Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 185 A day on the mountaineering team

Rean looked at the group of explorers in front of him and nodded silently.

In fact, if they were ordinary wizards at this moment, they would have simply "forgotten everything" and modified their memories, and then left gracefully.

However, Lien did not do this, but wanted to see what this team would do.

"Hahaha, don't worry, we are about to go down to the snow-capped mountains. You can come with us." The leader became cheerful, walked over and patted Lien on the shoulder.

Li En looked at the reactions of the rest of the team, and no one had any objections.

It seems that the team leader has a lot of say in the team. Lien thought silently.

"Okay, let's put on the coat first. I keep this as a spare and only wear it once." The leader took out a warm-looking coat from his backpack and threw it on Lien.

Rean looked at the simple magic robe on his body, was silent for a moment, and put it on.

Before, Lien always thought that he was just a Muggle with magical powers, but he never thought that there was such a big gap between himself and the real Muggle.

Watching Lien put on his clothes, the team leader laughed twice, and then greeted the people behind him: "Let's walk faster, we will reach the next resting point in about half an hour, let's say hello then. "

Everyone nodded and followed the leader without saying a word.

Lean was placed in the middle of the team. In front of him was a young man with blond hair. His exact appearance was unknown because he was wearing goggles. Behind him was a woman with brown hair. When Lean came over, she gave him sunglasses.

Lean removed the magic vision. This place is already considered a Muggle activity area. It can be said that the traces of magic materials and magical animals have been cut off. There is no need to continue to waste magic power to maintain the magic vision.

There was no words all the way until they reached a flat ground. The leader waved his arms to everyone, and everyone suddenly sat down one by one like a deflated ball.

"Hello, my name is Frand Ally."

The blond man in front of Lean turned around and said hello to Lean.

"Ryan Zell."

Li En also said his name, and the two shook hands, and they were considered acquainted.

Then, everyone else in the team came over and said hello to Lean. At this time, Lean also made up a story about people living in the snow-capped mountains.

The woman following Lean was named Mina Off, the leader was Ben Brown, and he also had a partner, Aled Steven.

One of the two walked in the front, and the other walked in the back.

This mountaineering team is actually a tourism experience project. Except for Brown and Steven, the rest are tourists.

After resting for a while, everyone began to set up tents.

"Zel, my tent is quite big. You can sleep in the same tent with me today."

Steven said with a smile.

Rean nodded and walked over to help set up the tent.

But soon Lien became numb and didn't know what to do.

Don’t you just throw the tent out and set it up yourself?

Seeing Lean's embarrassment, Steven just smiled and didn't care. This tent of mine is a customized high-end product, and its construction requires a certain amount of skills. You will definitely not be able to set it up on your first try.

"Okay, Zell, help me hammer these nails into the ground."

Steven took out a few large nails and handed them to Ryan. And he himself was quickly tinkering with various parts, and soon a tent had what it should look like.

Everyone was busy for a while and quickly completed setting up the tent. Then Brown took out a portable gas stove and cooked a bowl of hot soup for everyone.

Steven gave Lean two pieces of compressed biscuits.

After dinner, everyone had no intention of sleeping and started talking to each other. Li En didn't say much, he just sat among the people and listened to their conversation.

Through their conversations, Lean knew that Brown, the team leader, had a perfect family, while Steven was divorced two years ago. The handsome blond boy Ai Li is a college student from a bad country, and there are two other girls who came after Ai Li.

From Li En's point of view, these two girls were both pretty, but the strange thing was that Eli ignored them.

But Lien didn't ask stupidly. It seemed that others didn't want to say anything, and asking would only make them annoying.

After chatting for a while, everyone felt sleepy. Today I walked on a mountain road for a day. When have the flowers in these greenhouses experienced this? If it weren't for the novelty of climbing snow-capped mountains, people would have started complaining long ago.

Lean walked to Steven's tent, lifted the tent curtain, and was stunned for a moment when he saw the small and enclosed space inside. But he soon realized that this was not a magic tent.

Sighing inwardly, Rean walked in.

Steven prepared a sleeping bag for Lean early.

These are all spares, just in case someone's things get damaged or lost, and to have a replacement. After all, these people are their sponsors and must be taken care of.

After Lean lay down in the sleeping bag, Steven came in and lay down too.

"Brown will stay for half the night, and I will stay for the rest of the night. Now, boy, go to bed quickly."

After Steven finished speaking, he snored loudly.

To be honest, Li En was really envious of the ability to fall asleep in seconds, but if the cost was such loud snoring, Na En thought it would be better to forget it.

After quietly casting a soundproof spell on himself, the annoying snoring disappeared from Lien's ears.

Slowly breathing a sigh of relief, Lien also fell into sleep.

Early the next morning, Lean was woken up by Steven.

"Okay, kid, let's leave early today. If we're lucky, we can have a delicious lunch at the foot of the mountain at noon."

Lean came out of the tent, and everyone was already dismantling the tent. As if they knew that they could reach the foot of the mountain in half a day, they began to talk and laugh.

Brown also had a smile on his face. He still had half a day to earn the money.

After packing up, everyone couldn't wait to set off. At almost one o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived at the small town at the foot of the mountain.

"Okay, kid, come on over here. If you need help, you can check out the police station in the center of town."

Steven patted Lean on the shoulder, then ran to Brown to share the money.

Lean looked at Steven's back, hooked his fingers slightly, and an inexplicable wave penetrated into the bodies of Steven and Brown.

"Disease Removal"

This spell can remove diseases from the human body, so it can be regarded as a thank you gift from Li En to them.

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