Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 43 Exploring Gunter’s Old House

Ryan and Snape didn't know what happened at the Malfoy family. They were now standing in front of Gaunt's old house.

The manor looks very dilapidated, but its former glory can still be vaguely seen.

Moss climbed up the walls, there were broken tiles from the roof and paint peeling off the walls at the corners, and the yard was overgrown with weeds.

The windows were dark and broken, and the metal door was rusted to death.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the dead snake nailed to the door.

"Better be careful from now on. I'm still thinking about dinner at Hogwarts." Rean took out his wand and started to be more vigilant.

"The Muggle shielding spell here has expired. We'd better make less noise, otherwise it will be difficult to hide from the Ministry of Magic." Snape said unhappily.

This trip out was really bad. Before we actually entered Gunter's old house, Lean was attacked. Now we found that the Muggle shielding spell had disappeared.

"Let's go." Although there were many difficulties, it still couldn't stop Snape from wanting to obtain the Resurrection Stone.

A magic spell opened the door directly, and the two walked into the manor.

After entering the courtyard, Snape thoughtfully restored the door to its original state to prevent Muggles from discovering the abnormality here.

"Is the Resurrection Stone here?" Snape couldn't help but feel excited as he looked at the dilapidated house in front of him.

"It's in this house. It might take some effort to find it."

Rean quietly opened the magic vision, and then found that the entire house was enveloped in a huge magic circle.

"And it's still unclear whether we can go in. Let's take a closer look."

Although Snape was eager to find the Resurrection Stone, when it came to the Dark Lord, there was no room for Snape to be careless.

After hearing what Rean said, Snape began to look at the dilapidated house carefully.

After a long time, Snape slowly exhaled and said with a solemn expression: "Clor encrypted the spell, I think we are in big trouble."

Clore's encryption spell is actually a magic version of a safe. Only by correctly entering the password set by the owner can it be passed, otherwise it can only be broken through brute force.

Generally speaking, the password set by the wizard will be a magic wave that only he knows, which greatly reduces the risk of theft.

Snape's personal vault used this spell.

But at this time, Snape wished he could leverage time and travel back four hundred years to strangle the guy named Clore.

"So the only option left is brute force?" Rean said from the side.

"That will attract the attention of Muggles. Do you want to see your photo published in tomorrow's Daily Prophet, and then you can only sit in the headmaster's office waiting to be expelled?"

Snape yelled at Rean, but after a while, he said: "There is nothing we can do."

I saw Snape raising his wand, facing the protective shield formed by Clore's encryption spell, and said softly: "The Divine Blade has no shadow."

An invisible blade formed in the air, and then quickly hit Clore's secrecy spell.

Water-like ripples rippled on the cover of the Secrecy Charm, but even Snape, who had no magic vision, could feel that the cover was not as strong as before.

If there is a play, two more times will probably be enough.

Snape thought so, without stopping, he flicked "Shen Feng Wu Ying" twice in succession.

The Secrecy Curse did not last long under Snape's high-intensity bombardment, and disappeared after about four Divine Edge Shadowless Curses.

"Separately search, it will be faster." Snape said, taking the lead into the dilapidated house.

Rean looked at Snape's back and sighed.

The affectionate old man is so eager.

But this is exactly what Lien wants.

There are still three kilograms of iron left in the broken ship. For such a big old house and such a family with a history of thousands of years, Li En doesn't believe that he can't make any profit out of it.

Thinking about it, Li En also took steps towards the house.

As soon as I entered the house, a smell of decay hit my face. The paint on the walls had fallen off, revealing the walls inside; only the portraits and photos that were originally hung on the walls were left untouched and untouched. Faded papers were piled haphazardly on the ground.

The paint on the furniture has also cracked, and the entire house looks like a haunted house.

Lean looked around, but there was no sign of Snape.

"I don't know where this old bat went. I hope he doesn't get mad and encounter the curse left by Voldemort." Rean muttered.

"If it weren't for you being a Slytherin, I would deduct twenty house points from you now for criticizing the professor behind his back."

Snape's cold voice sounded behind Lean, which scared Lean to the point of having a heart attack.

"Did you know it would scare people to death?"

"Haha." Snape showed a mocking smile, "Start from the middle staircase, you search the room on the left, and I'll search the room on the right."

After saying that, he didn't care about Li En's reaction and walked to the right.

"Hey." Lean also walked to the left.

There are only four rooms on both sides of the corridor on the left side of the first floor, and there is a particularly large room at the top.

Lean first opened the first door on the right. The wooden door was already rotten. Lean just pushed it lightly and the door fell down.

There was a small bed inside, which was very small. There was only a blanket covered with small mushrooms on it, and there was only a stool on it.

Lean guessed that this room should be the residence of the house elves.

Shaking his head, Lean looked away from the room, and then walked towards the room opposite.


Li En held the handle with his hand and pushed it hard but it didn't push it away.

There are good things.

Lien suddenly realized it, and his hands speeded up.

"The Alajo hole opens."

With a click, the door opened.

Lean poked his head inside and found that there were some dark objects inside. Spoons, plates, cups, etc. were all stacked on wooden shelves.

One of the wooden shelves was damaged and its contents were scattered on the floor.

This is the storage room where the tableware is stored, and it seems that these tableware are all made of silver.

"Oh, it's useless." Lien sighed. These yellow and white things were of no use to him now.

Looking at the remaining two rooms, Lien instantly lost all hope.

It was also true that the remaining two houses were house elves' residences.

Rean shook his head in disappointment and shifted his gaze to the large room at the top.

The large room was the kitchen, and Lien found two alchemy items used to light the fire, which was a bit of a gain.

Snape on the other side didn't have the patience to search room by room.

Just use a shock spell to open the door, then smash everything in the room and float it into the air. If there is no ring-like thing, go directly to the next room.

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