Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 226 Blood Servant

After leaving the small town of St. Angus, Lean embarked on another journey. If he encounters people, Lien will also land down to have a hot meal and taste different delicacies from different places, which is also an indispensable part of the journey.

At the same time, Gringotts in various countries also knew that there was such a wizard who was keen to exchange Galleons for local currency. So they all took out the Muggle currency that had been dusty for many years from the warehouse, cleaned it up, and waited quietly until the enemy came to the door.

And Lien did not live up to their expectations. He kept exchanging gold for Muggle currency and then bought some souvenirs locally. As for the extra change, you can also give it to others as gifts.

In any case, currencies of other countries are not always easy to find, and this kind of thing with its own story is very popular among people.

Flying all the way east, Lean soon arrived in Romania, the place where he purchased the keel. Lean also deliberately reduced Anderson's figure so that he could come out of the box world and see the origin of his body.

But after Anderson read it, he became a little angry and cursed, saying that this was not a dragon at all, but an animal that looked like a dragon.

Later, after returning to the box world, Anderson put down his alloy experiments, lay down on the snowy mountains, and began to absorb magic power to temper his body and drive away the last trace of animality.

In just a few days, the bestiality was completely driven away. Today, Anderson no longer looks as sinister as an undead creature. Instead, he looks extremely wise. Just at a glance, he feels like he has mastered some knowledge, but when he thinks about it more carefully, he has nothing.

Rean was currently flying over a wasteland wearing a cloak. The weather in November at high latitudes had begun to become cold, and it even snowed once or twice in some places.

Looking at the gloomy weather, Lien couldn't help but sigh. In this weather, flying in the sky is really a life-threatening matter.

After looking around for a while, Lien discovered a small village with about a dozen households in it. It's just that no one is out in this village at this time, and it looks lifeless.

But looking at those utensils, you can tell that someone must have lived here.

So the question becomes, what is the reason why no one in the entire village goes out during the day?

Rean was a little curious, so he adjusted his body and landed outside the village. However, as soon as he landed, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

The village has disappeared!

However, after some investigation by Lien, he discovered that a Muggle shielding spell had been cast on the outside of the village, and there was also a magic circle similar to the Disguise Charm, making the whole village look no different from anywhere else.

Flying into the sky again, the village appeared in Li En's eyes again.

Now it was clear that someone had shielded the Muggle village from even wizards.

"Invisibility" and "Flash"

Rean easily crossed the magic circle without arousing any alarm.

The village was silent, and there was no sign of any strangers. If it weren't for the wells and other public goods that showed signs of use, Lien would even think that this was an abandoned village.

Without making any noise, Rean walked quietly in the village. The doors and windows of each small house were closed. In the small fenced-in yard, there were kennels and chicken coops, but there was no sign of any chickens or dogs.

Moreover, the fields outside the village were deserted, without any signs of life.

"Magic Vision"

After opening the magic vision, Lien glanced around, but did not find any magic reactants. It was as if this magical village was just a joke made by some wizard.

But Lien knew clearly that this was not a joke by any wizard, because he had just released the shrunken Anderson.

"The strong smell of blood, I knew without looking that this must be a vampire." Anderson pretended to take a breath in the air, and then used magic power to stir the air in Lean's ears and said.

"How do you know? And don't undead creatures have a sense of smell?" Lean glanced at Anderson suspiciously, then sniffed his nose, but did not feel any smell in the air at all.

"If the bond of slavery hadn't told me that you were telling the truth, I would have doubted whether you were lying to me."

"Hell, as a mage, you are still relying on your senses to identify! Use magic! Use spiritual power! Use your soul! You are no longer a mortal, but a mage, you know, mage!"

Anderson said to Lean with some hatred, and then handed Lean the spell used to detect magic properties. After a few simple experiments, Lien was able to release this spell. However, because he had just come into contact with it, he could not yet cast the spell silently without a wand.

Taking out the wand that had not been touched for a long time from the traceless stretch bag, Lien released the detection spell.

Instantly, a strong smell of blood and an inexplicable sweet smell poured into Li En's brain, making him stunned for a moment.

"I can smell the smell of blood. What is that sweet smell?" Following the principle of asking if you don't understand, Lien asked.

"Life energy." Anderson shook his little head and looked at Lien, "Whether it is sucking blood or magic, vampires are essentially creatures that maintain their own lives by absorbing life energy from the outside world. This is The secret to their longevity.”

"So what's going on now?"

"Blood Servant." Anderson said coldly, and then explained to him in detail as if he was afraid that Lien wouldn't understand.

"Blood is not a necessity for vampires. As long as it can provide them with life energy, all items are within the scope of vampire food. But the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. It seems that some people like to kill people for fun, and some Vampires just love sucking blood.”

"Just like humans breed livestock for meat, vampires who like to suck blood also like to breed humans and use them as their own food, just like here now."

After squatting for a long time, Lean's legs were a little numb, so he changed his position. After hearing what Anderson said, he said in disbelief: "I heard that vampires and wizards have a pretty good relationship. They shouldn't do this kind of thing." Something, right?"

"That's because he has a good relationship with wizards, and he's not a Muggle. This place is in a remote place, and no wizard would mess with a neutral vampire for the sake of dozens of Muggles who won't be discovered by the Muggle government."

In just over a month since Anderson was summoned, he has figured out the relationships between various institutions in the world even more clearly than Lean.

"But I think you can take care of this matter. Now that you've discovered it, it doesn't make sense. And your box world does need a few people to take care of it. It's a pity to panic in those places, and you also have magic awakening potions. ."

"The life-saving grace is no better than others, but I don't rule out those who like to be blood servants of vampires."

As he spoke, Anderson sighed. He had met such a group of people before, happily serving as blood servants to vampires. In the eyes of those people, it was a great deal to have enough food and clothing in exchange for only a little blood donation every month and the shortcoming of not being able to come out during the day.

"Let's wait until night. In order to keep the blood of the blood servants fresh, the vampires will also let the blood servants do certain exercises. So at night, the people hiding in the village will definitely come out. Then you can listen again Their conversation will tell you whether to save them or not.”

Today, Anderson has transformed his identity from Lean's servant into a role similar to a portable grandfather. However, considering Anderson's age of over a thousand years old, calling him grandpa is not a big problem, even though over a thousand years old is just an adult in the blue dragon clan.

Li En stood there, thought about it, and entered the box world. As for the box, it was hidden using a phantom spell.

After reading a book for a while in the manor in the box world and having a dinner, thinking that it was almost time, Lean emerged from the box world.

It was already cloudy, and it gets dark early in November in the Northern Hemisphere, so it was already so dark outside that you couldn't even see your fingers.

However, the village was still silent. If it weren't for the smell of blood that belonged to the blood servants, Lien would have thought that all the people here had been moved away.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, the first light finally came on in the village.

Then, one light after another lit up, and the whole village finally gained some popularity.

After the lights were turned on, about half an hour later, someone opened the door and came out carrying a kerosene lamp.

With the help of "night vision", Lien could see these people clearly.

They were all young people in their twenties, both male and female, and all of them were pretty good-looking. It was obvious at a glance that the vampires who had kept them in captivity had gone out to find them.

However, the number of people is a bit small, one for each room, ten people in total, five men and five women.

After they came out of the room, they all walked to the well in the center of the village.

"I can't stand this kind of life anymore. Now I am imprisoned here. I don't know how long this life will last. I would rather die." One of the girls in a white dress said, her voice sounded very clear, It was unusually eye-catching in the silent village.

"Anlina, this place should be pretty good. You don't still think about your alcoholic father, do you? He drank all your college tuition fees. If not, you wouldn't be here. Bring it here?"

Another boy wearing a black windbreaker and a scarf sarcastically said.

"Boll, you are a coward!"

Alina cursed loudly, and the bucket used to draw water in the well swayed, but the pendant on Alina's body flashed a faint light, and the bucket immediately became quiet.

A glimmer of light flashed in Lien's eyes. He was not mistaken. An Lina was definitely experiencing magic fluctuations just now, but they were suppressed by the pendant.

Being able to escape the detection of the magic vision, that pendant must be a good alchemy item. But if she can break through the magic suppression of this pendant, then An Lina must be a genius.

"But what can I do! We can't get out, so what can we do except accept it?" Bol seemed a little crazy, "You have the ability to make the bucket move, but why can't you get out from here! Ha, you only have Take what the monster gave you and show off your magic skills here."

"That's enough, Bol." Another man with blond hair and a well-fitting suit said.

His voice was full of authority, making people unconsciously want to believe him.

"Haha, that monster wants you to be his butler. You all have a way out, but we don't." Bol said in a voice so quiet that no one could hear him.

"Okay, let's think about how to escape from here." Lubo, the man with golden hair, said.

"We have been discussing it for several nights, but all plans have been rejected." Another girl with chestnut hair said.

"That's because we still have too little information. If we want everyone to escape together, we need a more complete plan." Lubo pushed his gold-rimmed eyes and said slowly, without any reason. Impatient with other people's doubts.

"Alas, that monster just wants us to be loyal to him. How about we just agree for now?"

Another person raised his hand and said.

"That's a monster! He kidnapped us and sucked our blood every week. I don't want to serve such a monster!"

"Ha, Polita, don't you like vampire stories the most?"

"Hell, it's a story, but I didn't expect such a monster to exist in reality!"

It seems that the story of Mr. Ye's love for dragons has a market everywhere.

Ten people just formed a circle, each at a distance, discussing their plan to escape from here.

Lean hid in the dark and kept nodding. From the conversation, I learned that the ten people here each have their own abilities.

Lubo graduated from the Butler Academy, Polita was born as a chef, Anlina majored in gardening, and the others also have their own abilities. It can be said that these ten people can fully support the operation of a manor.

The most important thing is that they are either orphans, or their family environment is very bad, and they are the kind of people who have no family at all.

For a moment, Lien was a little grateful to the vampire Mr. whom he had not yet met. It must have taken a lot of time to collect all ten people.

But now everything has come true for Lean.

Thinking of this, Lien was ready to remove his invisibility and come as a savior to harvest a wave of loyalty. However, before Lean could jump out, a group of bats flew over brazenly from the night sky.

The reason why it is so blatant is because each bat's eyes emit a little red light, which is extremely conspicuous in the night sky.

"So how are you thinking about it? Gentlemen and ladies, my patience is very limited."

The group of bats gathered above the well to form a well-dressed human figure. The man was holding a goblet with blood-red liquid in his hand. A strong smell of blood instantly filled the air.

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