Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 46: Cheating Malfoy

The sky gradually darkened, and Lien wiped out the entire magic circle while Snape was still lying on the ground.

Voldemort's remnant soul was only given one son.

"It seems that Voldemort's soul is ten times that of an ordinary person." Rean said while sitting in the yard of Gunter's old house, looking at the moon above his head.

The Resurrection Stone Ring was thrown away by Lien, and it still contained the dark magic left by Voldemort.

This matter should give Snape a headache.

"You're awake." Hearing the footsteps behind him, Li En said without looking back.

Snape curled his lips in disdain, thinking how could you have noticed my footsteps if I hadn't just woken up.

"I thought you would go see the Resurrection Stone first." Lien continued.

"Although the second child got the Resurrection Stone, he didn't live a happy life. Because although the resurrection stone can recall the soul, the recalled soul has no joy at all, and only has endless despair. In the end, the second child couldn't stand it anymore, and he Desperate to be with the one he loved, he committed suicide, and the God of Death obtained the second child’s soul.”

"That's not a good thing, is it?" Snape stood at the door, holding on to the door frame.

"You mean you don't want it? I told you in advance that you don't want it yourself, and the reward cannot be less than mine."

As soon as he heard that Snape's words seemed to indicate giving up, Rean immediately stood up and spoke eagerly.

"Did I say I don't want it? Don't impose your imagination on others, because it will make you look stupid." Snape said directly without turning his head.

"Well, hurry up and put away the Resurrection Stone. Be careful. There are still curses and dark magic left by Voldemort on it. After you collect it, come with me to Knockturn Alley. By the way, do you have the kind of stone that will follow you?" We have a close relationship with him, but he hates the kind of transaction partner he hates so much." Rean said as he patted the dust on himself.

Snape was confused when he heard this. What does it mean to be close and hate him to death?

If I hated him, I wouldn't trade with him.

Although he wanted to say this, Snape really had a trading partner who met this condition.

"What do you want to do?" Snape asked curiously.

"A big gift for Mr. Malfoy." Lean said with a smile, without any sign of anger.

"I advise you to give up. You can't deal with that kind of old fox." Snape glanced at Rean and said softly, then turned around to put away the Resurrection Stone.

Looking at Snape's leaving figure, Rean said calmly: "Professor Snape, this world is a world of the jungle after all. Only power with strength is called power. Power without strength is called clown."

Snape didn't pause, as if he didn't hear what Lean said.

Two or three minutes later, Snape came out of the room with some bulges in his coat pockets.

"Why don't you hold my hand? I don't want to go to Knockturn Alley and find you holding a wand in some corner, lying on the ground looking half-dead."

Snape felt the weight in his pocket, and a rare smile appeared on his face, but his venomous tongue remained unchanged.

Maybe this was the reason why Lily left Snape in the first place?

Lean thought maliciously, but he still said: "Don't worry, Professor, as long as Malfoy is not stupid, he will not do such a stupid thing."

"The students at Hogwarts went out with the professor, but were attacked and killed twice in succession. Haha, no one really thinks that Professor Dumbledore relied on love and reason to defeat the first and second generation Dark Lords, right?"

Snape thought for a while, felt that what Rean said made sense, and nodded. Then he took out a bottle of potion and handed it to Lien and said, "It's best to drink a bottle of compound potion when you go to a place like that. I've added the hair of an unknown person into it."

After saying that, he waved the wand and disappeared in front of Lien.

Lean took the bottle and drank it without thinking. A smell even stranger than rotten cabbage instantly filled Lean's mouth.

Li En resisted the desire to vomit, closed his eyes, and swallowed the potion.

"Damn it, I swear I will never drink the potion brewed by Snape again... vomit~" Before he could finish speaking, Rean started to retching.

After resting there for a long time, Li En finally came to his senses. At this time, he had become a different person.

Rean stood up slowly, then waved his wand and followed the wave left by Snape to Knockturn Alley.

This was a deserted alley, and Snape was standing in the corner with his arms folded on his chest, waiting for Rean.

"Oh, you came in time, I thought it would take a while for you to come." Snape stood in the shadows, looking at the sudden appearance of Rean, and said.

Snape's only response was a raised middle finger from Lean.

Snape didn't care either, he was in a particularly good mood today.

"Follow me, the person you are looking for is here." Snape stepped forward and pushed open a metal door.

Li En didn't doubt his presence and followed him in.

After entering, Lien found that this was a shop, and there was a fat man wiping something at the counter.

The fat man was wearing a blood-stained suit with a sky blue shirt underneath, and his proud belly stretched the shirt tight.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the fat man quickly put down his work and raised his head.

"Oh my gosh, look which god is here. Wow, it's Professor Snape. What a welcome. I miss you so much."

Although he said he missed her, the fat man didn't move at all, and there was no hint of missing him in his words.

"He is the person you need to find." Snape ignored the fat man's intentions and turned around and said to Rean.

"Oh, it turns out that today's guest is this one. Welcome, welcome. By the way, just call me Robert." Robert said with a smile, looking amiable.

"Mr. Robert, I need a favor from you." Lean said with the same smile.

"What's the deal? You know it's not cheap to ask for my help."

"Of course it's...manipulating humans!" An inexplicable wave emanated from Lien's fingertips, causing Robert to instantly lose control of his body.

"Take off all the magic-resistant equipment on your body, and stop all the magic-resistant magic circles in the store."

Seeing that he had controlled Robert, Lien ordered him.

Snape stood nearby, showing no intention of helping.

Robert quickly pulled out three or four small items from his body, and three magic circles stopped in the store. Then he returned to the counter, raised his hands, and waited for Lien's next instruction.

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