Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 22 Lunch on the train

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Lien said doubtfully.

"Yeah, it's just a little uncomfortable."

Only then did Lien notice that Leif only opened his mouth, but the small bubbles did not inflate. It was obvious that the medicine had modified Leif's body structure.

"Well, this is something worth noting. Write it down quickly." Lien muttered to himself, then picked up the pen and started writing something down in the notebook.

Hermione shrugged helplessly, while Neville looked at Leif with worry.

"Do you have any other feelings?" Lean asked excitedly.

"Besides... Gugua~" Before Leif could finish his words, he turned into a toad again.

Neville carefully took Leif into his hands and continued stroking him.

"It seems that the duration is too short. The concentration can be increased appropriately next time." After finishing writing, Lien put away the notebook.

"Oops, I forgot to ask Leif why he always leaves me!" Suddenly, Neville yelled, and then his whole person became depressed.

Hermione folded her hands on her chest, glanced sideways at Lean, and then pursed her lips in Neville's direction, meaning that you should solve the problems you caused.

"Well, Neville, don't be sad, I'll just make you a bottle later." Lean thought for a long time, but he didn't seem to have any experience in comforting others, so he could only say this in the end.

However, Neville was obviously not comforted and was still so depressed.

Hermione pursed her lips, obviously suppressing a smile.

Rean has always shown himself to be omniscient and omnipotent, and rarely sees Rean at a disadvantage, so Hermione watched with relish.

"Okay... okay." Ryan was a little numb and didn't know what to do to save this damn atmosphere.

"By the way, it's almost time for lunch. I've prepared a lot of good things for today's lunch."

Lean had an idea and quickly said, nothing can bring people closer together than the dinner table.

Then, Lien took out a table from his traceless stretch bag, which was just big enough to be placed in the middle of the seats. There was a large pot and an iron plate in the middle.

Then, with a wave of Lien's magic wand, countless ingredients flew out of his pockets and were neatly placed on the table and the horizontal board under the table.

"Ryan, these are all raw, how should you eat them?" Hermione said, holding a fresh carrot and taking a bite.

"Don't worry, Hermione, there is still a little something left, it will be ready soon." As he said that, a stream of milky white water flew from the pocket into the pot, and then boiled in about three seconds.

The iron plate also began to shrink to both sides, revealing the tongues of flame below.

"Hot pot and barbecue! Oh my gosh, I didn't expect to be able to eat these on the train." Hermione exclaimed, covering her mouth.

Neville was very confused and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What is this? I mean, how should I eat it?"

"Like this," Hermione said, then poured a plate of mutton into the scalding boiling water, then fished it out with a slotted spoon.

"Maybe you need some sauce?" Rean handed over a lot of sauce at the right time.

Hermione raised her eyebrows, glanced at Ryan with satisfaction, and then happily went to mix her favorite sauce.

Seeing Hermione happily mixing her favorite sauce, Rean also began to mix it according to his own taste.

"Neville, let's eat together. I have prepared a lot of ingredients, enough for us to eat."

Seeing that Neville didn't make a move, Lien urged.

"No, no need, my grandma prepared lunch for me." Neville took out a yellow lunch box from the box. When he opened it, there were some fried chicken nuggets and grilled fish inside.

"Maybe we can try it instead?" Rean said as he took a piece of chicken nugget from Neville's lunch box and put it into his mouth.

"It tastes really good, Neville, why don't you try our lunch too."

"That... okay then."

Lean breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, Neville is indeed a bit difficult to deal with now.

After coming back to his senses, Lean suddenly found that there was some more scalded meat in his bowl. He turned around and saw that Hermione was raising an eyebrow at him.

Lien smiled knowingly, dipped the dipping sauce into his mouth. Tsk, it tastes better than the fried chicken just now.

The three of them were eating like this while talking about the situation at home.

"Dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the carriage door, and through the glass on the door, Lien could see a salesperson selling snacks outside.

"Would you like any snacks, kids? Your meal looks good, but some pumpkin juice would be a good choice. And chocolate frogs, that would be a nice after-dinner dessert. Bibi's Braised Beans, if you want to travel It’s a bit of fun, don’t miss this…”

Obviously, anyone who can be a salesperson has good eloquence.

"Everything in your car, ma'am, I want it all." Lean took out five galleons and handed them to the salesperson.

Suddenly, Lean felt someone tugging on his clothes, and turned around to find that it was Hermione.

"Hermione, have you forgotten? I'm not short of money." After seeing Hermione's look, Lean understood what Hermione wanted to say.

At this time, Hermione also thought that Lean had a considerable amount of treasure, and couldn't help but feel sad for her poverty. She immediately snorted and turned her head away from looking at Lean.

"Okay, these are all yours, kid. By the way, a total of two galleons and eleven cents is enough. These are the change." The salesperson was in a good mood, and before leaving, he looked at Li En and asked Her. Min pursed her lips.

Rean placed these snacks on the seat and continued to eat lunch.


Pais landed right at the window and screamed while looking at the steaming hot pot.

"Hey Pais, come here."

Hearing Li En's call, Pais was greedy for the meat in the pot, but he still obeyed and flew to Li En's shoulder.

"Look, do you want to try the new snacks I bought?" Rean opened a box of Bibi multi-flavor beans in his hand, then pinched a red bean and said.

Pais was a little wary of Lean's sudden courtesy and shook his head.

"Lean, Pais is not stupid." Hermione smoothed Pais's hair, and Pais' eyes narrowed in comfort.

"Tch." Lean shook his shoulders, shook Pais down, and then threw the all-flavored bean into his mouth.

"Well, it's strawberry flavor, sour and sweet, I like it." Lien smacked his lips and said.

"Then let me try it too." Hermione took out a bean from the multi-flavored bean box in Ryan's hand and threw it into her mouth.

"Apple flavor, not bad." Hermione raised her head and said.

Then, the two of them looked at Neville with puzzled faces, which made Neville nervous and asked, "Is there anything...is something wrong?"

"It's your turn, Neville." Rean handed the box in his hand to Neville's eyes.

Neville looked at Lean, then at Hermione, and finally picked up a bean and threw it into his mouth.

"Grass smell, this is my favorite smell, I like everything related to herbs." Neville said with a smile.

Although Neville sometimes forgets things, his love and knowledge of herbalism cannot be faked.

"Okay, it's my turn again." Lean said helplessly, "By the way, are you full? If so, I will put away the table. It's a little inconvenient."

Hermione and Neville nodded. They were children, so they couldn't eat much no matter how much they ate.

Neville once again watched Lean show off his skills, and asked with his mouth wide open: "Lean, I want to ask, which wizard family do you come from?"

"No, I come from a Muggle family and I'm an orphan." Rean replied while packing his traceless stretch bag.

Hermione was teasing Pais at this time. After hearing what Ryan said, she paused.

Although she already knew Lean's life experience, Hermione still felt a little unbearable when she heard Lean say it so calmly.

"This is simply a miracle. I mean, ordinary little wizards can't do this." Neville exclaimed.

"What? Can't little wizards do this? I learned a lot of spells from Lean, and they are quite interesting," Hermione said.

Neville did not expect that this seemingly small little girl could also cast spells, and said with some frustration: "Even children from wizarding families cannot touch the wand before they are eleven years old. After getting the wand, the family also They don’t teach us magic. They always say that we need to go to Hogwarts to get some basic education before they can teach us the magic passed down in our family.”

Rhian could feel Hermione breathing a sigh of relief.

"Seriously, if a little Muggle wizard can cast magic, it would be great. If he can do it like you, he is simply a genius."

Hermione was obviously very pleased with this sentence, which could be seen from the way she kept suppressing the movements of her mouth.

"By the way, Neville, have your family told you what the sorting ceremony will be like?" Hermione asked the question she was most concerned about.

After Neville heard this question, his face suddenly turned pale and he said tremblingly: "My grandma told me that we need to go into the school's forbidden forest to hunt alone. It is a forbidden forest, and I heard that there are countless ferocious magical animals in it. .”

"But I'm fine no matter what, I just don't want to enter Slytherin. If I enter Slytherin, my grandma will definitely come to the principal's office and take me home."

"I would like to go to Gryffindor. Ravenclaw is not bad either, but I heard that Dumbledore graduated from Gryffindor." Hermione smoothed Pais's feathers again, which made Pais Si made a comfortable "gurgling" sound.

"I don't care, any college is good." Rean threw an unknown snack into his mouth and said.

"I suggest you don't go to Slytherin. There are always dark wizards there, and they are not very friendly to Muggle-born wizards."

After Neville saw Hermione playing with her owl, he also stroked his own Lif, and then said.

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