Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 205 Communication with Nico

When Lien arrived at Barrosay Square, he easily spotted a house elf in a corner.

This house elf looked very old, with wrinkles all over his face, and his sharp nails looked gray and without any luster. However, he is extremely well-dressed, and the suit he wears is worth a lot of money. If you are a person who knows the goods, you can also find that this suit is an alchemical item.

"Hello, are you Mr. Nico's elf? My name is Ryan Zell."

Lean walked over and asked. But at this time, he was basically certain that this was the house elf sent by Nico. It’s just something that needs to be determined, it still needs to be determined.

"Yes, sir. Could you please show me the invitation letter sir gave you?"

Lien took out the letter and showed it to the elf in front of him.

"Okay, sir. I'm sorry for what I did just now, but sir told us that he didn't want to be disturbed too much. Please forgive me."

The house elf bowed and said. His voice was not as shrill as other house elves, but instead conveyed a trace of vicissitudes and calmness.

"By the way, you can call me Fulent. This is the name Mr. gave me."

"Okay, Fulent." Rean responded.

"Then let's set off now."

As he spoke, Fulent stretched out his broad, wrinkled palm. Li En didn't mind it and stretched out his hand to hold it.

Li En only felt that his eyes were blurred, and the place where he was was changed.

"Okay, Mr. Zell, we're here."

Fulent's voice rang in Lien's ears, and his hand loosened.

Li En looked at the large manor in front of him, his eyes couldn't help being shocked. In his magical vision, there is no place in this manor that does not sparkle with the light of magic.

At this moment, Li En's heart was shocked. This is called a lair, this is called a fortress, and Lien couldn't help but feel ashamed of the forest cabin he had remodeled.

Fulent didn't feel Lien's shock. After letting go of Lien's hand, it walked forward. Li En also reacted quickly and followed.

When passing the gate of the manor, Lien felt as if he had passed through a layer of water film, giving him a cool feeling.

However, Lien did not ask. This was a magic used by others to protect their own manor, so it would be inappropriate to ask. It's unreasonable not to answer. If you answer, your information will be leaked out.

It only adds to the embarrassment.

Fulent took Lean all the way to the door of the house and opened the door.

Inside the door were two gray-haired old men waiting for Lean, it was the Flamel couple.

Mr. Flamel's hair was meticulously styled and neatly plastered on his head. The white suit is extremely close-fitting, and there is an aura of dustiness all over his body.

Mrs. Flamel next to him was wearing a white dress and stood quietly next to Mr. Flamel.

"Lord...Nico, I brought Mr. Zell."

The moment Forent saw Nico, he bent down and spoke.

"I think I saw it, thank you, Forrent."

Mr. Nico smiled and nodded, and then said.

"No...no...you're welcome, Nico."

Fulent stammered, but Mr. Nico still had a calm look on his face, as if he didn't mind Fulent's performance at all.

"Welcome to my manor, Lean. Albusdo told me in his letter that you are the most talented little wizard in thousands of years."

Mr. Nico walked forward with a smile, took Lean's hand and said.

"Professor Dumbledore deserves the award."

Rean said calmly.

"Hahaha, I'm glad to see you in the last part of my life, Rean."

Nico looked very happy.

"Well, dinner is almost ready, I guess we can talk while we eat, right?"

Madame Flamel's voice sounded unusually calm, without any fear of dying.

"Yes, I actually dragged the guest to stand at the door and talk. This is really inappropriate."

Nico patted his forehead, then pulled Lean into the house.

The living room doesn't look big, just like an ordinary people's living room.

"Nico and I live in the whole house, so it is inevitably a bit empty, so I made the living room smaller. Although the house is big, most of it is Nico's laboratory, so there is still room. Storing books doesn’t leave much room for living.”

Mrs. Flamel said with a smile. Although her words sounded like she was complaining about Mr. Flamel, she was not actually complaining.

When Nico heard what his wife said, he just laughed and didn't do much to refute.

"There's still a little time before the food is served, so let me take a look at the broken time turner while you're at it."

Rean nodded and placed the time turner on the coffee table.

"Okay, you guys talk first, I'm going to see how Alter and the others are doing with their dinner."

After Mrs. Flamel finished speaking, she stood up and walked out.

Nico's eyes were drawn to the pocket watch the moment Lean took out the time turner.

"The inner core is seriously damaged and seems to be missing a lot of parts. I need to disassemble it for inspection. As for the magic spell on it, it has also lost a lot of magic power due to long-term damage."

Mr. Nico held the time turner in front of his eyes and observed it carefully, still talking about the various damaged areas.

After looking at it for a long time, Nico shook his head and put the time turner in his hand on the coffee table.

"To be honest, there is no need to repair it. The price is too high." Mr. Nico said, "But I can give it a try. It is very challenging, so I can't guarantee that I can restore it, but I can guarantee that he won't." It couldn’t be worse.”

"Then I'll beg you, Mr. Nico."

"Haha, I am very happy to be able to solve such a challenging task at the end of my life."

"Mr. Nico, I have a presumptuous question to ask you. How many elixirs have you stored?"

"No, I'm not presumptuous. Many people know about this, and I can probably live to be seven hundred years old. After all, seven is a magic number, isn't it?"

As he said that, Nico winked at Lien playfully.

Now I finally understand why Professor Dumbledore always likes to blink. It turns out that the root cause is here.

"Mr. Nico, what exactly is the elixir of life?"

"Actually, it's just pure magic power, a magic power gathered by magic stones. This is similar to a magic riot. The magic power penetrates into your body and transforms your body, so wizards generally live to be more than a hundred years old. "

"I once did an experiment and found that there is no difference between pure magic power and the elixir of life. It's just that pure magic power is difficult to obtain and is even rarer than the magic stone."

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