Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 240 Space Fusion

Lien moved quickly, and the crack was quickly blocked. However, two gold mines and a mithril mine were still assimilated into this space by the power of the void, which made Lien feel distressed.

However, I can't care about so much at this time. The most important thing is to seize the time to draw the negative array. If the drawing is not completed before the spiritual expansion circle expires, then this trip will be in vain.

Lien has practiced the Negative Array countless times. It's just that this is the first time it's drawn in space debris.

The power of the void constantly impacted Lien's spirit, making it difficult to control. Lien tried several times, but every time he would deviate due to the power of the void.

But there is still plenty of time, so if you draw slowly, you will always succeed. After drawing more than seventy times, Lien finally succeeded in drawing the negative polar array on the space debris.

The moment the magic circle is drawn, it immediately begins to extract magic power from the space fragments and then activates it.

And Anderson, who was guarding Lien on the plain, saw the fire of the soul burst into flames after seeing the positive circle starting to activate.

"Hell, this is impossible!" Anderson suddenly felt that the more than a thousand years of his previous life were like spending them in a dream.

And considering that it will take time for Lien to draw the negative magic circle, this means that Lien will use it in a shorter time.

Anderson had never heard of anyone exploring the void for the first time and finding a suitable demiplane in such a short period of time.

Anderson looked around at the wilderness, but there was no one around. He thought for a while and took out a lot of biscuits and other items from the box world as sacrifices. Then he bent his knees, bowed his head to Lien, and said in a pious tone: "Goddess of Luck, please bless me." Luck always abides.”

As he spoke, he continued to pray.

After doing all this, Anderson put everything away, and everything looked as if nothing had happened just now.

At this time, Lien was flying towards the main world with the space debris at a very fast speed. But Lien is not worried at all, because when the negative polar array detects the space barrier of the main plane, it will quickly transform into the positive polar array, slow down, and then slowly merge with the unavoidable barrier.

The reason why Lien did not leave was because he wanted to protect this fragment and prevent the power of the void from invading the world along the cracks. But the three days came quickly. Lien saw the negative pole formation emit a burst of purple light and turned into a positive pole formation. Then the scenery in front of him changed instantly, and he saw Anderson who was still staying in place.

"Well, you're lucky." Lean said with an implicit smile.

"It seems that you have gained a good harvest?" Anderson looked at Lien and said, "To be honest, if I hadn't become an undead bone dragon now, I believe that the goddess of luck would definitely favor me."

"Are you saying that the lucky girl is a pretty girl?"

"Ha, maybe. Tell me how big a demiplane it is."

"Not a demiplane, just a fragment of space."

"Space debris?" Anderson asked doubtfully. He was a little confused as to why Lean was thinking of pulling back a space debris.

Rean showed a hint of a smirk and said, "Yes, a small world on the verge of extinction hit the main world, so I picked the largest piece of debris and pulled it back."


If it were in the comics, Anderson's head would be covered with the symbol above.

"What did you say?"

"Didn't you hear it clearly? I said there is a small world..."

"This is impossible!" Anderson's voice was so loud that the birds in the sky were shaken down.

"That's the truth, Anderson. I think our alloy work needs a little more work. I don't know what metals are in that piece of space debris."

Lean said, but his eyes were full of pride. Being able to explore the void for the first time and encounter such a big discovery, Lien can definitely say that he is the god of luck.

It's just that Li En's demeanor made Anderson a little uncomfortable, but this is normal. It is always a little uncomfortable to see others getting rich and being embarrassed in front of him.

"The fusion will take some time. During this time, let's practice the space fusion array first." Anderson calmed down and said.

Reen nodded, these are all necessary. In addition to the space fusion array, some other arrays need to be drawn, such as those used to restrict access, defense, and concealment. There are also some that can change the weather and speed up plant growth.

There are many types of magic circles. This is a huge project that requires years of accumulation to complete.

Three days later, that piece of space debris was officially integrated into the space barrier of the main world. From now on, this piece of space debris is also protected by the main world.

"Anderson, do you need to go take a look at that piece of space debris?" Rean flew to Anderson and asked.

Of course Anderson was interested in this piece of space debris, so he immediately agreed.

"Of course, I think there should be a lot of minerals in it."

"You have to see it before you know." Rean shrugged. Anderson's words reminded him of the mineral veins that had been assimilated by the power of the void.

This is all his property, but unfortunately, the power of the void doesn't care whose property it is.

Lean took Anderson outside the box world. Opening the space door in the box world might cause damage to the Traceless Stretch Spell.

There were no snowflakes outside today, and the sky was a rare blue. The sun shines on the snow, making the eyes hurt.

Lien took out his staff, sat in the middle of the positive circle, and placed the staff across his legs. Then he closed his eyes and began to sense the space fragment with all his strength. Because there was a negative magic circle inside, Rienken sensed it quickly.

"The door to space, open!"

Lien's staff floated out of thin air and stood erected above Lien's head. Then, a blue beam of light shot out from the top and exploded fifty meters in front of Lien, forming a vortex that continuously rotated clockwise.

"Okay, the place where the space fragments are fused is a bit far from my place. But it's not a big problem. Once the magic circle is established, you won't have to work so hard." Rean wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

In order to open this door to space, he spent a lot of effort.

Anderson took out a bottle of magic recovery potion and handed it to Lean. Lean was not polite, picked it up, pulled out the stopper, and poured it into his mouth.

But as soon as the potion was imported, Lien spat it out.

"Cough cough cough... what does this smell like? Did you leave the potion for a long time and it's gone rancid." Rean kept spitting on the ground.

"Ah, this is the most effective potion among all your potions." Anderson scratched his chin with his paw and said seriously.

"That's impossible..." Lien murmured. There was no such strange-tasting thing in his collection.


Rean suddenly thought of something, picked up the medicine bottle in his hand, and looked at the bottom of the bottle.

Sure enough, there was Snape's magical signature there.

A magic signature cannot be counterfeited because it represents a person's magical power. Everyone's magic power is different, so generally those signed by you are basically genuine.

"What the hell, why is there another bottle here?" Rean said painfully. He didn't expect that Snape's potion hadn't been cleaned yet.

At this time, he had made up his mind to sort out his inventory when the matter was settled, so as to avoid having any weird taste the next time he drank.

"Forget it, I won't drink anymore." Rean put the cork on the bottle again and put it away properly.

After all, this is a potion made by Master Snape, and it is quite valuable.

"Anderson, let's go take a look at the space debris. I hope we can leave something behind."

Lean waved to Anderson, and then walked into the space debris head-on.

Of course, he didn't forget to add a layer of shield to himself before going in. As for air, there is no need to worry. At Lien's level, as long as there is still magic power in the body and no fatal injuries are received, he can survive without relying on air.

Within the space debris, Rean walked out from a broken mountaintop. It is said to be a broken mountain top because the upper half of the mountain has disappeared, leaving only the pitted lower half still standing.

Li En looked into the distance, and everywhere he looked, there were potholes. These pits are left by the power of the void, and the rest of the matter has been assimilated by the power of the void.

"Wow, this...is really not bad." Anderson came in at some unknown time. He was flying in the air, looking at the world, and sighed sincerely.

"How's it going? Not bad, right?"

"That's good." Anderson nodded.

This piece of space debris is very large, covering an area of ​​almost 100,000 square kilometers, and there are still five or six magic mineral veins left in it. It's just a rough observation now, and we can't know the details until we investigate in person.

Beyond that, Anderson saw a building.

What does it mean that a building can survive the erosion of the power of the void?

This is good stuff!

But Anderson is still a little worried. After all, if there is a building left, maybe there are still people inside?

Are people who can own such a building an ordinary person?

Of course not, at least he must be a senior mage.

"Don't worry, Anderson. When I pulled this fragment, I already used the life detection spell to detect it. There is no living thing in this fragment."

"I don't think anyone would be rational enough to cover up the fluctuations in their lives in an emergency like that."

After listening to Anderson's worries, Lean patted Anderson and said.

Anderson nodded after listening.

"Let's go and take a look at that building." Lean floated into the air, said something, leaned forward slightly, and galloped forward randomly.

Ryan was very fast and arrived in front of the building in just a few seconds.

This building is a tall tower, and there is still a faint and dim light flowing on the surface. It is so dim that Lien can only see it if he turns on the magic vision.

With just a light touch, this layer of light disappeared completely.

Entering this high tower, the first thing Lien saw was the endless books. They were neatly placed on the bookshelf, as if the end of the world just now was fake.

He walked to the librarian's seat and found a piece of paper weighted with a stone on the table.

"This is the last treasure in the world of Northrend. If you can see this piece of paper, then please make good use of this knowledge. - Lin Yunliu"

"So was this world called Northrend before?" Rean looked at the bookshelf and murmured.

"Lean, you are too reckless. What if there are any traps here?" Anderson's voice sounded outside, his tone full of reproach.

"Don't worry, Anderson, I cast the shield." Rean didn't want to argue with Anderson for the time being. He wanted to take a look at the books inside.

Just the first book shocked him: "Detailed Explanation of the Attack Formation of the Magic Fleet"

The second book: "Regulations on the Configuration of Ships in the Magic Fleet"

Anderson naturally saw these books, and he asked unnaturally: "Is this the small world you are talking about? There is a magic fleet, or is it a small world?"

Li En didn't look very good either. He didn't know why a world as small as a small world could breed such a splendid magical civilization.

If this matter is not clarified, eating this piece of fat may lead to death.

"Anderson, you start looking from the left, and I'll start looking from the right, looking for the Chronicle." Lean said, and then walked to the right.

Most of the books here are about magic. There are very few literature and art books, and they are all in small corners. They should be secretly hidden by the librarian here.

"Ryan, I found it."

Not long after, Anderson's delighted voice sounded in the empty tower.

This chronicle does not seem to have been secretly hidden, but someone deliberately placed it here to let future generations know something.

Opening the book, one person and one dragon gathered together, wanting to know why.

"In the year 6541 of the Three Gods Calendar, the White Tower took the lead in discovering the existence of another world and successfully colonized it. The world was in an uproar. The following year was named the first year of the New Calendar."

"In the year 8541 of the New Calendar, the magic power suddenly began to decline, but the mages didn't care because they had vast colonies to plunder."

"In the year 8551 of the New Calendar, the magic power declined to a warning level, and the God Orifa died due to the lack of magic power. The world was in an uproar and began to face up to the decline of magic power."

"In the year 8952 of the New Calendar, the last Dharma God in the world fell. From now on, there is no more God in the world."

"In the year 9021 of the New Calendar, mages above the Archmage have died one after another, leaving only apprentices and formal mages surviving. The end of the world is right in front of us."

"On March 21, 11452 in the New Calendar, the end of the world may be just around the corner. The reason why it is maybe is because I am not sure. If it is false, I will come back and cross out this paragraph."

There is no record after that. It seems that this day was the last time it hit the main plane.

Lean and Anderson looked at each other, still not understanding how the world ended.

It seems to be caused by a sudden decline in magic power, but this is normal. The world has magic tides, with peaks and troughs.

But the decline of magic power will not cause the world to shrink.

For a time, Lean and Anderson were at an impasse.

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