Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 162 Introduction

Hermione was silent for a moment and nodded in frustration. After being in contact with Lean for so long, she gradually understood what kind of person Lean was.

Stubborn, outspoken, erudite, powerful, etc., so when Lean said he would take a break from school on the train, she had guessed that such a day would come.

In fact, even when Yorian came to the library to discuss course selection, the little girl hesitated for a long time before making up her mind.

Because Hermione knew that Rean did not need to choose classes.

"Haha, you are here!" An old but hearty voice sounded, attracting the attention of Lean and Hermione.

"Ah, hello, Mr. Bucklin."

Rean said hello to a ghost that jumped out of the bookshelf.

"Hello, Lean. It's course selection season again, and I thought I could help you a little. You know, I've lived a long time."

"Sorry, Mr. Bucklin, I have applied for a leave of absence."

Mr. Bucklin was obviously stunned for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Are they the Slytherin guys?"

"No, Mr. Bucklin, it's my own choice." Lean said to Bucklin with a smile.

"What about you, Granger?" Bucklin turned his attention to Hermione next to Lean.

"Mr. Bucklin, I intend to choose them all." Hermione. Said confidently.

"This is not a good choice, Granger. The course will be very stressful, and to some extent, it will damage your life. To be honest, it is really unnecessary." Mr. Bucklin dissuaded.

"Wait, damaging lifespan?" Hermione was a little surprised.

The little girl didn't understand why taking more classes would be related to her life.

"It should be a time turner." Rean mentioned at the side.

"You actually know?" Bucklin glanced at Lean in surprise, "Those people at the Ministry of Magic value the Time Turner more than their own lives, and generally don't let others know."

"But don't worry, as long as the professors are willing to write reports for you, it is still possible to get a time turner. With your results Granger, I think Professor McGonagall will be very happy. But then again, Gryffindor Over the years, there have been several students who have obtained twelve certificates, but not a single one from Ravenclaw."

Bucklin smiled and said.

"But what does this have to do with my course selection?" Hermione still didn't understand.

"The class times of some courses overlap, so we have to use a time converter to allow you to go back to the past and take classes, but you cannot change history!"

When Bucklin saw Hermione's face turn happy, he immediately understood the little girl's thoughts and immediately gave a serious warning.

"Let's talk about these things after you decide to choose the twelve courses. If you choose, Professor McGonagall will explain it to you; if you don't choose, you don't need to know. Sometimes, knowing too much is not a problem. A good thing."

Bucklin continued, completely breaking Hermione's mind.

"To be honest, I don't recommend you to take the Divination class. Although Trelawney has the blood of a diviner, it is obvious that she cannot control it, so now she is just cheating and drinking at Hogwarts." Bucklin said.

"Cough cough cough." Lean coughed twice. He didn't expect Mr. Bucklin to say so boldly.

"What? I'm already a ghost, and ghosts can't die." Mr. Bucklin stood up straight and said without fear, "So what if she hears it? She can still kill me."

Lean and Hermione looked at each other and saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes. Both of them saw that Mr. Bucklin was pretending, so they didn't have the nerve to expose him.

Lean once asked Bloody Barrow about Bucklin. In Barrow's words: "Bucklin was an extremely introverted young man when he was young. After he became a ghost, he always liked someone. People wander.”

"You can choose Care of Magical Creatures, but I heard that Professor Kettleburn, who is in charge of this course, plans to retire this year. I don't know who will teach you next year."

"Speaking of which, Professor Kettleburn is also a wonderful person. Over the years, Kettleburn is the only person who has been under investigation for decades, so much so that he is about to retire now and has not been able to become a full-time employee. "

Mr. Bucklin kept saying some information about the professor who chose the course.

"Hermione, does Gryffindor organize a meeting to introduce course selection?" Lean asked with concern.

"Not really," Hermione said with a sigh.

The little lions of Gryffindor all get together and then ask their seniors. But Hermione's popularity in the academy was not good and she had no friends at all. This kind of thing was immediately excluded.

"Okay, Slytherin will have an introduction meeting in the evening, and I will take notes." Rean said with a smile.

"Thank you, Lean," Hermione said, blushing.

"Well, um, I remembered that Nico said he wanted to see me for something, so I went over first." Mr. Bucklin coughed, and then quickly got into the bookshelf and disappeared.

"But I still choose them all." Hermione looked at Lean firmly.

She also has her own arrogance, and no matter how much Lien tries to dissuade her, she will still choose all the courses.

"Okay, but I will still take notes. At least I can get some information about the professor."


After the chat, Hermione took out the course selection list, put a check mark in front of each course, and then solemnly put it in her notebook.

Then, after reading for a while, the two went to the restaurant to have dinner.

Although it is understood that the murderer is a basilisk, it has not been caught yet, so the ban on corridors has not been lifted. The little wizards can still only walk on the main roads, especially the stairs. There is only one staircase between each floor for going up and down. .

"Why are there so many people today?" Hermione asked in surprise as she looked at the flow of people in front of her.

"The little wizards must have gathered around the senior students to ask about course selection, so they blocked the road."

Rean said calmly that he had seen how pitted the stairs at Hogwarts were in the past two years.

Now that there are so many people here, it's normal for one or two unlucky ones to trigger the mechanism and get stuck.

Fortunately, the library is only on the second floor, so after the unlucky guy in front pulled his feet out of the stairs, the passage was restored.

The restaurant was still busy today, with the little wizards discussing crazily about course selection. The children were a little overwhelmed by the ban on the corridors. Finally, they encountered an interesting thing, and naturally they had to discuss it carefully.

However, towards the end of dinner, bad news came.

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