Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 52 Nervous Snape

Just as Lien expected, Malfoy took three full days off, and Malfoy Sr. came to the school to apply for it in person.

According to the memories of the Malfoy house elves afterwards, the Malfoy Manor that day turned into a pig-killing farm.

Mrs. Malfoy was crying on the side, and little Malfoy was hung up and whipped by old Malfoy using magic.

It can be said that those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry.

However, this also allowed Malfoy to escape a few days of confinement, although Malfoy would rather come to Snape's office to receive punishment.

In the past few days, Rean secretly observed Snape while going to Snape's office to receive punishment.

Lean didn't think Snape could resist the temptation of the Resurrection Stone, but a few days of observation completely slapped Lean in the face.

Snape still looked the same, as if the previous change was just a whim.

This actually made Lean curious.

On Thursday, Malfoy dragged his broken body to Hogwarts.

Well, no, the Malfoy family can still afford a bottle of healing potion.

But when Malfoy came to the Slytherin dormitory, his eyes towards Rean changed instantly.

There is anger, there is fear.

But these are nothing to Lien, after all, he doesn't dare to really fight with himself.

It was evening, and Rean was working on potions alone in Snape's office.

I don't know if it was because Malfoy was mentally traumatized, but Snape gave him an unprecedented week's leave.

"Ryan, when you are timid about something, what choice do you make?" Snape buried his head and from time to time put a red cross on the homework handed in by the little wizard.

Rean was concentrating on handling the potion when he suddenly heard Snape talking to him and subconsciously replied: "Then don't do it. If you do it too much, you will make a mistake."

After hearing this, Snape had no reaction and remained the same.

"Professor, have you not thought about how to face Lily's soul?" Rean responded.

Snape was silent for a while, then uttered one word: "Yes."

Anyway, Li En already knew, and he didn't mind if he knew more. Snape thought ruefully.

"What are you worried about?" Lean stopped what he was doing, turned around and asked.

"You don't understand at all... After all, I told that thing... to the mysterious man. How should I answer Lily when she asks me?"

"Will she ask me how Harry is? But I haven't paid attention to him at all in the past ten years."

"Will Lily forgive me? No, no, Lily can't forgive me. After I said that word, she can never forgive me..."

As he spoke, Snape held his head in his hands in pain.

After about ten minutes, Snape finally calmed down.

"Professor, it's eight o'clock, I think my confinement is over." Rean said when he saw that Snape was getting better.

Snape nodded mechanically, not hearing what Lean said at all.

After simply cleaning the dragonhide gloves and placing them on the shelf, Rean left Snape's office.

About half an hour later, Snape came to his senses.

"Damn it, that kid hasn't finished processing these materials at all!" Snape turned his head, discovered the pile of unfinished potions on the operating table, and cursed.

"Forget it, let's use the Resurrection Stone tomorrow night. I don't have time tonight. It's all because Lean didn't finish processing the materials." Snape murmured, making a perfect excuse for himself.

I guess I will use the excuse of having to grade my homework tomorrow.

There is nothing more timid about being close to home than this.

After Lean left Snape's office, he went directly back to the Slytherin common room.

I didn't do anything. I took a shower and then lay down on the bed.

But soon an owl flew in from the pipe and threw a letter to Lean.

Rean didn't pick it up and let it fall to the ground.

"Gu?" The owl who delivered the letter tilted his head, somewhat confused as to why the recipient in front of him didn't accept the letter sent to him.

But this was obviously not a question that an owl should consider, so after thinking about it for two seconds, the owl gave up on the question. After all, as a postman, it was still very busy.

"Hazard detection."

Lien carefully cast a spell to detect whether there was anything "interesting" in the letter.

After all, he had tricked little Malfoy, and based on the look he looked at him today, it was very likely that he would resort to some tricks.

Even if you can't trick yourself, being disgusted is still depressing enough.

Fortunately, nothing was detected in this seemingly strange letter.

Lean bent down, picked it up, and after opening it, he discovered that it was from Pudding.

The letter stated that it had moved all the books from Gunter's old house to its home and had sorted them out. The letter asked Lean what it should do next.

Rean thought for a while and began to arrange tasks for Pudding: firstly, the plantation obtained from the transaction with Old Malfoy needed to be taken care of, and secondly, the botanical garden at home also needed to be renovated.

After finishing writing, Lean asked Pais to send the letter away.

Pudding, who was waiting for a reply at home, was not idle either. Instead, he picked up a bucket of water and started wiping everything at home.

After receiving the letter, Pudding was overjoyed.

A house elf without a mission would be despised, and Pudding didn't want to be that kind of house elf.

In Friday's Potions class, Snape was still dressed in the same outfit, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Snape's hair was greasy.

"What do you think happened to the old bat?" Ron said quietly to Harry.

"How do I know? Maybe he was dumped." Harry guessed maliciously.

"No, Harry, I don't think the old bat will ever find a female companion in his life."

"I think you're right, Ron." Harry nodded in agreement, shaking off a little rat powder - a powder that reacts violently when heated.


Harry's cauldron shot up into the sky, hit the ceiling of the Potions classroom, and then crashed to the ground.

The potion inside also flew and spread on the little wizards near Harry.

And our respected Master Malfoy was very unhappy to be patronized.

So after three days of rest, Master Malfoy was once again sent to the infirmary to rest gloriously.

"Idiot! How many times have I emphasized that the cauldron must be removed from the fire before the rat powder can be put in. Potter, are you doing this? Does it make you feel happier to persecute your classmates like this? Because your Mistake, ten points from Gryffindor."

Snape looked at Harry with uncontrollable disappointment in his eyes. He was far worse than Lily.

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