Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 191 Preparation before refining

After breakfast, Lean sat on the sofa, picked up a historical biography he took from the study, and started reading.

He just wrote to the three brothers last night. Even if the three brothers have extraordinary abilities, it is impossible to collect all the medicinal materials he needs now.

After all, this is a formula left by the predecessors, and some of the medicinal materials have different situations now. For example, the main ingredient in this formula, Starburst, had a huge output when the formula was completed, but now, except for a few plantations with special environments, the rest of the plantations no longer continue to cultivate it.

However, the herbs in the formula were blindly marked as endangered, but now they have become weeds on the roadside, and no one cares about them.

"Core, what's your selling price?"

Lean asked casually while sitting on the sofa, flipping through the book.

"The market price is thirty thousand gold eagles, you only need to pay twenty-seven thousand gold eagles."

The core voice remains emotionless.

"If you need to buy me, please buy another set of corresponding household facilities. According to my scan results, it will take another one hundred and twenty years for this world to develop the corresponding magic circle. Even with your help, it will still take Thirty years’ time.”

"Are they all in the warehouse?"

In fact, in addition to the smart core, each house also comes with its own spatial warehouse. After all, some archmages are halfway through their experiments and run out of materials, so they can just take them from the warehouse and make up for the debt when the time comes.

"In addition, the core recommendation is to pay directly, otherwise it will leave a debt mark, which may lead to exposure to the world."

The intelligent core obviously began to make suggestions for Rean.

Who would depend on others if they had the chance to be independent?

"How much is the estimated value of this crystal?"

Rean took out a magic crystal and placed it on the coffee table.

"Scanning...medium energy crystal, price is one thousand gold eagles."

That is, twenty-seven magic crystals can be used to replace the intelligent core. Lien pondered for a moment and continued: "How much does a home magic circle cost?"

"A set of furniture costs 1,500 gold eagles. It is recommended to exchange it for a universal magic puppet worth 500 gold eagles."

Li En curled his lips. He now had some doubts about whether the core was calculated and put together.

"Estimate how many golden eagles there are here."

Rean took out a pile of raw magic crystals that had not yet been polished.

"Scanning... Medium energy crystal, priced at fifty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-two golden eagles. The total number of golden eagles and below is one golden eagle."

"Exchange it."

"Yes, Master, you can rename me now."

Following Lien's order, the intelligent core also changed its name instantly.

"What do you want to do with the remaining Golden Eagles?"

"Go to the warehouse to exchange for some materials and use all the money."

Anyway, this golden eagle is just the currency of another world. It is completely useless for Li En to keep it in his hands. He might as well exchange it for some materials from another world.

"Seeds of various colors will be exchanged first, followed by ores that are lacking in the world. The exchange is in progress...The exchange has been completed. All things have been stored in the desk drawer of the study room on the second floor. Please store the medium energy crystals in the drawer in time. Seal the deal."

Rean packed up all the crystals on the table with a cloth bag, and then came to the study to complete the transaction.

"Your name should be Zhinao."


Rean looked at the crystal ball that already belonged to him and felt a little relieved.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Pais flew in, landed on the coffee table in front of Lien, and stretched out his little paws.

Lien looked at Pais who was squinting at him. He didn't know that Pais was feeling a little uncomfortable when he saw him sitting here resting.

"Hell, you're an owl. You're here to deliver letters, not to enjoy yourself. Do you understand that?"

Rean took out the herbs he needed from Pais's anklet, then patted Pais' little head and opened a bag of nuts for Pais.

"You eat first, I'll go deal with the herbs."

With that said, Lien came to the potion refining room on the second floor.

"Intelligence Brain, activate the refining auxiliary function."

After saying that, various auxiliary lines appeared in front of Li En. And after Lien took out a herb from his pocket, threads of various colors appeared on the herb.

This is to assist in the processing of magic potions. Cutting according to various lines can maximize the processing of this herb.

For a whole afternoon, Li En was dealing with various herbs. At the beginning, I destroyed a lot of materials because I was not familiar with the auxiliary functions. But later on, the more I used it, the better it became, and the quality of the processed materials actually improved.

"Master, Zhinao recommends taking a rest immediately. You have been processing potions for three consecutive hours. Based on your accuracy and yield rate in the last half hour..."

"I see."

Just with Lien's words, the intelligent core stopped broadcasting.

"Is dinner ready?"

"Preparing, please take a short rest."

Lien listened, nodded, and then came to the living room.

On the coffee table, there were all kinds of fruit juices, and Lien even saw a few bottles of colorful wine.

These were all given to Li En after consumption. Based on the principle of not wasting, Li En accepted them all.

After all, no matter how common the things that can be given to the Archmage are, they are still good things that are out of reach for ordinary people.

Each of these fruits is carefully selected. And this bottle of wine is not simple either. Its main ingredient is dragon blood grass.

This is no ordinary dragon, but a dragon in a world where magical civilization has developed extremely brilliantly.

The only function of this wine is to make people feel comfortable and happy after drinking it. Other than that, there is no other use.

When he learned from Zhinao that the wine had only this effect, Lien felt a little sour.

What a luxury!

When Pais saw Lean coming, he flew to Lean's shoulder and rubbed Lean's face very closely.

"You foodie, if I don't give you nuts in the afternoon, will you stop being close to me?"


Pais shook his head and let out a cry.

Then, in order to change the subject, Pais took out the most recent issues of the Daily Prophet from his anklet.

"Let me see which official has recently accused Lockhart."

"Huh? Blake escaped from prison? It's already this time."

Rean looked at the disheveled, thin man in the newspaper and murmured.

"Hermione has the ice blue fox, so she won't buy Crookshanks, right? It's a pity that this is a pet that can distinguish animagus. I don't know which little wizard will be cheaper in the end."

Sighing, Li En, informed by Zhinao, came to the restaurant to enjoy dinner. Besides Lien's dinner, Zhinao was so considerate that he also prepared one for Pais.


Pais screamed happily a few times, to the effect that you are a good boy, and you have better eyesight than the guy who came before.

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