Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 36 You can always trust Dumbledore

"Sorry, I just ate a chili-flavored multi-flavor bean. You continue and ignore me, an old man."

Seeing the two of them thinking about themselves at the same time, Dumbledore explained.

However, neither Rean nor Malfoy paid attention, and then started discussing Rean's mental compensation.

In the end, Malfoy gritted his teeth and Lien smiled happily, settling on three magic crystals.

A magic crystal is a magical stone that is usually alchemically fixed to a magical item to prolong its use.

"Okay, Lean. Now that everyone else has left, I thought... we should talk?"

Dumbledore stuffed the box of braised beans into the drawer, then crossed his hands and placed them on the table. His sky-blue eyes behind his glasses looked directly at Rean.

"Oh, is that your wand?" Dumbledore saw Rean's wand emerging from his clothes.

"Yes, Professor." Rean had no intention of taking it out.

"I heard about that, and I don't blame you. Elderberry, Thestral's tail hair, thirteen inches. Haha, it sounds more like the Deathly Hallows than the Elder Wand." Dumbledore said with a smile. .

Rean didn't react, just looked at Dumbledore.

"Okay, okay, young people just don't have much patience. Rean, do you know why I defeated Grindelwald and Voldemort, but Lucius still dares to yell at me?"

"Because I follow the rules, Lean. Rules are something that everyone must abide by, and only within the rules..."

Then, Rean sat there and listened to Dumbledore for half an hour.

The only impression that Lean had for half an hour was that the portrait behind Dumbledore disappeared within a minute of Dumbledore speaking.

Fox also flashed a flash of fire and disappeared immediately.

"Okay, Lean, go enjoy your lunch. It's not a gentleman to worry a beautiful lady for too long."

Dumbledore finally stopped his preaching and said this to Rean, not forgetting to wink at Rean.

"Uh... Okay... Goodbye, Professor Dumbledore." Rean covered his forehead, feeling a little dazed.

"Have a nice weekend, Lean."

"Same to you, Professor Dumbledore."

The restaurant is extremely busy today, after all, it is the first weekend of the new semester.

The little wizards who had just entered school were full of curiosity about this thousand-year-old magic castle, so they started a journey of exploration during this break.

This has nothing to do with the academy. After all, as long as we are human, we have curiosity.

A morning of exploration gave these little wizards a new understanding of this magic school. At the same time, it also makes their stomachs feel empty.

And I don’t know if today is the first weekend, but lunch looks much richer than usual.

Hermione saw Lean the first time he entered the restaurant. Faced with Hermione's worried and questioning eyes, Lean smiled in response.

The originally lively atmosphere in Slytherin fell silent due to the arrival of Rean.

This morning, some young wizards who got up early saw the arrival of Lucius Malfoy, so everyone speculated that Rean must be unlucky this time.

Malfoy saw Lean coming and started to laugh secretly.

"Today's lunch was really good. It's a pity that some people can only have this last meal." Malfoy said loudly to Crabbe.

"Yes, yes." Gore echoed from the side very doggedly.

Lean turned a deaf ear, not wanting to pay attention to Malfoy's ridicule.

If you don’t look at the monk’s face, at least look at the magic crystal’s face.

Before you get the things, it's better to let him give in. After he gets the things, Li En doesn't mind ordering more.

After simply filling his stomach, Rean left the restaurant, along with Hermione.

"Look at her anxious look, she doesn't look like a Gryffindor." Ron said to Harry beside him.

Harry looked at Hermione's retreating back. Although he felt something was wrong, he couldn't say anything and could only smile at Ron.

"Is there nothing wrong with you? I heard them all saying that you are going to be expelled. Even...even going to Azkaban."

As soon as Hermione left the restaurant, she caught Rean and talked for a while.

"Hermione, relax, Professor Dumbledore won't fire me." Rean said with a smile, and touched the little girl's head.

"How is this possible? Rean, are you trying to comfort me?"

Hermione asked eagerly, looking at Lean, even forgetting the hand on her head.

"If you don't believe me, you should at least believe Professor Dumbledore, right?" Rean said, looking into Hermione's eyes.

Hermione thought for a moment and nodded.

This left Rean speechless for a while, why do people always believe in Dumbledore so much.

"Let's go to the library." Rean said.

Hermione nodded and followed Rean upstairs.

Thanks to Ryan's photographic memory, he learned Latin very quickly, which surprised Hermione.

"Ryan, you are such a genius." Hermione sighed sincerely.

She originally thought she was already great, but after meeting Li En, she realized that there are people outside the world.

Ryan accepted Hermione's praise with a smile.

At night, Rean still came to Snape's office to receive punishment.

During this week, Snape had Lean and Malfoy handle three or four potions.

This greatly improved Lean's ability to handle potions, making Lean want to receive more punishments.

"You need to collect some thick Belgian berry juice today, a large bottle." As he said that, Snape took an almost one-liter jar and placed it on the console.

This strong berry has a unique, nauseating smell and is one of the ingredients that potions masters are reluctant to deal with.

But thanks to Tosnape, I've dealt with even more disgusting things than this this week. This kind of scene is trivial.

Rean and Malfoy's expressions remained unchanged as they quickly processed the pile of berries.

The two of them didn't say a word, because they had spoken before and were given an extra half-hour of confinement by Snape.

"Very well, Malfoy, you can go back. Zell will stay for a while." Snape's sallow face showed no expression.

Malfoy smiled secretly at Rean, then walked away with his head held high.

Goyle and Crabbe were still waiting for him outside the door.

"What do you want, Professor Snape?" Lean asked.

"I see that you have been very close to that Gryffindor recently? I think you should stay away from her. After all, you are a Slytherin."

Thanks for tipping me 500 book coins when I encounter a flaw, I really appreciate it.

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