Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 27 Lessons from the Magical World

Guessing that time was almost up, Lean released Pais and then came to the restaurant.

The most satisfying thing about Slytherin is that the lounge is very close to the dining room and classrooms.

Except for astronomy class.

There were a few young wizards sitting sparsely in the restaurant. It was still relatively early, so there were not many people there.

Hermione had already sat at the Gryffindor table, flipping through the History of Magic textbook and eating breakfast.

The little girl half-closed her eyes and nodded from time to time, as if she hadn't slept well.

Rean walked to the Gryffindor table and sat directly opposite Hermione.

This move made the little wizards in the restaurant raise their heads and look here in surprise.

In all their years at Hogwarts, they had never seen a student wearing Slytherin uniform sitting at the Gryffindor table.

The little wizards began to chatter. Some of them took some food and walked outside the restaurant. They couldn't wait to share this interesting story with their friends who had not seen this scene.

Hermione heard the discussion of the young wizards, sighed helplessly and said, "Ryan, aren't you afraid of being isolated in Slytherin?"

"It's okay. They don't want to see me anyway, not to mention what happened last night." Lean shook his head gently and said.

Hearing this, Hermione seemed to suddenly think of something, and said with some urgency: "There won't be any punishment for your duel last night, right?"

Rean smiled and touched Hermione's hair and said, "There is no punishment."

"Oh, how is that possible? You know how to make me happy. You will definitely be punished for having a magic duel in front of so many little wizards at the opening ceremony."

Hermione didn't seem to hear Rean's words and began to read them in fragments.

Lean was filled with dark thoughts, and quickly interrupted Hermione's words, and said helplessly: "Don't worry, even the Ministry of Magic can't control magic duels. And what's more, it was Malfoy who scolded me first. According to that voice Even if I kill him on the spot, I won't have anything to say."

As he spoke, Lien also made a gesture of wiping his neck.

When Hermione saw Lean's actions, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him and said, "Okay, okay, please hurry back to the Slytherin table. You don't care what other people think of you, but I do. .”

Lien looked around and found that there were many little wizards in the restaurant, and most of them were pointing here.

"Okay, see you in the library at noon. The library is on the second floor." After finishing speaking, Rean waved to Hermione and sat down at the Slytherin table.

Breakfast at Hogwarts was much better than when Rean was alone at home.

At least there was a mouthful of hot food. Usually when he was at home, Li En always picked two vegetables to solve the problem.

After finishing his breakfast quickly, Lien picked up the History of Magic textbook out of boredom and started reading.

What could be heard was the sound of the young wizards discussing his sitting at the Gryffindor table. The Slytherin wizards sat further away from him.

After breakfast, Lien came to the classroom on the second floor.

Hermione was already seated with a girl, and it seemed that the little girl had begun to deliberately avoid contact with Ryan in public.

Rean randomly found a seat near the corner and sat down.

Although he knew that Professor Binns was unlikely to care what the students in class were doing down there, Lien felt that he had better not be too presumptuous.

It seemed that many students had the same idea as Li En, and within a short time, there were many people in Li En's corner.

Gryffindor accounts for 70% and Slytherin accounts for 30%.

However, students from both colleges subconsciously stayed away from Lean, and the seats next to Lean and the seats in the front row were unoccupied.

Lien was very satisfied with this. He wanted to read some books about the changes in the Book of All Laws in class.

Although those little wizards may not be able to understand it, it is better to stay away just in case.

Professor Binns entered the classroom through the blackboard, which made the little wizard below let out an exclamation.

But soon, the hypnotic attack from Professor Binns caused the little wizards below to fall into sleep.

So the first lesson in the magic school of the little wizards' lives was spent in their drowsiness.

Including Hermione.

The little girl just arrived at this school that specializes in teaching magic last night, and she was so excited that she didn't sleep well.

Although she tried hard to persevere, she was ultimately defeated by Professor Binns's hypnotic method.

When the bell rang, everyone slowly got up from the table.

Occasionally, a few little wizards left their own unique marks on the table.

After simply finishing his lunch, Rean went to the library on the second floor.

Mrs. Pince sat behind her desk, staring at every young wizard who came and went, although there were not many wizards coming and going.

Maybe because the school has just started, there are very few people in the library.

It's even more unheard of for a freshman like Lean to come to the library.

So Mrs. Pings glanced at Lean a few more times and memorized Lean's appearance carefully.

After all, some freshmen don’t know the importance and easily destroy books.

The library at Hogwarts was larger than it looked, and Lean guessed that the Invisible Stretching Charm was used here.

But it’s normal to think about it. The books accumulated over thousands of years would probably not fit on the entire second floor without the use of the Traceless Stretching Charm.

Rean picked up a book about the origin of the curse, sat down next to it and started reading.

After a while, Hermione also came to the library.

She looked around and found Rian sitting at the table reading a book.

However, Lean was so absorbed in watching that he didn't notice Hermione's arrival.

Hermione did not disturb Lean, but casually pulled a book from the bookshelf and sat next to Lean.

For Hermione, it was enough to have someone to read with her.

In the Muggle primary school, Hermione couldn't find a child who was willing to read with her.

"Hermione, when did you come and why didn't you call me?" As he turned the page, Lean noticed someone else beside him out of the corner of his eye. When he looked closely, it turned out to be Hermione.

"I saw you were quite absorbed in reading just now, so I didn't bother you again." Hermione said.

"No chatting in the library!" Mrs. Pince's voice came from the side. She had already been staring at the two freshmen.

After all, the new students who come to the library right after the semester starts are very suspicious.

However, Mrs. Pingsi did not hold on and left after reminding her.

She had to go and see if there were any other little wizards doing things that had nothing to do with reading and studying.

This is a library, a holy place for learning, not just for you to chat!

Mrs. Pince thought so.

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