Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 218 Grigovitch’s Wand Shop

Different from the weird Diagon Alley with different widths and widths in the United States, the streets in the German wizarding world look neater and more similar to the streets in the Muggle world. And it’s not like the Ministry of Magic in Egypt, where there are many people setting up stalls.

Lean walked slowly on the street, surrounded by neatly dressed wizards coming and going. From time to time, the sound of bargaining can be heard in the store, or the sound of laughter after buying something you like.

Looking up, you can see a tall white building in the distance. It seems that Gringotts in every country is built in the deepest part of the country's largest magic street.

Ignoring the flattering smile of the goblin who was in charge of welcoming guests at the door, Rean walked into Gringotts on his own. He was almost running out of Galleons, so he naturally needed to exchange some.

Lean walked to an open window and tapped the counter with his fingers, causing the goblin behind the counter to raise his head.

"Okay, what kind of business do you want to do?" The goblin seemed very sleepy. He just raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Lien, and then said in a slow tone.

"Exchange Galleons for gold." As he spoke, Lien took out a golden rectangular object about 20 centimeters long and about the thickness of a forearm, and placed it on the counter.

"Ah, I understand." The goblin still said in a slow tone, "Ke'er, come here and test the purity of the gold."

"Okay, I'll come right away!"

The goblin next to him who was wearing a magnifying glass to look at the gems heard this, yelled, and then jumped down from his seat. However, it accidentally hit the table and knocked several gems that had just been placed on the table to the ground.

"Sorry, sorry!" Kerr immediately fell to the ground, screaming and apologizing while picking up gems.

After fussing for a while, Ke Er walked over to Li En and tested the purity of the gold.

"Full gold!" Ke'er's eyes widened and he said in disbelief, but he couldn't help but believe the test in front of him.

"Okay, go back. You've been looking at those gems for a long time and you still haven't come to a conclusion. Be careful, Director Beech will fire you."

The goblin slowly opened his mouth, showed a smile, and said slowly, then picked up the gold, put it on the scale and started weighing it.

"A total of one thousand, six hundred and twenty-seven galleons, thirteen sikos, and twenty-six knuts. Do you want to open the treasury?" the goblin said slowly.

"No, please give me cash, thank you."

"Okay, right away." He just said it, but his actions were extremely slow.

The goblin worked for almost two minutes before taking out the coins.

With a wave of his hand, Lien tightened all the coins in his pocket, then patted his butt and walked towards the door.

“Welcome next time.”

When we came to the street, there were obviously more people on the street than before.

Lean looked at the time, six o'clock, and suddenly realized. It's already time to get off work. The wizards are off work and they should go to the shopping street with their families to have a good time.

The clerks are also very happy. The increase in turnover means that their bonuses will also increase, not to mention a generous overtime pay.

"Welcome to Gregovich's Wand Shop. Do you have any needs? Whether it's wand repair or wand maintenance, you can always get solutions to all your wand-related problems here."

As soon as Lean opened the door and walked into the wand shop, Grigovitch's voice came from behind the shelf.

After a while, a strong old man with white hair and a beard came out from behind the shelf.

"Hello, may I help you?" Grigovic asked again.

"Well, I came here because I wanted to buy a magic wand..."

Before Lean could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Grigovitch.

"Wait, have I seen you somewhere?"

"This is my first time in Germany, sir." Ryan was a little confused. Could it be that someone used Polyjuice Potion to look like him and ruin his reputation?

"No, I must have seen it somewhere." As he spoke, Gregovich had already begun to rummage through the boxes and cabinets looking for things.

"No, not here." A purple-red box was thrown outside the counter by Grigovic.

"That's not it." Another piece of paper was thrown out.

"Where the hell did I put it!" He scratched his head and climbed out of the counter with an eager look on his face.

Looking at all this, Lien suddenly felt that he and Ollivander still had some similarities, such as the same paranoia.

"Haha, I found it!"

Grigovich's voice caught Lean's attention. He looked up and saw Grigovich holding a photo.

"Thestral tail feathers, elderberry, thirteen inches long?" he asked uncertainly.

Lean narrowed his eyes and slowly took out his hand from his pocket.

"How did you know?"

After asking, Li En was still thinking about who would reveal his secret, but based on the scene in front of him, Li En had roughly guessed who it was.


Apart from him, Lean couldn't think of anyone else who would have such a close relationship with Grigovitch and send him letters.

"Ah, please don't get me wrong, this is just a letter sent by an old friend. In fact, that wand was once my work, but later it was lost because of the man in New Mengadri."

"But now it seems that he was not damaged, but found a suitable owner."

Gregorovich said slowly, not worried at all about Lean's sudden outburst.

"I make wands, and my ideas are different from Ollivander's. In my opinion, the wand should surrender to the wizard and become a part of the wizard. It is not the wand that chooses the wizard."

As he spoke, Grigovitch suddenly became interested and began to talk about his concept of making sticks. In his opinion, being able to find a wizard in Ollivander's "territory" who uses a wand shop made by himself is something worth publicizing in itself.

Maybe he could write a letter to mock Ollivander about this matter. Grigovitch thought silently.

"Well, since you already have such a suitable wand, then you are definitely not here to buy a wand today. If you have any questions, just say it, since you are using a wand made by me, I can tell you I can tell you everything.”

Grigovitch looked very happy, and his mouth had not closed since just now.

"Well, actually I just want to inquire about the Royce family. I want to buy a batch of magic metal."

Rean thought for a while and said. When a foreigner arrives in a strange place and wants to buy such a large-scale transaction item, he must do some research in advance. This is understandable.

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