Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 78 Proud Pais

Pais's body flew through the air lightly, flying over mountains and wheat fields, and finally landed in the shabby house of the three brothers.

I saw Pais smashing through the glass, rushing into the house, holding his head high, and stretching out his right paw.

"Where did the stupid bird come from? He was so stupid. He couldn't deliver a letter and broke the glass." Richie heard the sound of the glass breaking and rushed over and saw this scene.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu... Gu Gu Gu Gu" Pais turned his face away and looked at him with only one eye.

"What are you talking about? You're stupid." Richie walked over and took out his wand to restore the broken glass.

Keqi, who was on the first floor, also heard the noise: "Second brother, what happened upstairs?"

"It's okay, there was a stupid bird that couldn't deliver letters and broke the glass." Richie responded.

When Pais heard that Richie had been calling him a stupid bird, he suddenly became angry, and regardless of giving him the letter, he flew up and pecked at Richie.

Ever since he was a child, Richie had never seen the owl that delivered the letter have such a bad temper.

"You idiot, you're still angry. You can't even send a letter. Isn't this stupid?" Richie blocked his head with his left hand, then held the wand in his right hand and cast a repel spell on Pais.

Of course, he didn't do anything cruel either.

After all, people who know where they live are people who can be trusted.

"Boss, what's going on?" Butch heard Richie's yell and came up to check the situation, "Where did this owl come from?"

Pais was flying in the air at this time, shouting constantly, and a small blue shield around his body was constantly rotating. This was the protective magic that had just been activated.

Butch obviously noticed this, and immediately thought about which family sent this owl, so rich.

No, no, this must not be sent by a certain wizard family. Butch denied his inference just now.

The owls of the big families have their own family emblems, which are the best amulets; the owls of the small families cannot be equipped with protective magic. Even if they are equipped, it is impossible to send messages to these three scum who hang out in Knockturn Alley. .

"Is there a letter for us?" Butch said to Pais with some respect.

No matter who owns the owl, there will always be no problem if you treat him with courtesy first and then fight with him.

Pais was frightened by Richie's repelling spell just now. He just nodded, then stretched out his right foot, revealing the small copper ring on his foot.

There was just a glimmer of light, and a well-sealed letter floated down from the right paw and fell accurately into Butch's hand.

"Thank you." Butch raised the letter in his hand to indicate that he had received it.

Pais nodded his little head, then flew up, with a flash of blue light, and a small water ball landed on Richie's head.


The glass that had just been repaired by Richie was once again broken by Pais.

"Damn that stupid bird!" Richie yelled.

"Second brother, what on earth are you doing? I heard you screaming non-stop from just now." Keqi also walked up at this time.

Richie ignored Kitsch and just continued to use magic to repair the broken window.

"It's a letter from the master. The letter says he will come to see us at Christmas." After reading the letter, Butch said to his two brothers.

Richie's hand that was repairing the glass paused for a moment, and the glass that was supposed to be restored to its original position suddenly became strangely shaped. The glass fragments got stuck vertically in the gap, and the joints returned to a smooth state.

"Boy, how did you repair the glass? If you don't know how to repair it, don't repair it." Butch noticed the abnormality of the glass and patted Richie on the head.

"Isn't this a shaking of the hand?" Richie touched his head and smiled a little sheepishly.

After all, it's a bit embarrassing that such a simple spell as the Repair Curse can be used incorrectly.

"By the way, boss, does the letter say anything about Mock?" Keqi still cared a little about his friend.

Butch shook his head.

"The letter just said that we don't need to worry about this matter. That's all we can do about Mok."

"I've said it a long time ago. The wizards who work for the Muggles are all responsible for themselves, causing us a painful meal."

Richie finished repairing the glass, turned around and said angrily. He has always looked down on Mork. In his understanding, wizards can only submit to wizards, not Muggles.

"Okay, what's the use of talking about it now? Why not think about how to deal with this Christmas."

Butch looked at Richie and sighed inwardly. What's the difference between his brother's current situation and Mork's?

On the other side, Pais activated the blood of magical animals in his body as soon as he left the house and rushed all the way to Hogwarts.

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!" Pais stood on Lean's desk and shouted and jumped, accidentally knocking over a bottle of ink.

"Time flows." A green halo of light lit up on Lien's left wrist.

The ink still flowing on the table began to flow back, and the ink stains on the paper also faded little by little. Finally, all the ink returned to the ink bottle, and the ink bottle stood up instantly from falling down with a clang.

"Gugu?" Pais stood aside, his left paw holding the hanger where Lean hung his clothes. His right paw wanted to put it down but did not dare to put it down. He tilted his head and looked at Lean with a horrified expression.

"Okay, Pais, has the letter been delivered?" Lean grabbed Pais's right paw and pressed it onto the clothes hanger.

Pais nodded, obviously not recovered from what he just saw.

"Okay, now that it's been delivered, you should go back first." Lean paused, then took out a bag of owl nuts from under the table and put it into Pais's small copper ring, "Here is a bag of nuts for you, remember to share it with Share with your friends.”

Ever since Lean gave him this little copper ring, Pais has regarded himself as the boss in the owl loft, and since he has the blood of magical creatures in his body, he is even better at fighting.

Gradually, a group of bad friends became established. For this reason, many young wizards have secretly complained in private.

"You'd better calm down for me, otherwise you'll have to eat the food fed by Hogwarts from now on." Rean rubbed Pais's face hard.

After hearing this, Pais nodded quickly and flew away.

The owl loft is cleaned by house elves every day, and free feed is provided, but the taste is definitely not good.

And since Pais claimed to be the boss, he has been coming to Lien to fight against him. Perhaps he thought that eating the same feed as other owls would undermine his dignity.

Lien watched Pais fly away in a hurry, and just smiled, then took out a bottle of magic recovery potion and took a sip.

The time magic just now consumed one-fifth of the magic power in his body.

Time is indeed a great force.

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