Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 234 Granger’s invitation

On the afternoon of December 23rd, Lien had just woken up from his nap, climbed out of bed, and saw a letter placed at the head of the bed.

First he looked at the sending address, which was Hogwarts; then he looked at the sender: Hermione Granger.

After opening the letter, Lien read every word in the letter carefully.

Hermione discussed it with her parents and decided to invite Lean to have Christmas dinner with the Granger family tomorrow night.

Lean smiled and put away the letter, then left his bedroom.

"Pudding, a glass of lemon juice, delivered to the study."

While walking, Lean ordered. When Lean walked into the study, there was already a glass of lemon juice on the desk.

Smelling the faint aroma in the air, Lean slowly sat down on his seat, then picked up the book on the table and started reading.

This is a novel about a knight from another world. Even judging from Lien's experience of reading a lot of books in his later life, this novel still has its wonderful features that make him unable to put it down.

When a person is completely immersed in something, time flies. Lien picked up the glass with lemon juice and drank the last sip. He was about to call for pudding to refill it when he realized that it was already dark.

Walking out of the study, the restaurant was filled with various delicacies. Each plate was covered with a transparent cover, which was used to keep the food fresh. All dishes covered by this cover can maintain the taste of the dishes when they were first covered.

Lean sat on the dining table and gently knocked on the corner of the table twice. The film covering the plate disappeared instantly, and the aroma of the vegetables that was originally locked in the plate also instantly filled the entire space.

Smelling the aroma, Lien suddenly felt that his stomach was hungrier than before, so he picked up the knife and fork next to him and started to enjoy the delicious food.

After the main meal was finished, the plates on the table disappeared in an instant, and even the table blanket was replaced. Then came a chocolate cake and a glass of blueberry juice.

"Pudding, you don't need to cook my dinner tomorrow night. Also, prepare a gift for me. I'm going to be a guest tomorrow night."

Rean swallowed the cake in his mouth and said to the air next to him.

After eating, Rean wiped his mouth and left the restaurant.

After leaving the restaurant, Lien came to the living room, took all the gifts he had bought before, tore off the sticky notes on them, and started wrapping them.

By the way, Lien called Pais and asked him to identify the goods to avoid sending them to the wrong person.

Pais looked at the gifts in front of him and suddenly felt that his claws seemed a little unsteady.

"Cuckoo!" Pais immediately began to protest.

However, its protest was quickly suppressed by Lien with three packs of special owl rations.

After receiving his reward, Pais immediately calmed down and stood aside combing his hair. Every time Lean finished wrapping a gift, he would put it in Pais's anklet, and then explain to Pais who the gift was for.

There are extra many gifts this year, for the three brothers and the fourth youngest. The professors in Hogwarts must have one. Beaver and Kes must give one, and the Granger family also needs one.

The servants in the manor in the box world also need a Christmas gift, but this does not require Pais to deliver it.

Perhaps he had never done this kind of work before, and he didn't want the gift he gave to be ruined by the ugly packaging, so he wrapped it very slowly.

After working for about two hours, Lien finished wrapping all the gifts and stuffed them into Pais's anklet.

The next day, Rean got up early in the morning and went to the barber shop outside to get a haircut. During the previous trip, when his hair grew long, Lien just used magic to cut it himself, not caring about the hairstyle at all.

But since I'm going to Granger's house tonight, it's still necessary to do a little hair style. In addition to his hair style, Lien also went out to buy a suit of clothes that fit him well.

If he hadn't been too late, Lien would have even wanted to find a tailor to make a set by hand.

Carrying the clothes he bought, Lien returned to his cabin. Pudding was just preparing lunch.

He looked up at the clock on the wall. It was already ten past eleven, and the Hogwarts Express should have departed by now.

After choosing a bottle of fine wine from his wine cellar, after thinking about it, Lien went back and got an extra bottle of blueberry wine.

Placing two bottles of wine on the table, Lean sat on the sofa and lightly snapped his fingers. The knight novel originally placed on the desk in the study appeared in Lean's hand.

Lien found a comfortable position on the sofa, opened the book in his hand, and immersed himself in that magnificent world.

After turning four or five pages, Lean was interrupted by pudding.

"Master, lunch is ready. Do you want to eat it now or wait a while?"

Pudding stood aside, bent over. It was originally short, but now it looked like it was not much taller than the coffee table, so Lien had to lean down to see it.

After hearing Pudding say that lunch was done, Lien closed the book in his hand and walked to the restaurant. Although he was curious about the next plot of the novel, when it was time to eat, he would still put down what he was holding and go enjoy his lunch.

Perhaps because Lien said he would not eat at home tonight, the lunch made of pudding was particularly rich. If Lien's guess was correct, Pudding should have gotten the dishes for dinner by now.

After eating a steak, two chicken legs, and a salad, Ryan ended his lunch.

As for the oversized turkey on the table, Ryan didn't even look at it. Ryan had no intention of eating turkey. After all, there would definitely be turkey when he was a guest at Granger's house tonight.

After sitting on the sofa and reading the next novel, Rean went to take a shower, put on the clothes he just bought today, took two bottles of wine, and was ready to go.

When the time came to five o'clock, Lean apparated to the alley next to Granger's house.

When Lean walked out of the alley, there were two aunts beside him who glanced into the alley. They really couldn't figure out why someone could walk out of the dead end, and judging from Lien's clothes, he didn't look like the kind of person who would go into alleys by himself.

Regardless of what these two aunts thought, Lien arrived at the door of Granger's house.

Mr. Granger was shoveling snow outside at the moment. When he saw Lean coming, he happily opened the fence door, patted Lean on the shoulder, and welcomed him in.

"Good boy, my life in the past six months has been really exciting." Mr. Granger patted Lean hard on the shoulder twice, expressing his resentment that he could only watch but could not travel with him.

"Come in, your aunt has prepared a big meal. Ah, by the way, Hermione is about to arrive at the station. I think we can pick her up together later. I think you young people have not seen each other for more than half a year. There must be some There’s a lot to say.”

"Of course." Lean nodded and handed over the two bottles of wine in his hand.

"Oh, Latu, it looks like you're going to have a good meal tonight."

The moment Mr. Granger saw the red wine bottle, he held the red wine tightly in his hand and kept stroking it.

Chateau Latour is one of the most reputable wineries in France. This bottle of red wine was given to him by Nico. Later, he felt that it was too troublesome to carry a bottle of wine, so he sent it back and placed it in his wine cellar. .

Moreover, the environment in the wine cellar is also beneficial to the preservation of red wine.

Thinking of this, Mr. Granger couldn't wait to run into the house, even forgetting Lean in front of the door.

Not paying attention to Mr. Granger's gaffe, Lean closed the fence gate and walked along the path towards the house.

Soon, Mr. Granger was kicked out by Mrs. Granger.

Seeing Mr. Granger being thrown out by Mrs. Granger's ears, Ryan couldn't help laughing. However, due to the elder's face, Li En still did not laugh.

"Lean, you're here, come in quickly and warm yourself up." Mrs. Granger saw Lean and was about to pull Lean into the house.

"You, clear the snow from the yard!" Mrs. Granger glared at Mr. Granger, and then walked into the house.

"Do whatever you want. There are candies on the coffee table. You can try some. We make them ourselves. They are much more delicious than the candies outside."

Mrs. Granger brought a glass of hot water to Lean, explained briefly, and then returned to the kitchen to continue working on her feast.

The time came to half past six. Mr. Granger had already cleared the snow in the yard and was now sitting in the living room watching TV with Lean.

"It's almost time, let's go, it's time to pick up Hermione."

Mr. Granger stood up and walked toward the door. After Mr. Granger put on his coat at the door, Lean opened the door. The burst of cold air made Mr. Granger shrink his head. He looked at Lien who felt nothing and said with some envy:

"To be honest, the quality of being immune to cold and heat is enough to be enviable, let alone magic."

"Actually, this is just the effect of the thermal insulation charm. Maybe I can give you a button with the thermal insulation charm in two days. I think you will definitely use it on your suit."

"Haha, thank you so much. You don't know how inconvenient it is to wear so many clothes outside in winter."

Mr. Granger jogged all the way to his garage and started his car.

As the heating in the car was turned on and the temperature inside the car increased, Mr. Granger finally relaxed.

"The weather in London is so moody. One second it's sunny and blazing, and the next second it's snowing."

Mr. Granger kept complaining to Lean about the weather.

The car drove for a while and was suddenly blocked.

"What happened?" Rean looked at the blocked street in front of him and asked with some confusion.

"I don't know, but there's a high probability that it won't be a good thing." Mr. Granger seemed to have experience in this.

"I'm going out to ask about the situation." Mr. Granger tightened his scarf, then resolutely opened the car door and walked into the wind and snow.

Three minutes later, the car door was opened again, and Mr. Granger sat in. While dusting the snowflakes on his body, he talked about what he had learned.

"There was a car accident ahead. The road was too slippery. It was really bad. But fortunately, the person was fine and the car was only scratched. They should still have a wonderful Christmas Eve today, but the insurance The company may not think so."

Mr. Granger said as he wiped the mist on the front windshield with a towel in the car.

"It's almost time to leave. We have to be careful next time. I don't want my car to come into close contact with others." When Mr. Granger saw the car in front of him moving, he immediately got into a panic. Be careful, for fear of scratching someone else.

Although it's not a big deal, it's not wonderful to encounter this kind of thing when Christmas Eve is approaching.

We carefully arrived at King's Cross Station, found a parking space, and parked the car in Mr. Granger.

“The flow of people is really huge.”

Mr. Granger sighed, it took them a long time to find this parking space.

"I think we're late." Lean said to Mr. Granger who was standing next to him. He had already seen an angry Hermione standing at the door of the station carrying a suitcase.

"God, I will definitely write to the mayor next time and ask him to add two hundred more parking spaces at the station."

said Mr. Granger angrily. He hadn't seen Hermione for four months, and now he was delayed in picking her up because of things like finding a parking space.

He was already thinking about how to write this letter.

"Lean!" Hermione quickly saw Rean and shouted happily.

The little girl immediately dragged her suitcase and ran over to Li En. When he was almost here, he dropped his suitcase and backpack, and swooped into Lien's arms.

Mr. Granger retracted his open hands in embarrassment and calmly picked up the backpack and suitcase that Hermione had dropped on the ground.

"I missed you so much, Lean."

"I missed you too, Hermione."

The two said in each other's ears.

"Ahem." Mr. Granger coughed twice, "We have to go back quickly. The road is not easy, so we have to go slower."

Hermione let go of Lean and gave her father a hug. Mr. Granger, who was originally calm, immediately burst out laughing.

"Okay, mom has prepared a big meal. I think you must be starving?" Mr. Granger let go of Hermione and said lovingly.

Hermione nodded, she was indeed hungry.

Mr. Granger put Hermione's suitcase in the trunk, then got into the car and backed the car out of the parking space again.

Hermione and Rean were sitting in the back seat, and the little girl kept pulling Rean to tell him interesting things that happened in school in the first half of the year, and from time to time she would ask him a question or two about Rean's travels.

"Okay kids, we're home and I can already smell the roasting turkey."

After parking the car firmly in the garage, Mr. Granger opened the door and said to the two people sitting in the back seat who were chatting happily.

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