Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 48 Angry Old Malfoy

And don’t forget, Lean still has a half-amplified arm on his hand. When the time comes, he only needs to go to the Ministry of Magic to use magic to examine it, and he will be able to immediately determine which elf family the amputated arm belongs to.

Combined with that report, even a fool can figure out the whole story.

As for why he didn't report it directly, it was because Lean was just a little wizard, and no one would believe what he said.

Another thing is that smart people are always willing to believe what they see and find, rather than what others say.

Snape instantly figured out the twists and turns, couldn't help but glance at Rean, and thought to himself: This kid is truly a Slytherin.

There was silence between the two of them until they reached the castle.

"It seems you are in trouble, Rean, good luck to you." Snape said happily, and then disappeared in a few flashes.

"Hmph!" Hermione, who was waiting at the door of Hogwarts, saw Rean walking in from the door. She snorted and turned around and walked back into the castle without even saying hello.

"Hermione, wait for me, please listen to my explanation..." Lean quickly caught up.


In the study of Malfoy Manor, Malfoy was listening to the report of his subordinates.

"What did you say! Damn it, say it again!" Old Malfoy stood up from the chair with a "thump" and asked in disbelief.

Because he was so surprised, Old Malfoy didn't even pay attention to the expensive coffee cup that fell to the ground and the coffee-stained carpet.

"Master, there is news that Snape and an unknown boy walked out of Robert's shop tonight. Then they sold a cut of a house elf at a stall next to Knockturn Alley. arm."

Said a man in front of Old Malfoy who was shrouded in black robes.

"Does that unknown boy, that Mudblood, really think Polyjuice Potion is some kind of rare potion?" Old Malfoy felt a little dizzy at this time.

He slowly sat down holding on to the armrest of the chair and asked in a somewhat broken voice, "Are you sure it's Crow's arm?"

"My subordinates can be sure."

"Okay, I understand. You can take someone to recover the half of the arm. As for the stall owner, it's up to you." Old Malfoy waved his hand a little tiredly.

However, he still didn't expect that Li En would leave a part of his own arm.

"What a trick." Old Malfoy sighed as he sat behind his desk.

Lien's move was just to show him and all the wizards present at the time.

Why did Robert offer too little? He must have wanted to conduct the transaction in public, so that everyone would know that he, Lien, had traded a section of a house elf's arm.

Then Lean can wait for him to come to the door. If he doesn't come to the door, the old Malfoy believes that within a few days, there will be reports that the Malfoy family sent house elves to attack a first-year student who went out with the professor.

Then an interested person can easily determine with a little investigation that Lean was indeed attacked that day.

Next, he will face the questioning of Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic. Don't forget that the Malfoy family has made many enemies after standing for so many years.

And Malfoy was a Death Eater before, a person with a criminal record.

Old Malfoy sat in a chair and kept sorting out the whole thing. He could already imagine the face of Rean waiting for him at Hogwarts tomorrow.

"Damn it!" Thinking of this, Old Malfoy kicked the coffee cup that had just fallen to the ground again.

The coffee cup flew to the wall next to it and broke into countless pieces scattered on the ground.

Dobby quietly appeared in the study at this time, and then carefully cleaned the coffee stains and coffee cup fragments on the carpet.

All broken coffee cups like this were thrown away. Things repaired using the repair spell had become inferior goods in the eyes of the pure-blood nobles.

"Damn it, it's all because of you beasts. You eat me, live in me, wear my clothes, and get me into huge trouble."

When Old Malfoy saw Dobby's figure, he became angry immediately and rushed forward to punch and kick him.

Dobby lay on the ground, covering his head with his hands, and allowed Old Malfoy to punch and kick him, not daring to make a sound.

"Bedbug, wipe the whole manor clean for me. If you can't wipe it clean, just go and accompany Bibi." Malfoy gasped and kicked Dobby hard and said.

Dobby stood up tremblingly, bowed to old Malfoy, and disappeared in front of him.

"Damn Mudblood." Old Malfoy couldn't help but cursed again.

After saying that, Malfoy sat behind the desk again and began to look through the documents on the desk.

After flipping through two or three documents, the man in black robe who just left came in again, still holding the half-severed arm in his hand.

Old Malfoy looked at it and said, "Destroy it."

"By the way, how did you deal with that person?" Malfoy asked casually, asking how the stall owner was doing.

"Master, please rest assured, everything has been taken care of." The man replied respectfully.

"Go down." Old Malfoy waved his hand tiredly.

Seeing his subordinate disappear into the study, Old Malfoy sighed softly. He would have to face Ryan again tomorrow. Rean left an impression on him last time. He can always grasp your bottom line.

At this time, Li En suddenly realized that the magic mark he left on the stall owner had disappeared, and he started to hum happily while he was taking a bath.

It seems that tomorrow is a good day to make a fortune.

After finishing washing, Li En happily lay down on the bed and fell into a beautiful dream.

After a minute, Rean suddenly jumped up from the bed.

"The Gaunt family's book collection is finished, I haven't moved it yet!"

Fortunately, the soundproofing effect of the Slytherin lounge is good, otherwise some little wizard would definitely be cursing at this time.

"Oh, let's move out in the next few days and call Snape." Rean thought and lay down again.

However, he was still a little anxious in his heart, because he didn't know when the Ministry of Magic would discover that the protective magic of Gaunt's old house had failed.

The next morning at breakfast, Snape called Rean to leave Hogwarts.

Rean followed Snape and apparated to an old mansion.

"Professor Snape, why did you call me here?" Rean said to Snape, pretending not to notice the old Malfoy standing aside.

"Lean, Mr. Malfoy has something to ask you. You and he have a good talk. I'll go to the window and watch the scenery for a while. You guys can talk and don't worry about me." With that, Snape walked to the window. Looking into the distance, but always paying attention to the situation here.

Old Malfoy frowned. He heard Snape call Zell and Lean, which was a sign of closeness.

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