. It can be taken multiple times.

Although the youth potion is not a rare potion, it is highly sought after by wizards because it can be used by both men and women and even Muggles.

Often, as soon as it appears on the market, it will be sold out immediately.

And if you want to keep your appearance, you have to keep taking it. After all, your appearance will gradually get older with age.

This also results in the annual production of youth potions being only that large, but countless wizards are waiting.

Lean thought for a moment and agreed.

Youth potions are a good choice whether you keep them for yourself or give them away.

"Didn't the agent tell me something?" Lean asked curiously.

You know, even when he first wrote to him, the agent gave him a recent piece of information about the Corey family.

"Of course, by the way, I remembered that the agent asked me to tell you that the Corey family's recent smuggling of death row prisoners from the Muggle world is getting bigger and bigger, and the number is also increasing." After finishing speaking, he looked at Lien with some doubts.

"Lean, did you find out that the Corey family is conducting any dark magic experiments?"

Even in the noisy restaurant, Kes inadvertently lowered his voice.

Experiments on dark magic are prohibited by all Ministry of Magic, and all wizards involved will be arrested if discovered.

Historically, it was the so-called black magic experiments that caused everyone to beat up wizards.

After the promulgation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, there were several dark magic experiments that almost exposed the wizarding world to ordinary people. Afterwards, the Ministry of Magic spent a lot of effort to complete the confidentiality work.

Since then, the Ministry of Magic has ordered a complete ban on dark magic experiments.

Even schools like Durmstrang in Northern Europe, which blatantly teaches black magic, dare not conduct black magic experiments.

Li En touched his chin and suddenly felt that this was a good excuse. He was still thinking about what excuse he could use to cover up that evil spell, but he didn't expect that there would be another one.

Seeing that Lien didn't speak, Kes seemed to have confirmed what he was thinking.

In order to completely ban black magic experiments and to detect those who take risks in time, the Ministry of Magic specifically allowed in the order that once the incident is confirmed to be true, the reporter can obtain half of the property of the person being reported.

Kes guessed that Lean was eyeing half of the Corey family's property.

Although the Corey family is not a big family, half of their property is much greater than their personal worth.

Lien looked at Kes's mysterious smile and suddenly realized that Kes might have gone astray.

But he didn't mean to explain. He couldn't tell Kes that I was greedy for both the Corey family's wealth and the Corey family's people.

Since Kes has misunderstood, let him continue to misunderstand.

The dinner ended soon, and the excitement would subside. The little wizards who had been riding the train all day gradually began to feel sleepy under the night.

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