Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 29 Ridiculous excuse

Hermione glared at Emily, a little confused.

She walked up to Li En, looked at him strangely, and said, "What's wrong with her? Is it so inexplicable?"

"Maybe it's just so baffling." Lean said looking at Hermione.

"Okay, I'm going to the library to finish the homework assigned today, will you go?" Hermione didn't think much about it.

Lien nodded. Things like homework will only accumulate more and more.

If you don't seize the time to solve the problem when the workload is small, you will feel a sense of powerlessness when the workload increases.

It will be even more painful by then.

All the way to the second floor, there were many freshmen exploring this thousand-year-old castle.

After seeing Lean and Hermione, these new students would first smile and say hello, and then open their mouths in surprise.

If the real situation hadn't appeared in front of them, they wouldn't have believed that Slytherin and Gryffindor could get together.

"Now everyone seems to know that we are friends." Hermione sat on a chair in the library and kicked Rean's foot angrily.

"I don't care. Is there any problem with you?" Rean took down a book about general spells from the bookshelf and asked softly.

"No, the girls in the dormitory don't seem to like me very much, and I don't like them very much either." Hermione put down the pen in her hand, propped her head and looked at Ryan.

"Huh? Why?" Rean felt Hermione's gaze and put down the book in his hand and looked at her.

Hermione looked into Lean's eyes and felt that there seemed to be something attracting her.

She stared blankly at Lien. This was the first time in more than ten years that she had looked so carefully into the eyes of the opposite sex.

"You haven't answered my question yet?" Lean said with a slight tease on his face.

Only then did the little girl realize that she stared at Lien in an extremely unladylike manner for a long time.

Her face instantly turned red, all the way to the back of her ears.

Hermione turned her face away and said in a small voice: "They seem to have some misunderstandings about reading books. I really don't understand why they are so resistant to books. They are obviously the ladder of human progress."

To be honest, if Lien hadn't been a wizard, he might not have been able to hear the sound.

"Maybe they are just jealous that you have such a great mind? You know, mortals always like to be jealous of the immortality and majestic power of gods."

"Wizards are not mortals."

"If they don't have enough power, maybe they will be just a little better than mortals in the near future."

Especially with Voldemort's imminent return. Lien added silently in his mind.

"Well, no matter what you say, I only know that if you don't complete your homework now, you will find that you are just a mortal in front of the professor when class starts next week."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Lean, and then began to flip through the books in her hand to write a paper.

Lean shrugged and began to write his own paper.

But after a while, Lean had to ask Hermione for help.

Because half of the books he was looking for were in Latin, and there were even a few in ancient Greek.

In his previous life, he had only passed Level 4 and obtained a degree certificate. In this life, he was just an orphan on Clear Street. It would be great if he could speak English fluently.

As for Latin and Greek, Lien really didn't understand them at all.

But Hermione should understand, after all, the Granger family can be considered upper-middle class.

After Lean raised this question, Hermione sighed and said with some complacency: "Then there is no other way. Let me give you a make-up lesson sometime. Anyway, if you don't understand these, this At least a quarter of the books in the library are incomprehensible to you."

Yeah, finally there’s something he doesn’t know how to do!

Hermione cheered internally.

"Okay, okay, what do you think about Saturday?"

Rean touched his chin and felt that Hermione's suggestion was a good one. He really wanted to learn Latin and Greek.

"I have no problem, but didn't you copy all the books in the London Library? Why didn't you study on your own? I don't think you can learn it."

Hermione glanced at Rean in confusion and said.

"Maybe it's the charm of magic?" Lean said half-jokingly.

However, this also made Li En realize a problem. His golden finger, the Book of All Laws, seemed to always be displayed in English.

You can't use English in a different world, right?

At this time, a piece of information suddenly appeared in Li En's mind:

"The Book of All Laws will impartially and completely transform any language into the host's current subject."

uh-huh? It's interesting. Can the book in front of me be translated? Lien thought so.

Then Lien was surprised to find that all the words in the book in front of him were changed to English.

Lien didn't know whether the meaning had changed or not. After all, he didn't understand Latin.

"Lean, are you okay?" Hermione put down her homework at some point and looked at Lean with concern.

It turned out that Lean's expression kept changing, making Hermione think something had happened to Lean.

"No, nothing, just lamenting why there is no magic that can understand all languages. After all, we are wizards, aren't we?"

"is that so?"

Hermione didn't believe Lean's words at all, but the little girl also understood that this was not a good time to ask questions.

Seeing that Hermione had no intention of asking further questions, Ryan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he began to complain in his heart that it was too easy for him to put everything on his face.

The two chatted while doing homework, and Kankan finished his homework before dinner.

After packing up the tables and chairs, the two of them went down the stairs one after another.

Although Ryan and Hermione knew that everyone might know about their relationship, they still needed to pretend on the surface.

This was the result of a discussion between the two.

Sometimes it's so weird, everyone just wants an excuse to cover up, even if the excuse is so ridiculous.

Rean and Hermione entered the restaurant one after another, which instantly attracted the attention of all the little wizards.

Hermione looked a little embarrassed and sat down at the Gryffindor table with her head lowered; Ryan, on the other hand, was much more stale and sat at the Slytherin table enjoying his dinner regardless.

But soon, Rean was stopped by a senior from Slytherin.

"Zel." The senior who called Lien frowned, as if the name was a bit difficult for him to say.

"What's the matter?" Lien replied calmly.

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