Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 167 Summer vacation is coming

After listening to Peeves' cry, Rean left the magic classroom where Peeves was imprisoned with a smile on his face. He wouldn't let Peeves out. This classroom looked like the handiwork of a certain professor, maybe it was really Professor Dumbledore's order.

"Hello? Hello? Are you still there?" Listening to the screams from Peeves behind him, Lien walked faster.

The rest of the journey did not encounter any accidents, and Rean arrived at the Slytherin common room smoothly.

The little snakes all went to bed. The blow they received today was indeed quite big.

Because they lost the Academy Cup last year, the little snakes worked extra hard this year, but they couldn't defeat Dumbledore's favoritism.

For the next month, Ryan and Hermione spent every day in the library. However, the little girl also knew that the day when Li En would travel was getting closer, so she later took the initiative to put down her books and accompany Li En around the school.

Several petrified children were also rescued by mature mandrakes, but they preferred to continue to be petrified until the final exam was completed.

But soon, a notice was posted.

The scores of the petrified little wizards in their final exams were automatically improved by one level. In other words, your real grade is an E, but your transcript will have an O.

Now even the little snakes were regretting why they were not the ones who were petrified before.

But no matter how regretful they were, the day of the final exam finally came, and the fifth grade students became nervous instantly.

Because after the final exam, there is the O.W.L.s exam.

"Haha, how's it going, Kes? Are you sure?"

Rean sat at the dining table and laughed unceremoniously as he looked at Kes, who was constantly shaking the spoon like the aunt in the cafeteria.

"Hell, why am I so nervous! Let me tell you, I'm not nervous at all. Really, not at all. I've reviewed so well, how can I be nervous?"

Kes said several times that he wasn't nervous, but his expression and actions had already given him away. When a spoon full of soup is delivered to your mouth, it is considered good if there is only one tenth left.

Beaver wasn't much better. If Juana hadn't comforted him occasionally, he might have been in such a panic now.

Time flies, and whether you like it or not, you still have to take the exam.

Hogwarts fell into a relaxed atmosphere after Chris and Beaver entered the examination room with a battlefield attitude and came out of the examination room happily.

It will take some time for the transcripts to be issued. There are no classes, no homework, and no exams during this period. It is really a good time to have fun.

Coupled with the fact that the school's corridors had been closed for such a long time, and then there were exams, the little wizards had already become frustrated and began to riot wildly in the castle.

It wasn't until the transcripts were sent to their hands that they calmed down their wild hearts and looked at their transcripts in frustration.

But they soon gave up on their transcripts because they needed to attend the last dinner of the semester.

The restaurant was decorated in red and gold today, with the Gryffindor flag flying in the sky.

The little lions walked into the restaurant with smiles on their faces, and then cheered at the courtyard flag on the ceiling. The little snakes had a straight face as soon as they came in and sat motionless on the dining table. No matter how loud the Gryffindor side cheered, they couldn't move them.

After finishing a dinner mechanically, the semester is over.

The students cheered, but soon turned into wails because of the holiday homework in their hands.

There are a lot of homework assignments during this year's holiday, which is more than double that of previous holidays. Perhaps the professors have realized the great power of homework.

This semester this year, due to the lockdown, professors assigned a large amount of homework to students. As a result, students' scores increased so much that professors couldn't believe it.

"Hell, why are there so many homeworks?" Kes was lying on the sofa in the common room, exuding an aura of decadence.

"I originally planned to take the members of the mutual aid association to start some side business, but now it seems that is unlikely."

Beaver also said sadly.

The side job he mentioned was the next reason to go out and date Juana.

"Look at my homework sheet." Rean handed over his homework sheet, his tone full of temptation.

Kes and Beaver took it in confusion, looked at the homework list, then looked at Ryan, and said with idiotic expressions on their faces: "Isn't this double?"

Lean took the homework list from their hands, then tore it into pieces in front of them, and finally threw it into the sky.

The piece of paper fell slowly, landing on the astonished faces of Chris and Beaver.

"Cool!" Kes said blankly.

"But what about your summer homework? You didn't finish it when school started, but..."

Beaver looked at Lean's proud smile and closed his mouth.

"Okay, good night, everyone, I'm going to bed."

Lean turned around, waved his hand and returned to his dormitory.

Although Li En will not come to school next year, because he is on leave of absence, this dormitory will still be reserved for him until the time expires or Li En completes the withdrawal procedures.

The next day, Lean and Hermione took a train back to London. The little girl was not in high spirits and huddled in Lien's arms the whole time.

However, with Lean's constant assurances, the little girl finally let go of Lean's hand, waved to him, and walked through the stone wall back to King's Cross Station.

Lien went to the three brothers' cabin, preparing to receive the latest information and give instructions on the work for the next year.

"Are you saying that the Corey family plans to attack a small gold mine owned by the Orr family recently?" Lean asked, looking at Richie who was kneeling in front of him.

"Yes, the secret method given by the master is too powerful, so the Corey family's strength has expanded greatly now, but..."

"But what?"

"It's just that they are a little bit..." Richie glanced at Lean and said hesitantly, "Something is not normal."

"No need to worry, this is a normal situation." Rean patted Rich on the shoulder, and after asking the three brothers to pay more attention to the Corey family, he left the three brothers' house.

He is very satisfied with the development of the Corey family, and the fruits are expected to be harvested soon.

Next, he went back to his cabin in the woods, where he still had a pudding to arrange.

After Pudding heard about Li En's plan, he originally planned to follow Li En and serve him.

But later on, under Lean's suggestion, Pudding decided to live on the plantation and come back every Sunday to clean the cabin in the forest.

The adventure begins tomorrow

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