Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 201 The three children took potion

Li En looked at the note in his hand. It looked like a series of tasks in an online game, but he still kept the note honestly.

Looking at the time turner in his hand, Lien became interested and began to carefully understand the time fluctuations leaked by the time turner.

This is still very beneficial for him to study time magic.

But an hour later, Lien was awakened by Zhinao.

It's dinner time.

Rean looked at the time turner in his hand, put it into the box with great care, and then put it into his space bag.

"It seems that there is no need to go to Hermione to borrow a time turner now."

While thinking about it, Lean picked up a knife and fork and cut off a piece of meat from the roasted chicken. This was a several-month-old chicken. The meat was extremely tender. Coupled with the delicious sauce, Lien swallowed it up effortlessly.

Mushroom soup followed, then seafood salad. It's just that Lien regretted it the moment he saw the seafood salad. He was more accustomed to eating cooked food.

Well, actually he is afraid of parasites in raw food.

"Master, please rest assured that these seafood are obtained from the breeding farm of Storm Demon Tower and are completely clean. Please feel free to eat them."

Seemingly sensing Lien's hesitation, he explained.

"Zhi Nao, is the Storm Tower also a force in that world?"

Rean forked a piece of bright red meat and brought it to his mouth. A lemon aroma burst out in Lien's mouth instantly, and the piece of meat was unexpectedly delicious.

"Yes, the Storm Demon Tower is located on the Storm Sea 30,000 kilometers northwest of the Central Continent. It controls thirty-seven entrances to different worlds, one hundred and twenty-six entrances to small worlds, and one thousand six hundred demi-planes. The Storm Demon Tower The tower is one of the founding organizations of Lister’s Cabin, so the seafood is provided free of charge by the Storm Magic Tower.”

Li En was stunned for a while. This was the first time he learned about that world from Zhinao.

"What is the difference between another world, a small world and a demiplane?"

When Li En got interested, he thought it was time to listen to the show while eating.

"The world level is divided into six levels: space fragments, demiplane, small world, middle world, big world, and main world. Space fragments are generated and dissipated at any time in the void, and can be captured by powerful mages as their own Demiplane.”

"A demiplane is a world that requires external force to maintain. Its interior is generally not very large. It is usually made by the archmage by collecting space debris. It can travel through special climates to cultivate certain products with special needs."

"The small world is a demiplane that no longer requires external force to maintain and can draw power from the void independently. Generally, creatures will be born independently in it. Because the creatures in it are not strong and can draw magic power independently without the need for human maintenance, so Many forces like to occupy it most.”

"Compared with the small world, the land area, magic level, and biological strength of the medium world and the large world have all increased."

"The main world is a world that can resist void storms and void energy tides. It is a world that can maintain its own stability in the void and does not move at will. It is generally used as a positioning point and supply station for void travel."

Zhinao kept giving Lien science advice, then paused and continued: "According to speculation, this world has a high probability of being the main world."

Oh, is the world of Harry Potter so powerful?

Rean was a little shocked and even forgot to eat the seafood he just forked.

"The magic power of this world is growing steadily and is expected to reach its peak after one thousand two hundred years."

Zhinao's words were still so cold, but Li En no longer cared about this.

If it is the main world, then the emergence of the source of magic seems not difficult to explain. So, there are other goodies waiting for me?

Thinking this, Li En wished he could fly out and search extensively now.

But obviously, this is impossible.

"Okay, regardless of whether it's the main world or not, let's serve the desserts first."

Ryan wiped his mouth and put down the fork in his hand. In the end, he couldn't finish the seafood salad.

After finishing the dessert, Rean returned to the second floor. When passing by the first floor, I took a look and saw that the boxes on the floor were gone. It seemed that Andre had found a wand that suited him. Anrona, Fini and Auro were not there either, and it seemed that they had returned to their rooms.

Pushing open the door of the potion refining room, Lien continued his great work of refining potion. He hasn't forgotten that there are three little guys downstairs waiting to be fed.

Rean spent the next time in the potion refining room, preparing magic awakening potions for them, occasionally taking time to study Andre's blood samples.

There were more than twenty medicinal materials. After Lien refined three bottles of potions, ten medicinal materials were left, and the price of one medicinal material was about three hundred galleons.

After all, a bottle of potion costs almost a thousand galleons.

And that's not even counting the cost of hiring a potion master.

Therefore, even if a bottle of potion is sold, it will start at 3,000 Galleons.

When Lien placed three magic awakening potions in front of Anluona, Fini and Oro, the three of them looked obviously excited.

"Okay, you three will adjust your condition first and then take it tomorrow. I must be present when taking it to avoid any accidents."

Rean warned sternly.

The three of them looked at Li En's serious face and knew that this matter could not be refuted, so they nodded obediently.

At this time, the three of them flinched a little. Lien had said before that this potion had a chance, not a hundred percent.

What should I do if I don’t awaken? Will there be another bottle of such a precious potion?

The three people who returned to the room lay on the bed, their minds were in a mess, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Andre watched his younger brothers and sisters walk into the room and apologized to Lien with a smile, and then knocked on the door one by one and went in to comfort them.

As a person who has experienced this, Andre still understands the thoughts of these little guys.

Early the next morning, the three of them were waiting impatiently downstairs. They had waited too long for this day, or they had never thought that they would have the day to regain their magic power.

Before taking the potion, Rean first took some blood from each person to use as a sample. After they awaken their magic power, they can be used for comparison experiments.

The three of them took the potion at the same time. After experiencing a period of pain, Anluona stood up. It was obvious that she had not awakened her magic.

The little girl's eyes turned red instantly and she fell to the ground, just sobbing and not speaking.

Lean winked at Andre and asked him to send Anrona to the room. At the same time, Rean also turned on the monitoring mode to prevent An Luona from doing something stupid.

Auro was the second to stand up, and he also failed, but he was a little better than Anrona.

He is a squib who just arrived this year. He just learned a few months ago that he could not awaken his magic power. Now that he has just come out of grief, it is not easy to re-enter.

But in the end, Feeney gave Lien a surprise and successfully awakened his magic power. It's a pity that September 1st has passed now, otherwise Feeney would still be able to catch up with the enrollment.

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