Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 20 Platform Nine and Three Quarters

The four of them entered the station and found the corresponding platform according to the address on the ticket.

"So what's next? How do we get to platform nine and three-quarters?" Mr. Granger scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"Nine and three-quarters is between nine and ten, so I guess the entrance should be on a pillar between platform nine and platform ten." Hermione thought as she used her superhuman talent.

Lien tapped his finger in the void and discovered a magic wave on the wall.

"Come with me, I think I have found the entrance." Rean waved to the Granger family, and then took the lead to move forward.

The Grangers looked at each other and followed suit. Hermione stamped her feet, a little angry.

"Next time I'll find out before you do." Hermione muttered.

"Hermione, come here quickly, what are you doing there?" Mrs. Granger shouted.

Hermione heard Mrs. Granger's words and looked up. The Grangers and Ryan had already arrived at a pillar between platform nine and platform ten.

Hermione knew that this was the entrance to platform nine and three-quarters, and ran over quickly regardless of her competitiveness.

"Is this the entrance to the platform? Isn't there anything special?" Hermione trotted to the wall, patted the solid stone wall, and said curiously.

"This wall is set up with detection magic. You can only enter by running all the way."

After saying that, Rean paused, then looked at Hermione and continued: "In addition, the wall to enter is not here, but on the other side."

"Humph!" Hermione kicked Rean and walked to the other side.

Hermione's kick didn't use any force at all, and Ryan didn't feel any pain at all, so he followed Hermione to the other side.

Mrs. Granger saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

Mr. Granger originally wanted to say something, but after receiving a glare from Mrs. Granger, he shut up.

Hermione came to the wall on the other side and reached out to touch it. It was as hard as an ordinary wall.

"You have to trot to get in." Rean reminded, standing behind Hermione.

"Why didn't you run in?" Hermione glanced at Rean, somewhat disbelieving him.

Lean shrugged, and then ran into the wall under the surprised eyes of the Grangers and Hermione.

"He...he entered the wall!" Although Mrs. Granger knew that this was the entrance to the station, she couldn't help but say in surprise as she watched a person disappear under her eyes.

"Mom, let's go in too." Hermione said, stretching out her little hand.

The three of them ran into the platform holding hands.

Soon, Lean and the Granger family met at platform nine and three-quarters.

The four of them marveled at the mystery and charm of magic.

But the four of them soon caught the attention of the stationed Aurors because they acted too much like Muggles who had entered the station by mistake.

"Unlucky, why did a Muggle come in today?" The Auror in the long trench coat muttered, then took out his wand and walked towards the four of them.

"I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, you have come to a world that does not belong to you. Now please forget them and live a life that belongs to you." The Auror said as he raised his wand and wanted to cast the forgetting spell.

"Sorry, sir, we are new little wizards, and this is our admission notice." Hermione nervously took out her admission notice.

This was the first time in the little girl's life that someone had a wand pointed at her, and the person was a police officer in the magical world.

The Auror took the letter in Hermione's hand, checked it carefully, and then returned the admission notice to Hermione with confusion, and said: "So, where is your luggage? You will be taught without books. They were kicked out of the classroom."

"Pocket with the Invisible Stretch Charm, sir," Lean said.

The Auror looked at the pocket sewn with dragon skin on Rean's waist, nodded clearly, and said, "Sorry, this was my mistake. I wish you a pleasant journey."

After saying that, he turned back to the shade where he had just been sitting.

"It really scared me to death. I thought that gentleman was going to cast a spell on us." Mrs. Granger touched her chest and said with some uneasiness.

"It should be a forgetting spell. This kind of spell can delete or even modify a person's memory." Rean said.

"This..." Mr. Granger was speechless.

He did not expect that there was such inhuman magic in the wizarding world. Yes, in Mr. Granger's opinion, this kind of magic was inhuman.

"Isn't there anyone in the wizarding world who uses this kind of magic for evil? Why don't they ban these magics!" Mr. Granger asked curiously.

"Who knows." Li En looked around and replied nonchalantly.

A group of four people just talked casually to each other while visiting this small magical train station on the platform.

During the visit, the group met many people who were doing the same thing.

After meeting each other and smiling, everyone knew that the other person was from the Muggle world.

"Okay, I think it's time for you to find a good seat. I've seen many children already getting on the train." Mrs. Granger was obviously a little anxious about this matter, and they hadn't seen it on the train yet.

The train is divided into small compartments, with corridors on the left and compartments on the right. Each compartment can seat six people, and luggage can be stored overhead and under the seats.

Finding a booth in the middle, Ryan and the Granger family sat in it.

"It seems to be no different from an ordinary train, and I see steam is coming out of the front of this train. Isn't this really an antique from the last century?"

Mr. Granger did not sit down, but felt around.

Mrs. Granger was telling Hermione something. Hermione seemed to know that she was about to be separated from her parents, and looked a little depressed.

Li En looked out the window, and only at this moment did he feel a little lonely.

Suddenly, Lean felt someone tapping his shoulder and turned around. It turned out to be Mr. Granger.

Mr. Granger waved and motioned for Lean to follow him out.

Lean was a little confused, but he still followed Mr. Granger out.

"Ryan, I know that you are very powerful in magic, and I also know that you may have some interest in Hermione."

Once outside, Mr. Granger hit Lean with a straight shot.

"Even...you may have killed someone."

For a moment, Lean wanted to pull out his wand and give Mr. Granger a forgetting spell to modify his memory.

But Mr. Granger didn't notice. He continued: "I can ignore all of this, but I want to ask you for something."

Mr. Granger raised his head and stared into Lean's eyes seriously.

Rean nodded, he probably guessed what it was.

"Ryan, please help Hermione more when she is at Hogwarts. This is the first time she has left home to go to a boarding school, let alone a wizarding school. Even if it is my request."

Mr. Granger's words were full of sincerity, which moved Lien a little.

His father in his previous life was a scumbag, and he had never seen his parents in this life.

Lean nodded heavily.

When Mr. Granger saw that Lean agreed, he smiled with satisfaction and patted Lean on the shoulder to indicate that he should return to the cubicle.

"Dad, what did you and Lean do when you went out? It's so mysterious." Hermione asked curiously when she saw Mr. Granger and Lean entering the carriage.

The little girl was a little impatient after being told by Mrs. Granger. She was now full of yearning for the magical world.

"Nothing, just discussing this train, don't you think so, Lean?" Mr. Granger said with a smile, and glanced at Lean.

"Ah... um... yes." Rean was a little absent-minded, and he remembered the scene in his last life when his father killed his mother in front of his eyes.

This is a nightmare that always appears in Lean's mind at night.

Hearing Lean's perfunctory words, Hermione curled her lips and didn't care. She just thought that Lean was alone, but she was accompanied by her parents, feeling a little depressed.

At about half past ten, the four people walked out of the train again.

Lean took out his luggage and put it in the carriage to prevent it from being snatched away while he was away.

"Hermione, I made some snacks and put them in your box. Remember to eat them at noon. There are also orange juice and apple juice, which are your favorites. When you get to school, remember to study hard. If someone bullies you, go to them. Teachers..." Mrs. Granger was a little reluctant, her eyes a little red.

Mr. Granger kept patting Mrs. Granger on the shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Hermione was also a little depressed at this time, so she rushed forward and gave Mrs. Granger a big hug.

Mr. Granger winked at Lean, who nodded.

This is an agreement between them.

Soon, Mr. and Mrs. Granger went back through the wall.

Rean heard a burst of sobbing from beside him and turned his head to see Hermione quietly wiping away her tears.

"What are you looking at! I'm not crying, it's just sand in my eyes!" Hermione raised her eyebrows and shouted sharply when she saw Lean looking over.

Then he stamped his feet, turned around and ran into the train.

Rean smiled and followed Hermione into the train.

When they arrived at the carriage, Pais had flown over by himself and was standing on Ryan's luggage.

When Pais saw Lean coming in, he jumped from the luggage to the seat, and then put his head in front of Lean's hand, wanting him to touch it.

Lean raised his hand, and Pais put his head into Lean's hand.

Hermione looked a little hot and reached out to touch Pais, but Pais pecked her hard.

"Pais, how could you do this!" Rean scolded Pais, then picked him up and sent him to Hermione.

Ignoring Pais's disdainful gaze, Lien took out a book from his pocket and started reading.

Hermione also took out a book from her suitcase and started reading. The carriage fell into silence for a while.

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