Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 55 Visiting Filch’s Office at Night

When they came out of Snape's office at night, Beaver and Chris were covered in goo, which was disgusting.

Rean walked far away, deliberately avoiding the two of them.

"Hey, Lean, why are you walking so far?" Beaver raised his hand and greeted Lean.

After hearing Beaver's words, Rean walked faster.

"Hahaha..." The hearty laughter of Beaver and Kes sounded from behind.

When Li En came to the dormitory, he washed himself and lay down on the bed.

A soft bed can soothe every tired heart.

At about eleven o'clock, Rean sat up from the bed and quickly put on his clothes.

At this time, everyone had fallen asleep, and the entire Hogwarts was silent. Coupled with the ghosts floating everywhere, it looked like a ghost castle.

Rean gently pushed open the door to the Slytherin common room, then quietly closed it.

Of course, if someone were around, they would scream in fright.

Because Lean cast the Disillusionment Curse at this time.

Filch's office was on the first floor, not too far from the Slytherin lounge, so Lean planned to make a quick decision.

Although he was under the Disillusionment Curse, Lien still did not dare to make too much noise.

The silence of the night is enough to make every little sound clearly audible.

However, just when Lean went up the stairs to the first floor, a chaotic set of footsteps came from the top of the stairs.

This was not Filch's footsteps. Rean made a judgment the moment he heard the footsteps.

Lean decided to wait. It wouldn't be good if he got hit if he went out now.

About half a minute later, a figure leaped down the stairs and rushed out of the gate of Hogwarts.

"Do you really think Filch is deaf?" Lean couldn't help but say something.

"Who's there!" A bright light appeared from a distance accompanied by Filch's voice.

Li En quickly held his breath, not wanting to expose himself.

"Good boy, go smell it and find these little mice." Filch looked at it and saw nothing, so he said to the cat at his feet.

Mrs. Norris heard Filch's words and came forward to smell it carefully.

I saw it first walking towards Lean, and then running straight out of the gate of Hogwarts.

"Damn it, there's a little wizard out so late at night. Don't you know it's dangerous outside at night?" Filch cursed and ran out after Mrs. Norris.

Watching Filch run out of Hogwarts, Rean breathed a sigh of relief.

Without caring about what would happen to the little wizard, Lien went directly to Filch's office.

Filch's office was very dark, without a single window; there was an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling, and the whole room was filled with the smell of grilled fish.

Lean guessed it was baked for Mrs. Norris.

Gently pushing the door open, Lean skillfully avoided every trap.

Long before entering the door, Lien had used the "Trap Detection" spell to detect all the small traps set by Filch.

Filch's desk was placed facing the door, and the surrounding walls were lined with many wooden file cabinets, which contained detailed information on every student who had been punished at Hogwarts. Handcuffs, shackles and other items were hung on the walls.

Ryan didn't care about this. He immediately saw the drawer marked "Confiscated Items, Highly Dangerous".

Opening the drawer, there were some strange things inside.

Several bronze rings dotted with crystals of different colors; several pieces of parchment with something written on them, but there was not much time now, so Lien stuffed them directly into his seamless stretch bag without looking at them.

In addition, there are several crossbows and matching crossbow arrows, several small jars, and other strange things.

Lien didn't care about anything else and packed them all up and took them away.

After cleaning this drawer, Lien moved his eyes to other drawers.

So Lean started cleaning out drawers one after another.

Most of the drawers are filled with information, information about past students.

The remaining drawers were filled with confiscated props, some of which seemed to have expired and gave off an indescribable smell.

However, Lien didn't dislike it. He put everything in the bag and planned to go back and choose slowly.

What surprised Lean the most was that there was a drawer dedicated to the Weasley brothers.

After everything was done, Rean restored everything to its original state and left Filch's office.

Rean once again walked cautiously in the corridors of Hogwarts. The portraits on both sides of the corridor were all sleeping, and the ghosts didn't know where they went. The entire Hogwarts seemed to be frozen at the moment.

Filch's office was adjacent to the foyer, which led to the stairs leading to the basement.

Lien looked around to make sure no one was there, then came out of the corner and planned to go to the basement.

At this time, something strange happened, and the little wizard who had just left the gate of Hogwarts came flying back, taking Filch with him.

Lean was in a state of phantom at this time, and the little wizard couldn't see Lean, so he bumped into him directly.

"Hey!" A crisp voice came, which surprised Lien. He didn't expect that it was a little witch.

The little witch didn't pay attention and ran up the stairs. After all, Filch was still chasing after her.

Lien also hurriedly hid in the shadows again. After all, if you look closely at the Disguise Curse, you can still see some flaws.

Of course Filch knew that there were young wizards who used the Disillusionment Curse to come out. He glanced at the shadows - it was not that he discovered it, but that most of the young wizards who used the Disillusionment Curse to travel at night would hide there.

After just one glance, Filch quickly chased upstairs.

Compared to a little wizard who knows the Disguise Charm, the one who ran away just now is much easier to catch.

Rion poked his head out after Filch had walked for about two minutes, and then he heard another set of footsteps at the door.

It’s not over yet! Lean felt a little angry.

This time a little wizard came in. He walked dejectedly, muttering words such as "She doesn't love me anymore." "I waited in vain for an hour."

Li En was speechless for a while, but he had no intention of going out to explain.

After all, it is fate, it is destined by God.

Next, Rean returned to the dormitory smoothly.

After all, if there could be another accident on such a short journey, Nen En would really have to reflect on whether he had done anything wrong.

After returning to the dormitory, Lien took out everything and sealed it with magic.

To be honest, Lien was a little afraid that these things would suddenly explode while he was sleeping.

I don't know where Filch got the courage to sleep next to these things.

I didn’t get home until after the wedding banquet, so there should be nothing left today.

Let me take a break. The task of writing 3,000 words every day for thirty consecutive days has been completed. Let me take a day off. The donkeys in the production team are not as diligent as me.

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