Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 231 Meteor falling from the sky

Opening the curtain blocking the door, it was pitch black outside, and the flames at the muzzle of the automatic machine gun were unusually conspicuous.

In the magic vision, three magic sources overlapped, and in front of them was a thin sheet of magic power - that was the embodiment of "many obstacles" in the magic vision.

The three of them looked like they were being suppressed, but they were not. One person cast "Many Obstacles", while the other two took the opportunity to observe the loopholes in the tent.

Now that the lights were on in the tent, the three wizards also knew that the master here had woken up, so they all silently increased their vigilance.

As soon as Lien opened the tent curtain, the three wizards noticed this place. Before Li En could make a move, two spells came at him.

Fortunately, the magic power and accuracy released in a hurry were not very good, and two beams of different colors just hit the tent. A blue light flashed, leaving the tent unscathed.

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes full of greed and fanaticism. Tents with protective spells like this are extremely popular on the black market, and everyone doesn't want their place to be safer. Therefore, as soon as this kind of tent goes on the market, it will be snatched away by rich people who have too much money and are afraid of death.

Lien was not startled by the sudden spell. He knew very well that he would be attacked when he opened the tent curtain. It's just that his body is now covered with various protective alchemy items, so it's not false.

After roughly confirming the location of the three of them, Lien pointed his finger, and two petrification spells were instantly shot out of his hand and flew towards the three of them.

When the three of them saw two spells flying towards them, the two people hiding behind looked at each other, shrank their heads, and hid behind the wizard who maintained the "obstacles".

Rean saw this scene and smiled disdainfully. These dark wizards are selfish people, and no one is willing to spend magic power to resist these two spells, especially if someone is resisting.

The leading wizard seemed a little unhappy when he saw his teammates acting like this, and even the obstacles to resisting bullets were a little unstable.

However, the machine gun suddenly went silent at this time. Lien guessed that the bullets in the ammunition box had been discharged.

The leading wizard breathed a sigh of relief, quickly removed the spell blocking him, and then hid aside with a quick step. The two wizards behind him were also very fast. Before Lien could react, they followed the leading wizard and hid aside.

They were at the end of the woods, near the depression, so this was a disadvantage for Lean. On the terrain, he was at the bottom and the enemy was at the top, so he could easily see everything below.

But this kind of thing couldn't trouble Lien. In a blink of an eye, Lien came behind the three wizards.

Seeing Lean disappear, one of the wizards reacted quickly and threw a disarming spell directly behind him.

Lien, who had just appeared, saw the disarming spell appearing in front of him, his eyes full of shock. He couldn't figure out why these wizards could predict his appearance so accurately.

A gray film lit up in front of Lien, resisting the disarming spell.

"Phantom Light Body"

Two identical Leans appeared on both sides of Lean. The three wizards hiding behind the trees were stunned when they saw this scene and froze for a moment.

Taking this opportunity, Lien used the invisibility technique to completely hide himself in the woods.

"Damn it, what's the background of this guy? Are we encountering a tough situation, do we want to withdraw?"

One of the wizards backed down.

"Boniev, you bastard, have you forgotten that Onitev died at his hands?"

"The tent with the defensive spell, coupled with the clone spell and the invisibility spell that appeared later, do you still think this is just an ordinary wizard? Maybe reinforcements are on the way right now. Now If you don’t run, you won’t be able to escape later.”

There was a hint of anxiety in Bonev's words.

"Bonev, remember your identity. I am your boss, pay attention to your attitude!"


Lien, who was standing aside, had some doubts in his mind, but he did not intend to act rashly, but wanted to see if he could hear more news.

And he also noticed that they said a wizard named Onitev died here.

Lien turned his head and looked around. Under the dim light of the tent, he could vaguely see what seemed to be a human figure on the ground.

"Bonev, Volchok, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's focus on the matter in front of us." The wizard sandwiched between the two said, looking like he was trying to make peace with the mud. But in fact it favored Volchok.

"Ionov, who doesn't know that you and Volchok are in the same group? Damn it, I don't want to die here."

Bonev picked up his wand and planned to actually disapparate and leave here.


Rean clasped his hands in front of his chest and cast such a seemingly impossible spell.

An inexplicable wave continued to spread along the air, and Bonev's illusory body solidified once again.

Regardless of their previous opinions, the three of them are now grasshoppers on a rope. This "Anti-Apparition" spell is not something that ordinary families can come up with.

Even though they worked in the Ministry of Magic of the Soviet Union before, they didn't know the specific release method. They only knew about the existence of the anti-Apparition spell.

Ionov's face turned ugly, and he realized that they seemed to have kicked an iron plate. After thinking hard to no avail, he turned to look at Volchok.

Volchok also felt a trace of regret in his heart at this time, but he still maintained a calm look on his face.

"He has used the anti-Apparition spell and refuses for us to leave, so there is nothing we can do. Since he doesn't want us to leave, let's play with him. It will also let him know how important this decision is. madness."

There was a hint of madness and ambition in Volchok's eyes.

If he wasn't crazy, he wouldn't have broken away from the Ministry of Magic and become a wandering wizard after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If it weren't for ambition, he wouldn't have continued to consider himself Bonev's boss after leaving the Ministry of Magic.

"Even the invisibility spell can't completely make a person disappear from this world. Use a large-scale spell to force him out!"

Volchok said, and then he first used a "ten thousand bullet salvo".

Various dead branches and stones emerged from under the snow and floated in the air. After a pause, he quickly hit the open space in front of Volchok.

Dead branches and stones passed through the phantom figure left by Li En, and after a while, the spell was broken.

In just that moment of pause, Lien left the place through flash and appeared behind his tent. Due to the obstruction of the tent, the three people were not noticed.

Bonev and Ionov looked at each other, and both began to use a wide range of spells. Now there is no other way. If you want to escape, you can only fight. Maybe if you work hard, you can become rich.

Bonev used "Fire Blazing". Under Bonev's control, the spell that originally could only emit a trace of flames turned into a huge fireball. Under the light of the fire, the dark grove became Bright as day.


With a soft drink, the huge fireball exploded, sparks flying everywhere, and Lien was speechless for a moment.

Isn't he afraid of fire?

It seems that he is not afraid. There is snow all over the ground. Melting can absorb heat, and the water produced can also extinguish fires.

Ionov also used the "volley of ten thousand bullets". He took a clever trick and reused the dead branches and stones that Volchok had hit on the ground, and shot them to another place.

After a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, the three of them panted slightly, but their expressions were ugly.

They found nothing.

They had almost plowed the area, and if it weren't for the anti-Apparition spell that still existed, they would have almost thought that Rean had left.

Rean looked at the three people who were taking a break and showed a cruel smile. He had no intention of letting these people go. From their words, it could be known that these people were former employees of the Ministry of Magic of the Soviet Union. However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Ministry of Magic of the Soviet Union also split.

And there are always some old people and young people who always carry the airs of the previous dynasty and cannot figure out their own position. It was as if Volchok was still commanding Bonev as a member of the Ministry of Magic of the Soviet Union.

"Sleep Mist"

A trace of white smoke quietly emitted from Lien's fingertips and spread into the air. No matter how much this fog is smelled, it can make people sleep for twelve hours.

But this spell was modified by Lien. It no longer caused sleep, but caused death. As the effect becomes stronger, the corresponding magic power consumption also increases.

However, these losses are still acceptable to Rean.

Volchok saw that Reen hadn't come out for a long time, and guessed what Reen was up to, so he quietly ordered Bonev and Ionov: "Drink the breath-holding potion to prevent him from poisoning. In addition, Watch your feet and the air, the three of us are back to each other, be careful.”

The three of them quickly formed a triangle, and their behavior of drinking the potion was also seen by Li En.

"Tsk, experience really dictates. However, in the face of absolute power, all this is just paper."

Rean said silently that he didn't plan to continue playing with them anymore.

"Meteorites falling from the sky"

A small meteorite formed at a high altitude, and then fell down with a trail of flames, which was extremely eye-catching in the dark sky.

"Look!" sharp-eyed Ionov shouted, attracting the attention of the other two.

Volchok and Bonev looked up, but only saw a stone that was constantly enlarging.


There was a loud noise that reached the sky and the earth, blowing up thousands of layers of snow on the ground, and the defensive array on the tent lit up.

Seen from a distance, the tent at this moment is like a star in the night sky, constantly twinkling.

A gust of snowy wind blew by, and Lien hid behind the tent without being affected at all.

Leaning his head out from behind the tent, Lien looked at the open space that looked like a battlefield. The open space is now in a mess, with no snowflakes on the ground and mud splashed everywhere.

In the center, there was a huge pit, but there were no three bodies in it. After some searching, Lien found these three people, who were shaken two to three hundred meters away by the shock wave.

It seems that before the meteorite hit the ground, they used the Iron Armor Curse, so the body was still well preserved, but Lien estimated that the inside had turned into a ball of paste.

After putting the body away, Rean allowed the tent to fold up on its own while using a restoration spell to restore the holes in the ground.

The tent was quickly folded, and Lien stuffed it into his pocket. Regardless of whether the hole was completely restored, he apparated away from the place.

Almost three or four minutes later, a wizard wearing an Auror uniform suddenly appeared here. After just a few casual glances, he instantly disappeared into the open space with a look of shock on his face.

Two hours later, he and two other wizards also wearing Auror uniforms appeared in this clearing.

The other two Aurors also stared at what was happening with their mouths wide open. They couldn't help but take out their wands and put them across their chests.

Although this has no real effect, it can bring a sense of security at this time, which is enough to satisfy these novice Aurors.

Since the Ministry of Magic split with the split of the Soviet Union, the Ministry of Magic in various countries has been recruiting Aurors again. Originally, Aurors were supposed to train for three years before taking up the job, but now there is a shortage of manpower, so they have to train and work at the same time.

So in fact these three Auror gentlemen have not passed Auror training.

Ignoring what would happen here for the time being, Li En encountered a difficult matter at this moment.

After collecting the bodies of four people, Lean arrived in the middle of the Siberian Plain. At this time, Siberia was in a world of ice and snow. Even a wizard with magic could not stay in this bad weather for long.

Looking at the four corpses placed in front of him, Lien remembered for a long time the soul son method that could improve his strength without any side effects.

I went to the box world and picked out a crystal wolf that didn't seem to be in good condition, and slaughtered it and bled it.

Lien used blood to outline the magic circle, and then placed the four corpses in it. Input magic power, and the magic circle slowly starts.

However, the startup was not smooth this time. Not long after the startup, the souls of these four people did not appear. The magic circle was also shining brightly, as if it was fighting against some unknown powerful existence.

Lien was cruel, increased the output of magic power, and even took out a drop of unicorn blood and a drop of dragon blood and mixed them into the magic circle.

After the magic circle fused these materials, it instantly shone brightly, and the souls of the four people finally appeared in the magic circle.

But at the moment when the soul appeared, Lien seemed to feel that he was being targeted by something, and no matter what he did, he felt like a light on his back.

"Is this the God of Death?"

Rean said silently.

It can be seen from here that the God of Death does not value mortals very much, but he values ​​wizards very much.

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