Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 182 Heading to the Ministry of Magic

But in the end, Lean didn't let Pais send the little fox over, but planned to go to the post office. There is also a post office in the magical world, and living animals can be sent. If you pay a little more, a wizard who is proficient in apparation can even send it there for you.

After Lien finished writing the letter, he didn't ask Pais to deliver it. He planned to go to the Ministry of Magic in Iceland tomorrow, and after collecting the reward for Snow Tiger, he would drop by the post office to mail it.

Pais has been flying around every day, so Lien decided to give him two days off.

After eating a little something, Lien sat on the chair and finished reading the last chapter.

After using the copying spell to copy down all the contents of the book, the Book of All Laws emitted a burst of light in the little fox's surprised eyes and changed into its original appearance.

Rean picked up the book and put it to his forehead. There was a flash of light and the book disappeared.

The little fox looked at all this in shock. Its little paws unconsciously pulled at the nest that Lien had just built for it. Its sharp beak grew slightly, revealing its pink little tongue.

Pais glanced at the little fox with disdain, wondering where this country bumpkin came from. He had never seen the world. As expected, Master Pais was still calm about things. I completely forgot that I was so surprised when I saw it for the first time.

After a night's rest, Rean set out on his way to the Ministry of Magic in Iceland.

This time I used Apparition to get there.

All wizards in Iceland live in one village, which can effectively prevent them from being attacked by snow tigers. The Ministry of Magic of Iceland is located in the center of this village.

It is said to be the Ministry of Magic, but in fact it is similar to the village committee. This is the conclusion Lien came to when standing in front of the Ministry of Magic.

The entire Ministry of Magic building looks exactly like an ordinary wizard's house, crooked and crooked. The broken door and narrow windows all reveal the embarrassment of the Icelandic Ministry of Magic.

Lean opened the door and walked in.

"Tsk, there aren't even two people on duty at the door."

Rean muttered, and then saw the internal structure clearly.

The first thing I saw was the receptionist. He was a wizard wearing gold-rimmed glasses, a slicked back hairdo, and shiny hair. He looked like he should be a Muggle wizard.

The reception counter looked a little shabby, and the registration book only had a few pieces of paper. A crystal lamp on the ceiling emits a soft light that shines on the floor, reflecting little bits of light.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

The wizard sitting at the front desk stood up and asked formulaically.

"Where can I claim Snow Tiger's bounty?"

As Lien spoke, he also took out a fang of a snow tiger and showed it.

"Welcome, welcome!" The wizard's voice became a little higher, "By the way, my name is El Nandez."

Nandez reached out and grabbed Lien's hand, shaking up and down excitedly.


As for being so excited, is the life of an Icelandic wizard so difficult?

Ryan was a little confused, and then glanced at Nandez strangely. This guy grabbed his hand just now and is still shaking it now.


"Ah, yes, there is a reward, right?"

Nandez's grip tightened.

"Please come with me and I will take you there."

Nandez ducked out from behind the counter, but his hand was still holding Lean's hand.

"Um, can you put your hands down?"

Lien spoke with some disgust. If it were a beautiful woman with a curvy front and back, maybe Lien could hold her for a while. It's a pity that he is not, and he is still a big man.

"Ah, sorry, sorry. It's just that there haven't been any cases of outside wizards hunting snow tigers for a long time, so it was a bit strange for a while."

Nandez let go of his hand and said excitedly. Suddenly, he discovered a blind spot.

"Well, I don't think I've seen you apply for entry before. If it's illegal immigration, although we will offer you a reward, we will force you to kill two snow tigers before we let you go."

"But now you've hunted one."

Nandez added quickly.

"Don't worry, I have the legal procedures."

With that said, Lien hung the International Adventure Association medal on his chest. Under the illumination of the light, the fist-shaped badge reflected the light flickeringly as Lien moved around.

"Um, what is this?"

Nandez had obviously never seen the International Adventure Association medal, so he was a little curious for a while as to what kind of badge could allow people to avoid being labeled as "smugglers."

Lien was silent for a moment. He finally knew what it meant to play the piano to a cow.

"Badges issued by the International Adventure Association allow you to enter and leave the country directly without applying for entry."

Lean sighed, but still explained to Nandez.

"Ah, so it's this. I've always heard of such a badge, but I've never seen it before."

Nandez scratched his head, his expression looking a little silly.

Lien looked at the elegantly dressed Nandez with a naive smile, and suddenly felt a little inconsistent. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally attributed it to the wizard's strange temper.

"I heard that President Dumbledore issued a badge some time ago. It should be this one, right?"

Nandez's voice came, his tone full of envy. but. Who wouldn’t envy such a badge that represents privilege?

"Ah, Nandez, what are you not doing here?"

While Lean and Nandez were chatting, a very unpleasant voice came in.

Lien looked up and saw a gentle-looking wizard with a slicked back hair and gold-rimmed glasses standing in front of him.

"I... I took Mr. Wei to collect... to collect the bounty from Snow Tiger."

Nandez looked so excited that he couldn't speak clearly.

The man in front of him frowned, then pushed up his glasses and said, "Okay, show him the way out, make a cup of coffee and send it to my office, and then just stay at the front desk. You know, leaving without permission Duty is not a good habit.”

"Yes, I understand."

Nandez's expression became more and more fanatical.

After saying that, the man with glasses left here with elegant steps, without even looking at Lien the whole time.

Lean suddenly felt unhappy and asked Nandez, "Who was that person just now?"

"That's Assistant Fernand. He just turned twenty this year and became the assistant to the Minister of Magic. He's really a genius. He is my idol. One day, I want to be like him."

Nandez said with admiration, his eyes full of yearning.

"By the way, you go forward and turn left. The second office is the office where you receive the bounty. Okay, I'm going to make coffee for Assistant Fernand."

After saying that, Nandez left here as fast as he could.

Lien looked at Nandez's back and couldn't help but shook his head. If he remembered correctly, it seemed that the Minister of Magic in Iceland also had the last name Fernand.

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