Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 75 Punishment for the Three Brothers

Gryffindor ultimately won the game, and Hermione left with a smile on her face.

Marcus Flint, captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, grimly kept all the players for extra training after the game.

The players dragged their exhausted bodies back to the Slytherin lounge at around eight o'clock. But no one said anything. After all, the proud Slytherins lost to the stupid lions. This was simply an unreasonable thing in the eyes of the little snakes.

None of the team members complained, and they were somewhat unconvinced.

But none of this has anything to do with Rean, who is reading the letter from Diagon Alley.

In the letter, the three brothers affirmed the spell given by Li En, once again expressed their loyalty to Li En, and also revealed some information incidentally.

The patriarch of the Corey family recently quietly purchased several death row prisoners from the Muggle world through a friend of the three brothers. He thought he was doing it very secretly, but the three brothers turned around and got the news from that friend.

After Li En read it, he clapped his hands involuntarily.

Once Pandora's box is opened, it is not easy to close it.

Another situation in the letter also made Li En pay attention to it. The friend of the three brothers also has another identity - an intelligence officer of the country of Yu.

To a certain extent, the Corey family actually cooperated with the country of Yu. The Corey family secretly gave some magic materials to the Muggle world, and the Muggle world gave the Corey family some conveniences. Both parties tacitly agreed to a win-win situation.

The reason why this intelligence officer wanted to rebel this time was precisely because of Rean's enslavement spell.

The intelligence agent is controlled by the enslavement spells of the Corey family, while his family is controlled by a wizard of high-level origin. Both sides seem to have discovered this, and sometimes assign him some completely opposite tasks.

Now he could no longer stand the torture of being a double agent. After seeing the enslavement spell on the three brothers, he came up with this idea.

Because Lean's enslavement spell was much better than the one on him and his family, he wanted to see if Lean could lift the enslavement spell on his family.

Lean pulled out the second letter, which was the letter from the agent.

"...Mr. Zell, I sincerely ask you to bring freedom to my family. To this end, I am willing to become your slave from now on. This news is just my vote..." ··You can also use this letter to exchange for some resources from the higher-ups or the Corey family. Anyway, I have nothing to lose..."

Lean smiled and threw the letter into the trash can. Only a fool would do this kind of thing where the risks outweigh the benefits.

The disappearance of this agent and his family will definitely attract the attention of the Corey family and senior officials. Lien is not afraid of the Core family, but the top management is a little difficult to deal with.

The promulgation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy has protected wizards to a certain extent and also protected Muggles to a certain extent, especially when the other party also has wizards.

So Lean chose to refuse.

However, Lien still sent him a bottle of magic recovery potion that he refined as a reward for this information.

Both parties have cleared their money and goods, and owe nothing to each other.

"But these three fools are spreading the matter around like this. It seems that we need to remind them." Lien touched his chin with his right hand, and condensed a rune on the palm of his hand with his left hand.

At this time, the three brothers who were far away at home were also discussing things.

"Boss, if you want me to talk about this, I shouldn't tell that kid. What does that kid know? Let's eat both sides. Isn't that good?" Keqi took a sip of beer and said.

"That's right. That kid must know that we sold him. Thinking about the pain in the plantation before, I feel hairy all over." Richie shuddered all over.

Butch sighed and said helplessly: "But even if we don't tell him, that kid Mok will definitely go to the little devil. Why don't we tell him first and try to get leniency."

"It's all Mork's fault. I told you that someone like him who works for Muggles is not worthy of being a wizard at all." Richie slammed the table, looking a little unhappy.

Mock was the agent, and the fact was just as Butch expected. The three of them soon felt a pain in their minds.

As time went by, the pain became stronger and stronger, and in the end the three of them could only roll on the ground and moan. As time passed, the moans of the three people became smaller and smaller. At this moment, the pain in their minds suddenly disappeared.

The three of them lay on the ground for about twenty minutes before getting up shakily.

Seeing his brother's face pale and his hair stuck to his scalp with sweat, Butch smiled to himself.

"Old...Boss, why are you...laughing?" Richie also smiled and said weakly.

"I laugh that we survived."

This pain was Lien's punishment for them, and it also proved that Lien had no intention of continuing to pursue the case.

"I don't know if the master has agreed to Mock's request." Butch sighed with emotion.

"Boss, why did you start calling that kid Master?"

Keqi also came over.

"What happened this time shows that he does control our life and death, and we have not found a way to remove this spell so far. Therefore, for the time being, we should respect him as our master."

Butch took a deep look at his two brothers.

Richie and Keqi also nodded, indicating that they understood, and they had always listened to their elder brother's words.

As for Lean, he took out the letter that was thrown into the trash can, smoothed out the wrinkles, put it on the desk and read it carefully.

"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins." Lean said silently.

He had a bold idea, and he might be able to achieve greater benefits than a single Corey family.

Perhaps this agent can be used to provoke confrontation between the top brass and the Corey family.

As long as the water is muddied, Lean will have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Thinking of this, Lien picked up the letter paper beside him and started to write a letter, hoping to make an appointment to meet the agent named Mock.

As for the three brothers, Li En also has a new idea, which is to train them.

Raise them to be as powerful as the three brothers in "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", and the existence of the Deathly Hallows proves the existence of Death.

And Lean also happened to know the way to the world of the dead - the curtain in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

At that time, we only need to send these three brothers to do it all over again according to the description in the story collection, and Lien can take the opportunity to see the God of Death in this world.

But these are all future plans. It takes time for Rean to grow, and it also takes time for the three brothers to grow.

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