Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 245 The Indian Wizard’s Trouble

After Anderson heard the call, he immediately rushed to Lien. After a while, he emerged from the sea.

"Lean, what happened?" Anderson asked. When he heard Lean's call, he thought something had happened to Lean.

"It's nothing." Rean heard Anderson's voice and turned around and said, "It's just that we need to leave quickly."

"Look at this map. The materials that can be easily obtained have been harvested. These materials are enough, so there is no need to stay any longer. Let's leave for America early. After my trip, I have to go to the Romanian forest. Woolen cloth."

"Okay." Anderson agreed. He was satisfied with the harvest these days. "I just didn't expect that after a wave of harvest, the resources would still be so abundant. It's really... rich in resources."

"It truly deserves to be the main world. It truly deserves to be the main world that is in the stage of rising magic power. It is so rich."

Anderson couldn't help but sigh.

"You can come back to search later when you have time. We have to go to America first."

"Let's go then, I want to try the burger."

"You are not an undead creature, how can you eat something?"

“I can analyze their physical makeup and simulate their taste in my mind.”


Lean looked at Anderson with a strange look on his face, full of surprise.

"Haha, this is a spell I created in my previous life, so that I can experience the delicious food I have encountered before in the starry sky."

"Even if I can't afford it, I can still taste it."

I wonder if Lean felt wrong, but Anderson was full of pride when he said this?

"Um, Anderson, are you proud?"

"Shouldn't you be proud? This is a great spell, a spell that belongs exclusively to Lord Anderson!"

"Okay." Rean curled his lips and said helplessly.

"Hey, do you know how many poor wizards are grateful to me because of this spell. The delicacies from the mountains and seas that they usually would not bear to eat can now be savored at any time. Only you will feel that it is nothing."

"Because I can eat it for real, Anderson. Sometimes you have to admit that money is indeed important."

Lean spread his hands with an attitude of "I am rich", which made Anderson angry.

"Ha, but this is a wonderful spell for undead creatures." Lien added.


Anderson snorted twice, which was regarded as agreement with Lien's words.

Just like that, Anderson and Lean were chatting while flying to the American continent.

Along the way, he encountered some magic materials that could be easily obtained and was easily put away by Lien.

As soon as he set foot on America's territory, Ryan was noisy by Anderson to go to a burger restaurant and buy a sumptuous lunch for five dollars.

After Anderson scanned it, Lean was allowed to pick up the burger and start chewing it.

After finishing the fast food very quickly, Ryan wiped his mouth with a napkin, then stood up and left the burger shop.

"Tsk, are you satisfied?"

"Didn't you enjoy your meal just now?" Anderson retorted.


Just when Lien was about to speak, there was a loud noise in the distance, followed by various screams and calls for help.

After hearing the cry for help, some people on the road began to run towards the explosion site. There were still some people who stayed where they were. It was obvious that they were hesitant and wanted to save people, but they were afraid of another explosion.

And more people joined the fleeing crowd. Human beings are always so helpless in the face of disasters.

However, Lean was staring at the direction of the explosion with a surprised look on his face.


After looking at it for a long time, Lien silently uttered a word.

"It looks like there's big trouble. It's better to leave first." Anderson also used magic power to say in Lean's ear.


Rean nodded, and then followed the flow of people to a safe place. It's just that Lean is walking, and people are running.

Half an hour later, the fire brigade arrived belatedly. It's just that the fire is now out of control, so after consultation, the firefighters can only dismantle the fire belts of nearby houses and use nearby fire hydrants to put out the fire.

After more than ten minutes, the police finally dared to come and help maintain order. By the way, I asked the people who had just escaped from the fire to see if they could ask anything.

Lien hid his figure and stood nearby to eavesdrop.

"Did you see any strange people or things before the fire?"

The policeman looked at the white girl in front of him and asked with a serious expression.

"I saw a strange man. He was covered in a robe, which looked like the kind of robe worn by wizards in movies and TV shows. He wore a pointed hat on his head, but the brim was very wide, so what exactly did he look like? I didn’t see it.”

"But from the sound of his voice, he must be very old. When he walked in, I happened to be at the door. A shopping guide came up to ask him, and then I heard his voice. But the next step is the scary part. I saw him take out a small stick like a branch, and a blue fireball shot out from the top of the branch."

"There was a big explosion right after. I was standing outside, so I was spared. But the person seemed to disappear at the moment of the explosion, as if... it was as if there had never been this person."

When the police heard this, the hand holding the pen to record paused. He looked at his colleague, who was looking at him the same way.

He put the pen cover on the pen tip, then clamped the pen in the notebook and closed it, and said kindly: "There was a fire just now, and it's normal to be a little confused. You can take a rest first, and I'll ask other people."

After speaking, he waved to the medical staff behind him.

"Come two people and take care of this lady."

"No, please believe me, everything I say is true." The girl cried and shouted.

But this time, the interrogating policeman had more sympathy in his eyes.

Rean stood nearby and heard everything clearly. But this also made him feel irritated. He seemed to feel that he was involved in something.

In the United America, wizards and No-Majs disliked each other, and due to historical reasons, the local indigenous wizards were massacred. So to be honest, America's situation is still very complicated.

At this moment, Lien suddenly turned his head to look at the other side of the town, where two sources of magic suddenly appeared. This must be an Auror from the America Magic Society. It should be an explosion caused by magic power, which made the Magic Society discover something strange here, so they sent an Auror to investigate the situation.

Thinking of this, Lean had a headache. But he was not afraid, after all, he had the International Association of Adventurers badge issued by Dumbledore himself, and could enter the country directly without the approval of the Ministry of Magic.

The two Aurors seemed to have discovered Lean, cast the Disillusionment Curse, and used Apparition to arrive in the alley next to Lean.

Li En glanced at the alley and walked straight in. After all, some things still need to be explained clearly to avoid being unclear in the end.

"This is the badge of the International Association of Adventurers. It was issued by Principal Dumbledore himself. It allows you to enter various countries without permission. I just arrived in America today and I don't know much about the specifics."

The moment he saw the two Aurors, Rean showed his badge and told them everything.

The two Aurors looked at each other. It was probably the first time they had seen such cooperative wizards. But in this case, they would not be too harsh.

What Lien said just now was, "Principal Dumbledore personally promulgated it." Two meanings, Dumbledore is my principal, I am a student at Hogwarts, and I am also a student valued by Dumbledore.

"Okay, but please leave the country as soon as possible. There have been some riots among the Indian wizards recently, so for the sake of safety, it is better to leave as soon as possible."

One of the Aurors finished speaking, and then looked at Lien, with a clear sign that he would not give up until he left.

Lien nodded and planned to apparate to another place. America is so big, but this is not the only place where you can go sightseeing.

He took out his wand, which he hadn't used for a long time, from his pocket and prepared to disapparate. Only then did he notice that the two Aurors had raised their wands and pointed them at him.

Lean was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of America's fine traditions, smiled bitterly, and then began to explain.

After explaining, the two Aurors put down their wands, but they still did not relax their vigilance.

But at this moment, a wizard wearing a black robe and a purple pointed hat suddenly appeared in the alley. Before the two Aurors could react, each of them took a sleeping spell.

However, as Aurors, they have naturally seen this kind of situation before, so they all have defensive measures. A coin suddenly flew out of the pocket of one of the Auror robes, canceling the sleeping spell. Another wizard relied on the defense of his robe to forcefully swallow the sleeping spell.

"Total petrification"


The two wizards immediately started to fight back the moment they received the attack. As the center of the battlefield, Lien was naturally within the range of the spell.

"Armor Protection"

The old wizard used the Iron Armor Curse, and the magic spell shot from the top of the Auror's wand hit the Iron Armor Curse and was reflected.

Lien saw that something was not going well and wanted to leave here, but found that the anti-Apparition spell had been cast long ago.

"Why do you think anti-Apparition spells are so common?" Lean muttered.

"Ha, we have been planning secretly for decades, but just for this day." The old wizard heard Lien talking to himself, glanced at him and said.

He naturally heard Li En's self-introduction. It was precisely because he heard it that he wanted to take action from Lien to gain support from the magic world of the country.

Although Yu Guo has changed from the big brother to America's little brother, in the magic world, Yu Guo is still the big brother in the European and American world.

In other words, as long as Dumbledore is alive, the British wizarding world will always be the Big Brother.

"Torn apart"

"Thunderbolt Explosion"

The old wizard quickly used two spells, one hitting one of the Aurors, and the other hitting the surrounding walls.

The wall instantly made a loud noise, and then, under the gaze of the two Aurors and a large number of No-Majs outside, it slowly collapsed and broke into countless pieces.

At this time, the two Aurors realized that the old wizard's purpose was not to kill them at all, but to expose the wizard's existence.

"Thousands of bullets fired together"

Following the old wizard's movements, the debris on the ground slowly floated up, and then flew rapidly outside.

"Get out of the way!"

One police officer reacted quickly, yelled loudly, and then hid behind the police car.

"Hahaha, boys, farewell."

After doing all this, the old wizard smiled with satisfaction, then said to the two Aurors, then patted his chest, and then used the Apparition spell to leave the place.

But before leaving, the old wizard glanced at Li En vaguely, and secretly threw a small paper ball at Li En's feet.

Rean calmly sucked it into his palm and put it close to his pocket.

He is not America's wizard, so naturally it is better to fish in troubled waters.

"Quick cure"

The uninjured wizard cast healing magic on the injured wizard. A green light flashed and the wizard stopped the bleeding. But his face was pale, his clothes were covered in blood, and he looked very scary.

"Sorry, my name is Albert Lee, what is your name?"

"Ryan Zell is temporarily on leave from school."

"Okay, Zell. Now that the matter is urgent, I want to ask you, will you use the Forgetting Spell to modify your memory?" Li said with a serious face.

Li En probably understood what Li wanted to say, so he nodded.

"Haha, very good. Now according to the regulations of the America Magic Association, you are temporarily recruited as a temporary employee of the Memory Cancellation Department. The reward is ten gold galleons. You will be settled after the work is completed."

Rean nodded to show that he understood.

"Okay, young man, we have a lot of work. And be careful of the weapons of the No-Majs, they are very powerful." Li patted Lien on the shoulder and walked out first.


The two Aurors crossed each other and continuously released stun spells outside. Outside, one after another, No-Majs fell to the ground.

The police leader was a little horrified when he saw this scene, then decisively opened the car door and took out the walkie-talkie from inside.

"Headquarters, headquarters, requesting support, requesting..."

When Lien saw this person calling for support, he immediately used the flying spell to summon the walkie-talkie.

"Headquarters, the matter has been resolved, no more support." A voice exactly like the policeman who just requested support came from Lien's mouth.

Li En saw the situation here, turned around and gave Li En a thumbs up.

After just modifying the memories of a few people, Lien found that a lot of magic sources suddenly appeared around him.

"Don't worry, people from the Memory Cancellation Department are here." Li saw Li En looking around, and immediately realized something, and said to Li En, "But some of them are not very friendly to the wizards of the country, so you Let’s leave for now.”

After saying that, he took ten gold galleons and put them in Lien's hand.

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